
It has been a busy weekend for the lab with Menaka, Bal and I attended the 2023 annual meeting of Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology which was held at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan. We were also thrilled to have Dr. Yuchen Long from National University of Singapore to deliver a keynote speech on mechanobiology in plant apical meristems. It was a fruitful meeting that filled with inspiring discussions and sumptuous Tainan food!


Ruby has achieved a lot during her 2-month stay in the lab. Today she presented her findings at the institute. It is always thrilling to withness the personal development of young people in the lab. Thanks for being a tremendous intern!


This year the summer in our lab is cherished by the presence of Ruby Yeh, a third year undergraduate student from National Ilan University. She is seen here loading her first SDS-PAGE. We hope you have a productive 2-month stay in our lab! 


After much delay, we finally held our lab warming /1 year anniversary/Christmas party. Thanks to all members of the lab who gave their best and made this party a successful one. Of course, a party is not a party without everyone who made the time to join us and it was a blast! 

Coincidentally, our latest paper is also published online on the very same day. It was a day of double happiness! 


Tania presented a poster at the 2022 ICCB (International Congress of Cell Biology) & APOCB (Asian Pacific Organization for Cell Biology). The poster showcased her last work on the phosphoproteomics analyses to identify putative receptor-like kinases for RALFs.


We welcome the arrival of Bal Govind Yadav (front row, far left) who arrived from New Delhi earlier this month by having a sumptuous lunch! It was also to celebrate the acceptance of our recent paper by Development! 


Members of the lab attended the 33rd TSPB annual meeting held at the hilly Huisin Forest Area (惠蓀林場). It was a great event that featured many exciting talks. Benjamin and Menaka presented their work as posters and received useful comments.  


We are excited to host Derrick (left) and Louise (right) this summer for their internships. Their presence rejuvenates the laboratory atmosphere by lowering the average age! So far they have successfully cloned a few genes and will soon be learning how to do BiFC. Thanks for joining us!


Tania joins us from this month as a research assistant , having spent a year or so in the industry. She is keen to start her cloning experiments as soon as her bench is ready.


After spending 17 days in quarantine, Menaka arrives in the lab today to start her postdoc. She was pleased with the new 27-inch monitor we bought for her bioinformatics work. Look forward to seeing some fantastic data from you!


Benjamin joins the lab today as a research assistant. He can't wait to get on with the first Midiprep in his life!

2022-MAR-01 The lab is awarded a 3-year grant (NT 4,050,000) from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan!