"I will try to avoid attacks on my opponents and my rivals. This isn't the time for petty acts like that. I will instead opt to stick to my platform and stick to my guns."

Koopa D. Quick - February 5, 2021

COVID-19 Response

It's clear that one of the most pressing issues of the February '21 campaign is the COVID-19 pandemic. We applaud Pericles and MB for working to steer through this crisis, but we still have more work to do. One of Koopa's first actions as president will be to increase nationwide mask mandates and provide financial stimulus for small business as everything remains closed.

Climate Change

Besides the pandemic, climate change is one of the worst issues of our time. This isn't just happening 100 years from now, and we can't just put the responsibility on our great grandchildrens' shoulders. This is happening right as we speak. According to NASA, the globe's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62°F (0.9°C) since the late 1800s. As president, Koopa will declare a state of emergency on day one. She will also strengthen clean power rules and gas mileage standards across the country. We need to save the world, and we need to do it together.

Restoring Public Transit

Transportation has served as a building ground for small towns across the nation. Our biggest cities thrive on public transit to get from home to work to the grocery stores, and some of our smallest cities can thank trains for connecting them to the outside world. If we invest in public transit like what you see in Europe, it will help Atlasians get around quickly and in a more green way. Koopa will help build more railroad track across the country, and help invest more in buses and other forms of municipal public transit.

Address to Atlasia

On the 14th of the Koopa Administration, she will give a State of the Union speech to the country before an assembled Congress regarding how things are going. Koopa firmly believes in transparency in government, and will therefore give a monthly speech regarding everything that has happened in the past month. Every month thereafter, she will give another State of the Union speech. This will help make the intent of the administration more clear and recollect on the achievements made by the White House.

...and more.