Vacancies (7th Nov 2023)

The lab currently has vacancies for one postdoctoral researcher and one research assistant.



Postdoctoral researcher

·   A PhD degree in Plant Biology/Genetics or a related discipline.

·   Capable of communicating in English and acquiring new skills.

·  Experienced in molecular biology work (especially Golden gate cloning), confocal microscopy and some basic knowledge in programming (R and Python) is essential.

·  A good track record of publication.

Research Assistant

·   A Bachelor or Master’s degree in Biology or a related discipline.

·   Willingness to communicate in English and preferably Mandarin.

·   Experience in working with plants is preferred but not a pre-requisite.


We offer competitive remuneration packages for both positions (PhD degree holder from NTD 60,274/month; Master degree holder from NTD 41,885/month; BS degree holder from NTD 35,756/month). Successful candidates are expected to commence in 2024.


How to apply

Candidates who wish to apply please email a CV and a personal statement (<1,000 words) that states (1) your career goals and (2) why do you think our lab is suitable for your career development. For application and enquiries:


Address:  Teh, Ooi-kock

Room 430 Agricultural Technology Building

128 Sec. 2, Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 11529 Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel: +886-2-2787-1101 (Office) , +886-2-2787-1102 (Lab)

We are always on the look out for outstanding and competent candidates to join us at various levels, either as Master or Doctorate students and as postdoctoral researchers. 

Scholarships for graduate students

In collaboration with Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University, international students can enroll into the Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP). The generous scholarship comes with a monthly living stipend of NT$34,000 (~ USD1,130).

Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers

Depending on the funding situation, we are hiring competent postdoctoral researchers from time-to-time. Additionally, you can also secure your own funding by applying to one of the following funding bodies: 

Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholar Program 

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Human Frontier Science Program (for nationals from member countries only)

Overseas Research Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (for Japanese only)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Research Fellowships (for German nationals only)