
보도 자료 (2011~2022)









  事実、価値ともに一見面白そうではあるのですが、実際に試合をしてみると、事実論題は相当な専門性が必要なこと、価値論題は言葉の定義、  価値観に左右されやすく、試合としては難しい展開が予想されます。それに加え、政策論題は論点がはっきりしており、取り掛かりやすい論題と




















(日本)全国教室ディベート連盟 ディベート甲子園 1996~

主催:読売新聞社、全国教室ディベート連盟 <http://nade.jp/koshien/





2016年「日本は地方公共団体の首長の多選を禁止すべきである。是か非か 」




2020年 ※大会中止












2020年 ※大会中止





主催:全国高校英語ディベート連盟(HEnDA) <http://henda.global/

2006年 Japan should make English its second official language. 

2007年 All elementary and secondary schools in Japan should have classes on Saturdays.
2008年 Japan should lower the age of adulthood to 18.
2009年 The Japanese Government should prohibit worker dispatching.
2010年 Japan should significantly relax its immigration policies.
2011年 Japan should abolish capital punishment.
2012年 Japanese universities should start their academic year in September.
2013年 The Japanese government should remove the tariff on rice imports.
2014年 The Japanese government should abolish nuclear power plants.

2015年 Japan should contribute more actively to the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations by relaxing its restrictions

     for the Self-Defense Forces.


2016年 The Japanese government should adopt a social security system that provides a basic income to all Japanese citizens.


2017年 That Japan should significantly relax its immigration policies.


2018年 That Japan should legalize voluntary active euthanasia.


2019年 That the Japanese government should limit the weekly maximum average working hours, including overtime, to 48 hours. (following the E.U.)


2020年 That the Japanese Government should ban production and sales of fossil-fueled cars, including hybrid cars, by 2035.


2021年 That the Japanese Government should relocate the capital functions out of Tokyo.


2022年 That the Japanese Government should abolish the mandatory retirement age systems.


2023年 That the Japanese government should legalize gestational surrogacy. 


2024年 That the Japanese government should abolish all nuclear power plants in Japan. 



(日本)JDA(日本ディベート協会)推薦論題日本語 1995~ http://japan-debate-association.org/


2005年秋「日本政府は, 代理出産または着床前診断を実施するために必要な法的枠組みを 整備すべきである」
2006年春「日本政府は, 弾道ミサイル防衛システムの導入及び開発を一切放棄すべきである」


















(日本)NAFA(全日本英語討論協会) 2012~ (~2011年は上記のJDA論題を採用)http://www.nafadebate.org/

































​ 夏合宿



















































韓国韓国大学生日本語ディベート大会 2012年~

主催 :在大韓民国日本国大使館公報文化院、在釜山日本国総領事館、釜山日本人会、







2020年 大会中止



(韓国)YTN·HUFS English Debating CHAMPIONSHIP 2010年~

主催 :YTN、韓国外国語大学、 後援:外交部、KOTRA




 予選1 [Family] This House supports programs that allow parents to monitor and control their child's iinternet record and usage(e.g. Xkeeper, Google Family Link, etc.). 

 予選2 [Relationship] This House opposes the emphasis on sacrifice within love. 

 予選3 [Criminal Justice System] This House would not consider 'chance of rehabiliation' as a mitigating factor in criminal trials. 

 本選1 [Education] This House prefers that the elementary school curriculum prioritizes developing the moral personality of students(e.g. civics, ethics) rather than academic development(e.g. math, science). 

​ 本選2 [Politics] This House, as South Korea would develop nuclear weapons. 

 本選3 [Art] This House regrets the rise of AI-generated arts.  

 本選4 [Social Movement] This House believes that the social movement supporting racial minority rights should emphasize the unique struggles rather than emphasizing commonalities between racial majority and minority groups.


 予選1 [Education] THBT vacation homework does more harm than good. 

 予選2 [Crime and Punishment] THW not punish Jean Valjean. 

 予選3 [Environment] THW ban ownership of cars in cities. 

 本選1 [Health] THW ban individuals, who are not professionals, from posting about health.

(e.g. making a diagnosis, sharing information on dieting, nutrition, etc.) 

 本選2 [Democracy] TH prefers a rotation system to class president elections. 

 本選3 [Multiculturalism] THBT television talk shows with a foreign panel 

 本選4 [Science] World War 3 has happened. 

 EFL1 [Art and Culture] THW legalize all forms of graffiti. 

 EFL2 [Science] Assuming it is possible, THW allow parents to

choose the genetic make-up of the baby. 


 予選1 [Education] THBT Disabled Children Should be Enrolled in Special Schools for the Disabled Instead of Ordinary Schools with Special Needs Programs 

 予選2 [Ethics] (You are the teacher of a class that has been having incidents of bullying. In your counselling sessions with students suspected of being bullies, you are successful in getting them to agree to a proposal where they would not bully their classmates anymore. However, they would only be willing to do so if they were to escape any punishment from you or the school.)

TH, as the Teacher, Would Accept Their Proposal. 

 予選3 [Media] THW hold Online Broadcasting Platforms (e.g. afreeca TV) to the Same Program Content Regulations Standards (i.e. language or content that are violent, sexual, profane, discriminatory, illegal, etc.) as Those Applied to Traditional Broadcast Media 

 本選1 [Culture] (Info-slide: Bullfighting is a traditional event that generally includes human attempting to overpower, suppress or kill a bull. This has been defined as a cultural event for a long history over the globe including Spain, Portugal, Latin America, etc.)

