Koopa D. Quick for President

Koopa D. Quick is a long-time fighter for the Atlasian people. Hailing from Springdale, Arkansas, she doesn't serve the interests of big business or partisan kingmakers. Having served in various different legislatures, her experience with crafting legislation, debating her colleagues, and working with her adversaries makes her an experienced candidate. Having a past record of fighting for LGBTQ+ rights, supporting the Atlasian worker, and serving the interests of otherwise forgotten minority groups, you can trust Koopa to get stuff done.

"I don't work for any special interests, nor do I work for the bidding of my parties. My goal is to vote on the basis of what my gut thinks will help the most people."

Koopa D. Quick - August 20, 2020

Battista Minola for Vice President

Straight from the great state of New Mexico, Battista Minola is the fresh new face this country needs and deserves. Despite being new to electoral politics, his astonishing activity record in the Frémont Parliament proves that he is fully capable of holding the offices to which he is elected. He's already seasoned enough to serve in Nyman whilst also being new enough to bring impeccable charisma, character, and (most importantly) policies with him. Pick Battista for VP if you want a compassionate Catholic coming in to clean Nyman.

"While the COVID-19 pandemic is still sadly hitting our people and creating many a struggle and suffering, we can look at brighter days ahead."

Battista Minola - February 1, 2021