Hall Donation Request


If you wish to host an event at our hall such as a fundraiser, benefit, religious event, or other charitable event where you are looking to seek financial assistance from the Knights of Columbus Council 1039 in order to host the event, please follow the procedure outlined below. 

Please be aware that the hall, building, and property are owned and operated by a seprate organization wthin the K of C Council 1039 called 1039 Club Company, in which Council 1039 rents the building for Council functions.

Step #1. Contact our hall rental agent at rent.kofc1039@gmail.com or call 419-576-2999 with the date and time you are looking to host the event. Please include the event type and let him know you are seeking financial assistance from the Knights in order to host the event.

Step #2.  If requesting financial assistance with the rental costs, the following procedure is required.  Please send a letter of request to the Knights of Columbus Hall addressed as:  Attention Grand Knight, 111 Elliott Road, Defiance, Ohio 43512.  Grand Knight may also be emailed at council1039@gmail.com but we still require a written request be sent to our Elliott Road address for audit purposes.  Information needed in the request is:

If K of C Council 1039 approves a partial or full donation of the rental cost, Council 1039 will send you a check for the amount granted and you will sign the rental agreement provided by the rental agent and make full payment of the rent to him.  Council 1039 is not the property owner, and does not set the rental rates charged for use of the property.  Council 1039 has limited funds and is not always able to fund the rental cost.

All donation requests for things other than hall rental use require the same procedure as outlined in Step #2.