THW Abolish Bullfighting Events 

 本選2 [History] THBT Films that Deal with Historical Events Do More Harm than Good for History Education 

 本選3 [Society] Info-slide: The Shutdown Law in South Korea blocks access to playing online video games from 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. It specifically targets minors who are under 16 years old.

THW Abolish the “Shutdown Law” 

 本選4 [Science] Assuming Feasibility, THW Permit Individuals to Take Pills that Permanently Erase Selected Portions of Their Memory. 


 予選1 [Family] THW mandate parenting license 

 予選2 [Arts and Culture] THBT K-Pop idols have done more harm than good 

 予選3 [Education] THW implement after-school self-study(자습시간) in primary education 

 本選1 [Public Policy] THW make public transportation free 

 本選2 [Media] THBT news outlets should not censor the appearance of all criminals 

 本選3 [Criminal Justice System] THW legalize recreational drugs in Korea 

 本選4 [Science and Technology] Assuming that the technology exists, THW choose to live forever at one's prime age 


 予選1 [Education THR the glorification of higher education 

 予選2 [Family and Society THR emphasizing the concept of filial piety (concept of ‘효) 

 予選3 [Media THW ban TV programs of celebrities raising their children(i.e The Return of Superman, Oh! My Baby etc.) 

 本選1 [Public Policy THW take away the voting rights of delinquent taxpayers 

 本選2 [Arts and Culture THW free all captured Pokemon 

 本選3 [Social Movements TH regrets portraying the lives of people with disabilities as inspirational 

 本選4 [Science and Technology THBT scientific community should seek to reverse the destruction of the environment rather than attempt a sustainable from of development 


 予選1 [Culture and Media] THW ban child actors/actresses 

 予選2 [Minority] THBT international charities should not be allowed to use graphic images of suffering in their fundraising and advocacy campaigns 

 予選3 [Korean Politics] THW lower the voting age to 15 

 本選1 [Animal Rights] THW ban the ownership of large vicious dogs 

 本選2 [Education] THBT the Korean government should equally distribute resources to all public schools. 

 本選3 [Health - COVID 19] THBT contact tracing method in tackling COVID-19 does more harm than good 

 本選4 [Morality] THBT the narrative that failure is the best teacher has done more harm than good 


 予選1 [Culture] THBT the winners of the most prestigious arts awards (for example the Oscars) should be decided by a public vote instead of a special screening committee 

 予選2 [Criminal Justice System] THW allow prisoners to raise children in prison 

 予選3 [Media] THS the rise of Social Networking Sites (SNS) as a primary source of news. 

 本選1 [Morality & Ethics] THBT honesty is the best policy 

 本選2 [Technology] THW lift patents on eco-friendly technologies 

 本選3 [Politics] THBT countries should not intervene in foreign coup d'etat or political uprisings 

 本選4 [Minorities] THBT activists who break the law while fighting for their cause are justified 


 予選1 [Criminal Justice] This house would not allow employers to have access to criminal records of prisoners who finished their sentence 

 予選2 [Media] THBT activist movements should embrace cancel culture as a tool to promote social change 

 予選3 [Education] This House Believes that schools should heavily de-emphasize the value of academic excellence 

 本選1 [Family] This house prefers a world where adults take in their elderly parents rather than support them to live separately 

 本選2 [Science and Technology] This House believes that it is in the interest of human race to extensively explore space. 

 本選3 [Morality] This House supports the use of fear to instill values in children 

 本選4 [Environment] This House believes that environmentalists should emphasize blaming large companies for environment degradation, as opposed to focusing on individual responsibility 


 予選1 [Criminal Justice] Instead of serving their sentence in prison, This House believes that prisoners should be allowed to enlist in the military for an equal amount of time. 

 予選2 [Education] This House prefers pass or fail evaluation rather than merit grading system in elementary school. 

 予選3 [Environment] This House believes that environmental movements should focus on changing the behavior of companies rather than individuals. 

 本選1 [Social Movement] This House, as leaders of marginalized minority groups, would emphasize greater social integration at the expense of preserving traditional culture. 

 本選2 [Family] This House regrets the predominant narrative that parents should sacrifice for their children. 

 本選3 [Business] This House believes that companies of developing countries should prioritize supporting their local communities over expanding globally. 

 本選4 [Philosophy] This House prefers to keep personal experiences and thoughts closed and private rather than having them open and public.mpanies for environment degradation, as opposed to focusing on individual responsibility. 

 予選1 [Family] This House supports programs that allow parents to monitor and control their child's iinternet record and usage(e.g. Xkeeper, Google Family Link, etc.). 

 予選2 [Relationship] This House opposes the emphasis on sacrifice within love. 

 予選3 [Criminal Justice System] This House would not consider 'chance of rehabiliation' as a mitigating factor in criminal trials. 

 本選1 [Education] This House prefers that the elementary school curriculum prioritizes developing the moral personality of students(e.g. civics, ethics) rather than academic development(e.g. math, science). 

 本選2 [Politics] This House, as South Korea would develop nuclear weapons. 

 本選3 [Art] This House regrets the rise of AI-generated arts. 

 本選4 [Social Movement] This House believes that the social movement supporting racial minority rights should emphasize the unique struggles rather than emphasizing commonalities between racial majority and minority groups. 










 予選1 [Sports]

 ㆍTHW ban betting on sporting events

 ㆍTH regrets the strategy of boycotting international sporting events as an act of political protest

 ㆍTH regrets countries importing athletes to win Olympic medals 

 予選2  [Law and Order]

ㆍTHW make house arrest the default method of imprisonment

ㆍTHW remove all diplomatic immunities

ㆍTHW televise criminal trials 

 予選3 準備型討論 [Urban Development THW ban parking lots in megacities 

 予選4 [Education]

ㆍTHW require all religious schools to teach atheism

ㆍTHW require all schools to teach that secular laws are superior to religious laws

ㆍTHW remove mandatory community service as a requirement for graduation 

 予選5 [Religion]

ㆍTHW ban all donations to religious institutions

ㆍTHW ban religious charities from proselytizing in the developing world

ㆍTH prefers a world with one religion 

 ベスト16 [International Relations]

ㆍOil has done more harm than good in the Middle East

ㆍTHR the rise of virtual currencies

ㆍTHBT the Moon administration should call a referendum on THAAD missile system 

 ベスト8 [Gender]

ㆍIn South Korea, THBT women should serve in the armed forces

ㆍTH supports the sexualization of male athletes

ㆍAs parent of an LGBTQ child, THW encourage the child to prioritize being themselves despite continued bullying 

 準決勝 [Public Policy]

ㆍTH supports controversial and offensive art

ㆍTHW give amnesty to illegal immigrants who have spent a significant time in the country

ㆍTHBT populism does more harm than good 

 決勝 [Health and Human Rights] THW sanction countries with travel restriction against persons

  infected with HIV/AIDS 

 EFLベスト16 [Economy]

ㆍTHW abolish the minimum wage

ㆍTHW ban pay secrecy policies at work

ㆍTH supports domestic agricultural protectionism 

 EFL決勝 [Health] THW allow schools to deny admission to unvaccinated children 


 予選1 [Society]

 1. Assuming technology exists that can identify the most optimal profession for individuals in the society, THBT governments should use this technology and designate career paths for their citizens instead of letting them choose

 2. THW allow citizens to opt-out of welfare services, in return for an equivalent sum of cash

 3. THR the prevalence of happy endings in children stories 

 予選2 [Politics]

 1. In post-colonial societies, THR the portrayal of imperial powers as absolutely evil

 2. THW make the weight of votes proportionate to a person’s expected remaining lifespan

 3. TH regrets politicians resigning for incidents that they did not have direct responsibility over 

 予選3 準備型討論 [Public Policy] THBT the introduction of the Social Credit System in China is justified 

 予選4 [Education]

 1. In developing nations, THBT it is justified for parents not to send their children to schools

 2. THW transfer public school teachers with best performance to underperforming schools

 3. THR the dominant narrative that anyone can succeed through hard work regardless of their background 

 予選5 [Media]

 1. THBT Marvel comics should re-boot Captain America as homosexual

 2. You are a director who plans to create a biographic film about Hitler that portrays his youth in a sentimental and humanized way. There are massive outbursts of protests. TH, as the director, would make the film

 3. THBT one-person media platforms have done more harm than good 

 ベスト16 [Law & Order]

 1. THW allow political crimes to be pardoned by national referendum 

 2. THW abolish juvenile law for henious crimes

 3. In cases of divorce, THW allow children to choose the custodial parent regardless of their age 

 ベスト8 [IR]

 1. TH supports the tightening of asylum laws in South Korea

 2. TH welcomes the militarization of People's Republic of China

 3. Assuming the feasibility of Complete, Verifiable, Irreversible Denuclearization (CVID) of North Korea, TH, as the U.S., would withdraw its military presence from South Korea 

 準決勝 [Social Movements]

 1. THW prohibit minority groups from being portrayed as antagonists in fictional media

 2. TH regrets the rise of the'Fat Pride Movement'

 3. TH, as a feminist woman, would not make any cosmetic changes to her appearances, such as but not limited to make-up, shaving, and plastic surgery 

 決勝 [Science and Technology]

 THW ban research that seeks to attribute the causes of climate change to non-human sources 

 EFLベスト16 [Ethics]

 1. You are a freedom fighter under a cruel authoritarian regime. You are at a public ceremony where the dictator of your nation made a very rare public appearance. You have a bomb with a high likelihood of killing the dictator, but also of causing immense civilian casualties at the event. THW throw the bomb. 

 2. THW criminalize individuals who fail to render reasonable assistance to those in emergency situations

 3. THW allow children who have reached the age of majority to sue their parents for religious indoctrination 

 EFL決勝 [Science and Technology] TH supports the creation of donor siblings 


 予選1 [Family] TH, as a person who is married and can have children, would choose not to give birth. 

 予選2 [Economics] THW impose a maximum wage. 

 予選3 準備型討論 [Culture] THW mandate movies to pass the Bechdel Test in order to be shown in movie theaters. 

 予選4 [Literature] THW not punish people like Jean Valjean. 

 予選5 [Politics] TH, as a conservative voter in South Korea, would continue to support sanctions on North Korea rather than peace talks. 

 ベスト16 [Criminal Justice System]

 · THW revoke the medical license of doctors convicted of sex crimes.

 · THBT prison should only focus on retribution rather than rehabilitation.

 · Assuming feasibility, liberal democracies should universalize their criminal justice system. 

 ベスト8 [Environment]

 · THBT exaggerating the impacts of climate change in order to compel people to act is justified.

 · THW allow individuals to sue governments for environmental problems (pollution, global warming, etc.)

 · THS Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. 

 準決勝 [International Relations]

 · THS politically motivated boycotts against foreign companies.

 · THBT international conventions on the environment should set unrealistic goals rather than achievable goals.

 · THW get rid of all foreign aid. 

 決勝 [Philosophy]

 · A sacred being informs you that requirements for going to heaven and hell have been swapped. THW do evil.

 · THW go in the pleasure machine.

 · In a world where all people only speak the truth and you are the only one capable of lying, THW choose to only speak the truth.
 EFLベスト16 [Law]

 · THW legalize assisted suicide in South Korea.

 · THW legalize commercial use of drugs in South Korea.

 · THW allow Korean presidents to run for second terms. 

 EFLベスト8 [Education]

 · THBT schools should teach children about the value of disobeying authority.

 · THW teach children that communitarianism is more valuable than individualism.

 · THBT developing nations should prioritize educating children who show potential rather than educating everyone equally. 

 準決勝 [Media]

 · THBT the decline of gatekeeping media institutions does more harm than good.

 · THBT breach of journalistic ethics should be criminally liable.

 · During the time of election, THBT media news outlets should openly proclaim their political support for candidates. 

 決勝 [Social Policy]

 · THW grant military exemption to individuals who have contributed to national prestige.

 · TH celebrates the proclamation of game addiction as a mental disease.

 · THBT South Korea should try to attract more immigrants rather than try to increase the birth rate. 


 予選1 [Education] THBT all graduates of public universities should go through a mandatory community services for 3 years upon getting their degree 

 予選2 [Politics] THW postpone elections in countries with high COVID-19 numbers 

 予選3 [Family and Society] TH prefers a borderless world 

 予選4 [Art and Entertainment] THBT queerbaiting in the entertainment industry does more harm than good 

 ベスト16 [Minority] THR the narrative that women can have it all. 

 ベスト8 [Criminal Justice System] THW decriminalize "victimless crimes" 

 準決勝 [Social Media] THW ban content moderators from signing confidentiality agreements 

 決勝 [Morality and Ethics] TH regrets the emphasis on the effortful restraint of one’s impulses 


 予選1 [Politics] THBT young politicians (in their 20s) do more harm than good 

 予選2 [Education] THBT the Korean government should retract the plan regarding special purpose high schools (특목고) 

 予選3 [CJS] In areas with high crime rates, THW allow the residents to vote for an alternative private security agency to replace the police 

 予選4 [Media / Art] THR the glorification of the corporate slave in popular media (i.e. 스타트업, Supergirl, Devil Wears Prada, The Office) 

 ベスト16 [IR] TH celebrates the expanding involvement of China in security and economic cooperation in Africa 

 ベスト8 [Minorities] TH regrets the dominance of can-do culture 

 準決勝 [Econ / Business] In times of unusually high unemployment, THW temporarily and significantly relax minimum labour standards (ex. minimum wage, working hour restrictions etc.) 

 決勝 [Philosophy] Assuming the technology exists, THW get rid of depression 


 予選1 [Media] This house regrets the glorification of successful college dropouts in popular media. 

 予選2 [Economy] This house believes that resource-rich developing countries should nationalize all resource extraction companies. 

 予選3 [Environment] This house believes that environmentalist groups should prioritize advocating for the "mitigation efforts" of climate change rather than campaigning for "adaptation efforts". 

 予選4 [Society] This house regrets the rise of "philanthrocapitalism" 

 ベスト16 [Philosophy] This house opposes the FIRE movement. 

 ベスト8 [Feminism] This house, as a feminist historian, would prioritize uncovering female contributions in historical events (e.g. independence movement, nation building, etc.) rather than investigating past sufferings of women (e.g. dictatorial oppression, patriarchal norms in history, etc.) 

 準決勝 [Criminal Justice System] For the purpose of this debate, "criminal liability" refers to a legal responsibility imposed on someone for breaking the criminal law. 

 決勝 [Politics] This house prefers "political outrage" as a norm over "political civility". 


 予選1 [Education] This House Would actively encourage students to use AI-based tools (e.g. chat gpt) in school assignments. 

 予選2 [Society] This House Believes That South Korean government should heavily invest in attracting more immigrants rather than increasing national birth rate. 

 予選3 [Culture] This House believes that the increasing trend of defining an individual's personality based on one's MBTI does more harm than good. 

 予選4 [Business] This House, as Disney, regrets casting a black actress as Ariel in 'The Little Mermaid' 

 ベスト16 [Criminal Justice System] This House Would significantly increase the punishment on false accusation of victim reported crimes(sexual harassment, child abuse, etc,.) 

 ベスト8 [Sports] This House would allow athletes to express their political beliefs in international sport events. 

 準決勝 [Economy] This House, as the United States, would abolish federal subminimum wage. 

 決勝 [Philosophy] This House prefers a world where individuals percieve themselves according to the 'Law of Jante' as opposed to being special and distinctive. 












