Ooi-kock Teh 鄭惠國
Assistant Research Fellow
Made in Penang, Malaysia. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in genetics from Universiti Malaya (Malaysia) and DPhil degree in plant sciences from University of Oxford (U.K.). Have been living a nomadic lifestyle as a researcher in Japan, Sweden and Germany.
Bal govind yadav 白鶴雲
Postdoctoral Researcher
Bal was born in a village of Uttar Pradesh, India and studied Botany for his Bachelor's degree at University of Delhi, India. He subsequently pursued his PhD degree in Genetics from the same university. Before coming to Taiwan, Bal worked at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in New Delhi, India. Bal enjoys travelling during his spare time besides playing badminton and cricket.
Leo Chin-lien tseng 曾晉濂
Research Assistant
Chin-Lien is a local Taipeian and received his Bachelor's degree in Plant Pathology form National Chung Hsing University. He went on to pursue a Master degree in plant biology from National Taiwan University and just graduated in the summer of 2022. In his spare time, Chin-Lien enjoys hiking and collecting wild plants (the true wild-type). His research will focus on the signalling pathways that are downstream to RALF.
Manju Maharjan 馬蔓菊
Research Assistant
Manju Maharjan is from Nepal. She graduated from the Master's Program in Biodiversity at National Taiwan University in January 2024. Prior to joining the lab, she conducted her research on In Vitro Plant Regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation in Saintpaulia ionantha (African violets). Her research interests are evolutionary and developmental biology, molecular biology, conservation biology, seed biology, traditional ecological knowledge and biocultural diversity.
NIKO chao-Yuan Yu 游詔淵
Postdoctoral Researcher
Chao-Yuan grew up in New Taipei City, Taiwan. He earned his Ph.D. through the Taiwan International Graduate Program in Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences at Academia Sinica and National Chung-Hsing University. He previously served as a visiting researcher at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in Japan. In addition to his research activities, Chao-Yuan enjoys outdoor adventures and playing the guitar.
Former Members
Benjamin Salamon, RA
(Mar 2022 ~ Dec 2023)
Huang Lin-Tzu, RA
(Jan 2022 ~ Apr 2023)
Wang Yu, RA
(Jun 2022 ~ Apr 2023)
Eva Hsia, RA
(Aug 2023 ~ Dec 2024)
Menaka Ariyarathne, PD
(Apr 2022 ~ Sep 2024)