 予選1 [Media]

 1. TH supports the art industry removing works of creators accused of sexual misconduct from the public domain 

 2. THBT progressive public forums should actively recruit controversial and/or socially regressive speakers, even if they spark public outrage 

 3. TH regrets the rise of 'citizen journalism'  

 予選2 [Minorities]

 1.THBT minority groups in democracies should form independent political parties instead of joining dominant political parties

 2. THW pardon prosecuted child soldiers 

 3. You are an African-American feminist actress. A famous director offers you a leading role in a movie with many scenes that explicity sexualize women. TH, as the actress, would take the role  

 予選3 準備型討論 [Public Policy] THBT the introduction of the Social Credit System in China is justified 

 予選4 [Law & Order]

 1.THW ban solitary confinement as a punishment in prisons

 2. THS the development and use of Lethal Autonomous Robots

 3. In societies with heavy internal conflicts and political divide, THBT it is justified for the state to secretively create a common enemy to unite the country 

 予選5 [Economy]

 1. In developing countries, THW implement strong worker protection laws, even at the expense of economic growth 

 2. THBT a portion of the Board of Directors in corporations should be voted in by the employees

 3. TH supports a world without any trade barriers (e.g. tariffs, quotas, subsidies) 

 ベスト16 [Education]

 1. THBT the state should porportionately subsidize (e.g. scholarship and funding) university courses according to the employability of their graduates

 2. TH regrets the idolization of people considered to be "geniuses"

 3. THW abolish the KSAT and implement a 100% Susi admission System 

 ベスト8 [History & Culture]

 1. TH regrets the outrage against cultural appropriation

 2. TH regrets the development of mass tourism at World Heritage Sites

 3. THBT South Korea should teach students the full extent of South Korean troops' wrongdoings in Vietnam War  

 準決勝 [International Relations]

 1. THBT Israel should exempt its citizens, who morally oppose the occupation of Palestine, from military duty 

 2. TH regrets Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

 3. TH supports Tibetan monks commiting self-immolation as a sign of protest against China 

 決勝 [Science and Technology] THW ban research that seeks to attribute the causes of climate change to non-human sources 

 EFL決勝 [Science and Technology] THW abandon planet Earth and live in clean and sustainable Planet X 

(韓国)全国大学生討論大会 2005年~2017年

(韓国)大韓民国開かれた討論大会 2018年~

(韓国)全国高校生討論大会 2017年~

主催 :中央選挙管理委員会


2005年 "법인.단체의 정치자금 기부를 허용하여야 한다"
2006年 "기초자치단체 선거에 정당공천제를 폐지하여야 한다"
2007年 "인터넷선거운동은 상시 허용되어야 한다"
2008年 ベスト16・8 "군 모병제를 실시하여야 한다"
     準決勝・決勝 "투표불참자에게 불이익을 주어야 한다"
2009年 予選 "지구당제도는 부활하여야 한다"
     本選 "공직선서의 사전선거운동금지제도는 폐지하여야 한다"
2010年 "현행 국회의원 선거구제는 바뀌어야 한다"
2011年 "현행 국회의원선거에 석패율 제도를 도입하여야 한다"
2012年 "현행 대통령선거에 결선투표제를 도입하여야 한다"
2013年 予選 "현행 대통령선거에 결선투표제를 도입하여야 한다"
      ベスト8まで "선거방송토론위원회 주관 후보자토론회에 양자토론제를 도입해야 한다"
      準決勝 "현행 국회의원 정수를 축소해야 한다"
      決勝 "선거방송토론위원회 주관 후보자토론회에 양자토론제를 도입해야 한다"

2014年 "다른 선거 출마를 위해 사퇴한 자에게 그 보궐선거 관리비용을 부담시켜야 한다"
              "정당 지지도나 당선인을 예상하게 하는 여론조사 결과 공표를 상시 허용하여야 한다"

2015年 予選 "선거권 연령, 만18세이상으로 확대하여야 한다."

     本選 "완전국민경선제(오픈 프라이머리)를 도입하여야 한다"

2016年 予選 "징벌적 손해배상 제도를 도입해야 한다."

     本選 "여론조사를 통한 공직선거 후보자 공천은 배제해야 한다."

2017年 予選 "기본소득제를 도입하여햐 한다."

     本選 "국회의원의 국민소환제를 도입하여야 한다."

           (高校生の部) "국민발안제를 도입하여야 한다."

2018年 大学生の部

      予選 ・準決勝 "공직선거에 온라인투표를 도입하여야 한다."

      本選・決勝 "공직선거에 의무투표제를 도입하여야 한다."


      本選 "대학입시에서 수능위주 전형 비율을현행보다 확대하여야 한다."

2019年 大学生の部

      予選 ・準決勝 "형사 미성년자의 나이를 하향하여야 한다."

      本選・決勝 "선거운동은 상시 허용하여야 한다."


      本選 "게임중독을 질병으로 지정하여야 한다."

2020年 大学生の部

      予選 ・準決勝 "민주시민교육을 법정 의무교육으로 지정하여야 한다."

      本選・決勝 "국회의원 연임 횟수를 제한하여야 한다."


      本選・決勝 "코로나19 이후에도 등교수업과 온라인수업을 병행하여야 한다."

2021年 大学生の部

      予選・本選 "공공기관의 지역인재 채용 제도를 확대하여야 한다."

      準決勝・決勝 "대통령선거의 피선거권 연령을 25세로 하향하여야한다."


      予選・本選 "코로나19로 인한 다중이용시설 운영시간 제한을 폐지하여야 한다."

      準決勝・決勝 "정당 가입 가능 연령을 16세로 하향하여야 한다."

2022年 大学生の部

      予選 "정당의 중앙당 소재지를 대한민국 전역으로 확대하여야 한다."

      16強~決勝 "국회의원 연임 횟수를 3회로 제한하여야 한다."


      予選 "초·중등학교 교원의 정당 가입을 허용하여야 한다."

      16強~決勝 "교육감선거 선거권 연령을 16세로 하향하여야 한다."

2023年 大学生の部
     선거에 관한 여론조사 결과 공표를 상시 허용하여야 하는가? 

     선거운동 가능 연령 16세로 하향하여야 하는가? 

(韓国)テグ広域市高校生討論大会 2011年~

主催 : 대구광역시선거관리위원회
主管 : 대구광역시선거방송토론위원회


2011年 "투표불참자에게 불이익을 주어야 한다"
2012年 予選リーグ "청소년의 학교내 휴대폰 사용은 규제되어야 한다"
      ベスト8~決勝 "선거권자의 연령은 18세 이상으로 바뀌어야 한다"

"명문대 진학은 성공을 위해 반드시 필요하다"2013年 予選リーグ 

             ベスト8~決勝  "기초자치단체선거에서 정당공천은 페지되어햐 한다​"

2014年 予選リーグ "소득기준에 따른 부양의무제를 폐지해야 한다"

             ベスト8~決勝  "​생애 최초 투표시 의무투표제도를 도입해야 한다"

2015年   ベスト32 "직업의 제1선택 기준은 돈이다."

             ベスト16~決勝  "현행 국회의원 정수를 늘려야 한다."

2016年 ベスト32   "학생부 종합전형은 축소 또는 폐지되어야 한다."

     ベスト8~決勝    "민주시민교육 의무화 되어야 한다."


(韓国)インチョン市高校生討論大会 2011年~

主催 : 인천광역시선거관리위원회
主管 : 대구광역시선거방송토론위원회


2011年 "공직선거에 전자투표를 도입해야 한다"
2012年 "대통령선거에 결선투표제를 도입하여야 한다"
     "전면 무상급식은 폐지되어야 한다"
     "교사의 학생체벌은 허용하여야 한다"
     "투표참여자에 대한 인센티브제를 도입 하여야 한다"

2013年 "국사과목을 수능 필수선택과목으로 지정하여야 한다"

             "교육감 직선제는 폐지하여야 한다"

             "택시를 대중교통수단으로 인정하여야 한다"

             "현행 대통령 임기제를 중임제로 바꾸어야 한다"

2014年 "의무투표제를 도입해야한다"

             "선거권 연령제한을 현행보다 낮춰야 한다"

             "대학 진학에 기여입학제를 허용하여야 한다"

             "군복무 가산점은 부활하여야 한다"

2015年 "법인・단체의 정치후원금 기부를 허용하여야 한다"

             "비례대표 국회의원 수를 늘려야 한다"

             "대북전단살포, 통일을 위해 적절한가?"

             "청소년 스마트폰 사용을 제한하여야 한다"

2016年 "구조의무를 법으로 강제해야 한다. "

     "사전선거운동을 허용해야 한다."

     "선거권자 연령을 18세로 하향 조정해야 한다."

     "회의원의 특권(불체포·면책특권)을 제한해야 한다."

(韓国)全国小中高 学生ディベート大会 2011年~ 

主催 : 한국 기자 협회/투개더 디베이트 클럽 공동 주최
主管 : 서울 교육대학교 녹색성장IT 연구소/투게더 디베이트 클럽

2011年 초등 부문 "초등학생들의 재난대비훈련을 정규교과화 해야한다."

     중등 부문 "황사를 유발하는 국가가 그 피해에 대해 책임을 져야 한다. "

     고등 부문 "한국은 원자력발전을 중지해야한다."

2012年5月  초등 부문 (예선) "학교폭력 방지를 위해 현직 경찰을 학교에 상주시켜야 한다."

                             (본선) "민주주의 의사결정에서 다수결의 원칙을 항상 따라야 한다."

               중등 부문 (예선) "학교폭력 가해자의 학내 처벌은 학생 자치 법정에서 결정해야한다."

                             (본선) "SNS 선거운동은 민주주의 발전에 긍정적으로 기여한다."

               고등 부문 (예선) "서열화된 입시문화가 학교폭력의 근본원인이다."

                             (본선) "한국은 대통령 중임제를 도입해야 한다."

2012年12月  초등 부문 (예선) "정부는 일본의 독도 도발에 무대응 원칙을 고수해야 한다."

               중등 부문 (예선) "한국은 동북아 긴장에 대비하여 군사력을 증강해야 한다."

               고등 부문 (예선) "한, 중, 일 삼국 FTA를 체결해야 한다."

2013年12月  초등 부문 (예선) "층간소음 유발 세대에 대한 처벌을 강화해야한다."

               중등 부문 (예선) "역사교과서를 국정교과서 체제로 전환해야한다."

               고등 부문 (예선) "시간제 일자리를 확대해야한다."

主管主催: 한국토론대학/한국디베이트코치협회
2021年 초등 부문 "학교를 전면 온라인화해야 한다."

     중등 부문 "백신 접종을 의무화해야 한다. "

     고등 부문 "인류 재앙에 대응할 초국적 기구를 마련해야 한다."


2008年「台湾は外国人労働者の受け入れをとりやめるべきである 」











(日本語ディベート選手権国際大会2019 台湾)(https://istdebate.wixsite.com/ijdebate


日本・教材『小学校 ディベート授業がてがるにできるモデル立論集』



(日本・教材)『中学校 ディベート授業がてがるにできるモデル立論集』




「○年○組は学級新聞をパソコンで作るべきである」 中学 









(日本・教材加藤彰(2020),『即興型ディベートの教科書 東大で培った”瞬時に考えて伝えるテクニック”』, 株式会社あさ出版、p.254~261

参考資料 テーマ別の議題集








「ペットを飼うならばロボットのベットのほうがいい ・遊びに行くならば、 水族館より遊園地のほうがいい」


「SNSの「既読スルー」(メッセージを読んだものの、返信しないこと) はありだ」





「付き合うのであれば、 「二次元」よりも「三次元」のほうがいい」






























「ライフスタイルとして、結婚するよりも独身のほうがいい ・新卒で就職するならば大企業よりもベンチャー企業のほうがいい」















「すべての企業において、(性別等問わず) 全員が育休を導入すべきだ(ただし、給料は企業負担に加えて補助金も一部導入されるものとする)」





「地球に巨大隕石が衝突することが発覚した。 国際社会が最善を尽くした結果、人類の唯一の生存方法としてシェルターを開発したが、生存可能な人数は限定的である。 国際社会は生存する人類を、個人の能力や専門性を考慮せず、くじ引きにより決定する」


「(技術が発達したとしたら) 全員が嘘をつける世界のほうが、今の世界よりも望ましい」


「社会の全体最適化に向けてプログラミングされたAIが、個人の意思決定をすべて行なう世界が今の世界より望ましい(例 就職先、結婚相手等) 」


「あなたの親と配偶者が不治の病におかされた。手術費は高額でどちらか1人しか助けることができず、他の方法もない。 あなたは配偶者ではなく、親を助ける」

「あなたは時速100mのスピードで走っている車を運転しているが、ブレーキが壊れていることに気づいた。前方には5人の人がいて、このまま直進すれば間違いなく5人とも亡くなる。 横道 にそれれば1人の労働者が巻き添えになる。 この場合、横道にそれるべきである」












「すべての学術機関 (大学等)の管理職に女性枠を導入する」




「あなたの上司は、「女性は家にいるべき」「女性は、女子力を発揮すべき(例:居酒屋での食事の とりわけぎ)」と発言する男性である。 仕事ができる上司と現在実施している大きなプロジェク トは半年が経過し極めて順調に進んでおりあなたも高い評価を受けているが、プロジェクトの完 成にはまだ半年ほどはかかる予定である。 リベラルであるあなたは今のを続けたいと思っているが、上司の発言はエスカレートし、頻度が増え、最近特に強い嫌悪感を覚えるようになった。しかし、他のプロジェクトメンバーは特に問題だと感じていないようである。 あなたは、その上司がそのような発言をしないように、起きていることを人事部に掛け合い上司に公の罰 (謹慎な どの仕事に影響があることを前提とする)を与えるように動くべきである」




















「司法における「予測アルゴリズム (Predictive Algorithms)」の使用を禁止する」









「経済発展のために、カジノ特区を導入すべきだ ・シェアリングエコノミー (ライドシェア、民泊等の規制を大幅緩和すべきだ」






アメリカNational Debate Tournament 1946年~ 

主催 :American Forensic Association,NDT Committee (http://groups.wfu.edu/NDT/)

1946 "That labor should be given a direct share in the management of industry.

1947 "That a federal world government should be established."

1948 "That the federal government should adopt a policy of equalizing educational opportunity in tax-supported schools by means of    annual grants."

1949 "That the United States should nationalize the basic nonagricultural industries."

1950 "That the non-communist nations should form a new international organization."

1951 "That the federal government should adopt a permanent program of wage and price control."

1952 "That the Congress of the United States should enact a compulsory fair employment practices law."

1953 "That the United States should adopt a policy of free trade."

1954 "That the United States should extend diplomatic recognition to the communist government of China."

1955 "That the nonagricultural industries should guarantee their employees an annual wage."

1956 "That the United States should discontinue direct economic aid to foreign countries."

1957 "That the requirement of membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment should be illegal."

1958 "That the further development of nuclear weapons should be prohibited by international agreement."

1959 "That Congress should be given the power to reverse decisions of the Supreme Court."

1960 "That the United States should adopt a program of compulsory health insurance for all citizens."

1961 "That labor organizations should be under the jurisdiction of anti-trust legislation."

1962 "That the non-communist nations of the world should establish an economic community."

1963 "That the federal government should guarantee an opportunity for higher education to all qualified high school graduates."

1964 "That the federal government should establish a national program of public work for the unemployed."

1965 "That law enforcement agencies in the United States should be given greater freedom in the investigation and prosecution of crime."

1966 "That the United States should substantially reduce its foreign policy commitments."

1967 "That the federal government should guarantee a minimum annual cash income to all citizens."

1968 "That executive control of United States foreign policy should be significantly curtailed."

1969 "That the federal government should grant annually a specific percentage of its income tax revenue to the state governments."

1970 "That the federal government should adopt a program of compulsory wage and price controls."

1971 "That greater controls should be imposed on the gathering and utilization of information about United States citizens by government             agencies."

1972 "That the federal government should provide a program of comprehensive medical care for all its citizens."

1973 "That the federal government should control the supply and utilization of energy in the United States."

1974 "That the power of the Presidency should be significantly curtailed."

1975 "That the federal government should adopt a comprehensive program to control land use in the United States."

1976 "That the federal government should significantly strengthen the guarantee of consumer product safety required of manufacturers."

1977 "That the United States law enforcement agencies should be given significantly greater freedom in the investigation and/or          

          prosecution of felony crime."

1978 "That the federal government should implement a program which guarantees employment opportunities for all United States citizens             in the labor force."

1979 "That the federal government should significantly strengthen the regulation of mass media communication in the United States."

1980 "That the United States should significantly increase its foreign military commitments."

1981 "That the federal government should significantly curtail the powers of the labor unions in the United States."

1982 "That all United States military intervention into the internal affairs of any foreign nation or nations in the Western Hemisphere should

          be prohibited."

1983 "That any and all injury resulting from the disposal of hazardous waste in the United States should be the legal responsibility of the               producer of that waste."

1984 "That the United States federal government should significantly increase exploration and/or development of space beyond the earth's    mesosphere."

1985 "That more rigorous academic standards should be established for all public elementary and/or secondary schools in the United   

   States in one or more of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, natural sciences."

1986 "That one or more presently existing restrictions on First Amendment freedoms of press and/or speech established in one or more  

   federal court decisions should be curtailed or prohibited."

1987 "That the United States should reduce substantially its military commitments to NATO member states."

1988 "That United States foreign policy toward one or more African nations should be substantially changed."

1989 "That the federal government should adopt an energy policy that substantially reduces nonmilitary consumption of fossil fuels in the

   United States."

1990 "That the United States should substantially change its trade policy toward one or more of the following: China, Hong Kong, Japan,

   South Korea, Taiwan."

1991 "That one or more United States Supreme Court decisions recognizing a federal Constitutional right to privacy should be overruled."

1992 "That the United States should substantially change its development and assistance policies toward one or more of the following

   nations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka."

1993 "That the Commander-in-Chief power of the President of the United States should be substantially curtailed."

1994 "That the federal government should substantially change rules and/or statues governing criminal procedure in federal courts in one

   or more of the following areas: pretrial detention, sentencing."

1995 "That the United States government should substantially increase its security assistance to one or more of the following: Egypt, Israel,

   Jordan, Palestinian National Authority, Syria."

1996 "That the United States Federal Government should increase regulations requiring industries to substantially decrease the domestic

   emission and/or production of environmental pollutants."

1997 "The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its security assistance to one or more of the following Southeast

   Asian nations: Brunei, Burma(Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam."

1998 "That the United States Federal Government should amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, through legislation, to create

   additional protections against racial and/or gender discrimination.

1999 "That the United States Federal Government should adopt a policy of constructive engagement, including the immediate removal of    all or nearly all economic sanctions, with the government(s) of one or more of the following nation-states: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Syria,    North Korea

2000 "That the United States Federal Government should substantially increase its development assistance, including increasing   

   government to government assistance, within the Greater Horn of Africa.

2001 "That the United States Federal Government should substantially increase federal control throughout Indian Country in one or more of

   the following areas: child welfare, criminal justice, employment, environmental protection, gaming, resource management, taxation.

2003 "That the United States Federal Government should enact one or more of the following:

Withdrawal of its World Trade Organization complaint against the European Union�s restrictions on genetically modified foods;
A substantial increase in its government-to-government economic and/or conflict prevention assistance to Turkey and/or Greece;
Full withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization;
Removal of its barriers to and encouragement of substantial European Union and/or North Atlantic Treaty Organization participation in
peacekeeping in Iraq and reconstruction in Iraq;
Removal of its tactical nuclear weapons from Europe;
Harmonization of its intellectual property law with the European Union in the area of human DNA sequences;
Rescission of all or nearly all agriculture subsidy increases in the 2002 Farm Bill.

2004 "That the United States Federal Government should establish an energy policy requiring a substantial reduction in the the

   consumption in the total non-governmental consumption of fossil fuels in the United States.

2005 "The United States Federal government should substantially increase deplomatic and economic pressure on the People's Republic of    China in one or more of the following areas: trade, human rights, weapons nonproliferation, Taiwan.

2006 "The United States Supreme Court should overrule one or more of the following decisions: Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S.        833 1992); Ex parte Quirin, 317 U.S. 1 (1942); U.S. v. Morrison, 529 U.S.598 (2000); Milliken v. Bradley, 418 U.S. 717 (1974).

2007 "That the United States Federal Government should increase its constructive engagement with the government of one or more of:  

   Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, and Syria, and it should include offering them a security guarantee(s) and/or a    substantial increase in foreign assistance.

2008 "That the United States Federal Government should substantially reduce its agricultural support, at least eliminating nearly all of the

   domestic subsidies, for biofuels, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, corn, cotton, dairy, fisheries, rice, soybeans, sugar

   and/or wheat.

2009 "The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce the size of its nuclear weapons arsenal, and/or substantially

   reduce and restrict the role and/or missions of its nuclear weapons arsenal.

2010 "The United States Federal Government should substantially increase the number of and/or substantially expand beneficiary eligibility

   for its visas for one or more of the following: employment-based immigrant visas, nonimmigrant temporary worker visas, family-

   based visas, human trafficking-based visas.

2011 "The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance for one or more of the following:

   Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen.