
KSU Number Theory Seminar

Wednesdays 2:30 pm central


Please e-mail the organizers for a Zoom link to the talk.

Organizers: Fai Chandee (, Xiannan Li (, Kim Klinger-Logan (

KSU Student NT Seminar

Wednesdays 11:30 am central

Cardwell 146

Please e-mail the organizers for a Zoom link to the talk.

Organizers: Kostas Kydoniatis, Kathryn Wilson, Kim Klinger-Logan (

For more information see:

Spring 2024

*The grey highlight marks talks in the main NT Seminar and the white highlight denotes talks in the Student NT Seminar.

Feb 7

Katy Woo (Princeton)

Prime number theorems for polynomials from homogeneous dynamics

Abstract: The Bateman-Horn conjecture gives a prediction for how often an irreducible polynomial takes on prime values. In this talk, I will discuss the proof of Bateman-Horn for two new polynomials -- the determinant polynomial on nxn matrices and the determinant polynomial on nxn symmetric matrices. A key tool in the proof is the input of homogeneous dynamics to count the number of integral points on level sets. This is based on joint work with Giorgos Kotsovolis.

Feb 14

Fai Chandee (KSU)

Feb 21

Maria Fox (OSU)

Mar 7 at 11:30am

Kaisa Matomaki ( U of Turku)

Mar 19 at 9:30am

On Littlewood's estimate for the modulus of the zeta function on the critical line

Abstract: Inspired by a result of Soundararajan, assuming the Riemann hypothesis (RH), we discuss a new inequality for the logarithm of the modulus of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line in terms of a Dirichlet polynomial over primes and prime powers. This approach uses the Guinand-Weil explicit formula in conjunction with extremal one-sided bandlimited approximations for the Poisson kernel. As an application, by carefully estimating the Dirichlet polynomial, we revisit a 100-year-old estimate of Littlewood and discuss how we can re-derive the sharpest known upper bound for the modulus of the zeta function on the critical line assuming RH (the main term is due to Chandee and Soundararajan in 2009), but now providing explicit lower-order terms. This is joint work with M. Milinovich (Univ. of Mississippi).

Mar 27

Danylo Radchenko (U of Lille)

Energy minimization, Fourier interpolation and modular forms

Abstract: I will talk about recent results on energy minimization and sphere packing problems in dimensions 8 and 24. In these  results a key role is played by a certain Fourier interpolation formula that allows to reconstruct any nice radial function from discrete samples of it and its Fourier transform. Surprisingly, this interpolation formula is rarher intricate and its construction involves modular forms. I will explain this construction and discuss some recent works on the related concept of Fourier uniqueness pairs.

Apr 17

Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Carleton College)

Averages of Long Dirichlet Polynomial Approximations of Primitive Dirichlet L-functions 

Abstract: In recent decades there has been much interest and measured progress in the study of moments of the Riemann zeta-function and, more generally, of various L-functions. Despite a great deal of effort spanning over a century, asymptotic formulas for moments of L-functions remain stubbornly out of reach in all but a few cases. In this talk, we consider the problem for the family of all Dirichlet L-functions of even primitive characters of bounded conductor. I will outline how to harness the asymptotic large sieve to prove an asymptotic formula for the general 2kth moment of an approximation to this family. The result, which assumes the generalized Lindelöf hypothesis for large values of k, agrees with the prediction of Conrey, Farmer, Keating, Rubenstein, and Snaith. Moreover, it provides the first rigorous evidence beyond the so-called “diagonal terms” in their conjectured asymptotic formula for this family of L-functions. This is joint work with Siegfred Baluyot. 

May 1

Nikolaos Diamantis (U of Nottingham)

Fall 2023

*The grey highlight marks talks in the main NT Seminar and the white highlight denotes talks in the Student NT Seminar.

Sep 6

Doyon Kim (Bonn)

Infinitely many zeros of additively twisted L-functions on the critical line

Abstract: For f a cuspidal modular form of integral or half-integral weight, we study the zeros of the L-function attached to f twisted by an additive character e^{2\pi i n p/q}, where p/q is a rational number. We prove that for certain f and rational number p/q, the additively twisted L-function has infinitely many zeros on the critical line. We develop a variant of the Hardy-Littlewood method which uses distributions to prove the result.

Sep 13

Lucile Devin (Centre Universitaire de la Mi Voix)

Extending the unconditional support in an Iwaniec--Luo--Sarnak family

Abstract: We study the harmonically weighted one-level density of low-lying zeros of L-functions attached to holomorphic cusps forms of fixed even weight $k$ and prime level tending to infinity. This family was proved to be of orthogonal type by Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak who obtained the predicted main term for test functions having Fourier transform supported in $(-\tfrac32,\tfrac32)$ unconditionally. Using zero-density estimates for Dirichlet L-function, we extend this admissible support to $(-\Theta_k;\Theta_k)$, where $\Theta_2 = 1.866\dots$ and $\Theta_k \rightarrow 2$ as $k$ grows.

This is joint work with Daniel Fiorilli and Anders Södergren.

Sep 22

Kim Klinger-Logan

L-functions associated to modular forms

Abstract: What are modular forms? What are L-functions? What kinds of questions might we care about related to L-functions coming from modular and automorphic forms? I hope I can answer some of these questions.

Sep 27

Seig Baluyot (AIM)

Twisted moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices

Abstract: It is now well-known that various statistics of L-functions can be predicted using random matrix theory. In particular, the work of Keating and Snaith from the late 90's used random matrix theory to predict the exact leading terms of conjectural asymptotic formulas for all integral moments of the Riemann zeta-function. Prior to their work, no number-theoretic argument or heuristic has led to such exact predictions for all integral moments. In 2015, Conrey and Keating revisited the approach of using divisor sum heuristics to predict asymptotic formulas for moments of zeta. Their key idea is essentially to estimate moments of zeta using lower twisted moments. In this talk, I will discuss a rigorous random matrix theory analogue of the Conrey-Keating heuristic. This is ongoing joint work with Brian Conrey.

Sep 29

Kathryn Wilson

Counting Solutions to Diophantine Inequalities in Function Fields

Abstract: I will discuss how the Bentkus-Gotze-Freeman variant of the Davenport-Heilbronn circle method can be used to study solutions to inequalities of the form

$$\text{ord}(\lambda_1 x_1^k + \cdots + \lambda_s x_s^k - \tau) < \epsilon,$$

where constants satisfy certain conditions. After introducing some function field notation, I will give a sketch of how to count solutions in this setting. This result is a generalization of the work done by Spencer in "Diophantine Inequalities in Function Fields" to count the number of solutions to inequalities of the form$$\text{ord}(\lambda_1 x_1^k + \cdots + \lambda_s x_s^k) < \epsilon.$$

Oct 4

Akshat Mudgal (Oxford)

A quadratic Vinogradov mean value theorem in finite fields

Abstract: A conjecture of Bourgain–Demeter concerns the number of solutions J(A) to the system of equations

x_1 + x_2 + x_3 = x_4 + x_5 + x_6  and  x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 = x_4^2 + x_5^2 + x_6^2

with x_1, …, x_6 lying in some finite set A of N integers. In particular, they conjectured that 

J(A) << N^{3 + o(1)}

for every such A. In this talk, we will analyse this problem along with its variant where A is a sparse subset of some finite field. We will present some of our recent results in this direction as well as highlight some of the proof ideas involved therein, in particular, mentioning how one can use techniques from incidence geometry and additive combinatorics to study such questions.

Oct 11

Claire Frechétte (Boston College)

Metaplectic Ice: Using Statistical Mechanics in Number Theory

Abstract: Local Whittaker functions for reductive groups play an integral role in number theory and representation theory, and many of their applications extend to the metaplectic case, where reductive groups are replaced by their metaplectic covering groups. We will examine these functions for covers of GLr through the lens of a solvable lattice model, or ice model: a construction from statistical mechanics that provides a surprising bridge between spaces of Whittaker functions and representations of quantum groups. This story has been well studied before for the case of one particularly nice cover of GLr, which eliminates all complications arising from the center of the group. In this talk, we will see that the same types of connections hold for any metaplectic cover of GLr, as well as examine how different choices of covering group interact with the center of GLr to change the story.

Oct 20

Kim Klinger-Logan

Petersson Trace Formula

Abstract: Trace formulae relate geometric objects to spectral ones and are useful in a variety of number theoretic contexts. The Petersson Trace Formula gives a relationship between Fourier coefficients of GL(2) cuspforms and certain arithmetic and special functions. This formula is especially useful for computations involving GL(2) L-functions. We will introduce Poincaré series and the Petersson inner product and, time permitting, give an idea of the proof. 

Oct 25

Sam Chow (Warwick)

Dispersion and Littlewood’s conjecture

Abstract: I’ll discuss some problems related to Littlewood’s conjecture in diophantine approximation, and the role hitherto played by discrepancy theory. I’ll explain why our new dispersion-theoretic approach should, and does, deliver stronger results. Our dispersion estimate is proved using Poisson summation and diophantine inequalities. This is joint work with Niclas Technau.

Oct 25

An application of Davenport-Heilbronn method 

Abstract: I will discuss how the Davenport-Heilbronn method can be used to prove that the following inequality

$$|(\lambda_1 x_1^2 +\lambda_2 x_2^2  +\lambda_3 x_3^2+\lambda_4 x_4^2+ \lambda_5 x_5^2| < \epsilon,$$ has infinitely many integer solutions. It is assumed that the given  $\lambda_i$ satisfy some minimal conditions. The variation of Davenport-Heilbronn method that is used is not heavy on technical details which will allow us to focus on the concepts behind the calculations.

Nov 8 at 1:30pm

Steven J. Miller (Williams)

Why I love Monovariants: From Zombies and Conway's Soldiers to Fibonacci Games

Nov 10

Kostas Kydoniatis

An application of Davenport-Heilbronn method part 2

Abstract: I will discuss how the Davenport-Heilbronn method can be used to prove that the following inequality

$$|(\lambda_1 x_1^2 +\lambda_2 x_2^2  +\lambda_3 x_3^2+\lambda_4 x_4^2+ \lambda_5 x_5^2| < \epsilon,$$ has infinitely many integer solutions. It is assumed that the given  $\lambda_i$ satisfy some minimal conditions. The variation of Davenport-Heilbronn method that is used is not heavy on technical details which will allow us to focus on the concepts behind the calculations.

Nov 15

Subhajit Jana

Reciprocity, non-vanishing, and subconvexity of central $L$-values

Abstract: A reciprocity formula usually relates certain moments of two different families of $L$-functions which apparently have no connections between them. The first such formula was due to Motohashi who related a fourth moment of Riemann zeta values on the central line with a cubic moment of certain automorphic central $L$-values for $\mathrm{GL}(2)$. In this talk, we describe some instances of reciprocity formulas both in low and high-rank groups and give certain applications to subconvexity and non-vanishing of central L-values. These are joint works with Nunes and Blomer--Nelson.

Nov 17

Humberto Bautista Serrano

Integer Group Determinants of Frobenius Groups

Abstract: Group Determinants were originally created by Dedekind and developed by Frobenius while he was expanding on the concept of characters and representations of groups of finite order. Olga Taussky-Todd posed a problem in the AMS meeting in Hayward, California in April of 1977: to determine the possible values of group determinants when the entries are all integers. This characterization has been done for groups of order 19 or smaller. We will discuss the solution of this problem for the Frobenius group of order 20 and discuss the analogous solution for Frobenius groups of higher order.

Nov 29

Tian An Wong (U of Michigan - Dearborn)

Prehomogeneous vector spaces and the Arthur-Selberg trace formula

Abstract: The Arthur-Selberg trace formula is a central tool in the

theory of automorphic forms, and can be viewed as a nonabelian Poisson summation formula. Langlands' original beyond endoscopy proposal suggested combining analytic number theory techniques with the trace formula as a way to prove Langlands' Functoriality Conjecture in general. I will survey results towards this in the setting of GL(2) since then, including early results of Venkatesh, Altug, and others.

Time permitting, I will explain some of the obstructions and ideas for

general reductive groups, some of which involve prehomogeneous vector spaces.

Dec 1

Bishnu Paudel

Integer Group Determinants 

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the integer group determinants for the cyclic group G=Z_p, where p is a prime. If time permits, I will also cover the dihedral group D_6. 

Dec 6 


Olivia Beckwidth (Tulane)

Imaginary quadratic fields with p-torsion-free class groups and specified split primes

Abstract: We use Zagier’s weight 3/2 Eisenstein series to prove results on the classification of Ramanujan-type congruences for Hurwitz class numbers. As an application, we show that for any odd prime p  and finite set  of odd primes S, there exists an imaginary quadratic field which splits at each prime in S and has class number indivisible by p. This result is in the spirit of results by Bruinier, Bhargava (when p=3 ) and Wiles, but the methods are completely different.

Spring 2022

*The grey highlight marks talks in the main NT Seminar and the white highlight denotes talks in the Student NT Seminar.

Feb 2

The Sixth Moment of Automorphic L-Functions

Abstract: In this talk I will discuss my recent paper on the sixth moment of a family GL_2 automorphic L-functions. Before discussing my results, I will introduce moments and families of L-functions in some generality, as well as give some background on the specific family of L-functions I study in my paper. As such, the talk should be accessible to both experts and graduate students.

Feb 9

Kim Klinger-Logan (KSU)

Graviton scattering and differential equations in automorphic forms

 Abstract:  Green, Russo, and Vanhove have shown that the scattering amplitude for gravitons (hypothetical particles of gravity represented by massless string states) is closely related to automorphic forms through differential equations. Green, Miller, Russo, Vanhove, Pioline, and K-L have used a variety of methods to solve eigenvalue problems for the invariant Laplacian on different moduli spaces to compute the coefficients of the scattering amplitude of four gravitons. We will examine two methods for solving the most complicated of these differential equations on $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})\backslash\mathfrak{H}$. We will also discuss recent work with S. Miller to improve upon his original method for solving this equation. 

Feb 16

Bounding self-dual L-functions: the Conrey-Iwaniec method revisited

Abstract: Let chi_q be real characters of large conductor q. Let f be a fixed GL(2) cusp form with trivial central character. In 2000, by using a moment method, Conrey and Iwaniec obtained the best available subconvexity bounds for self-dual L-functions L(\chi_q,1/2) and L(f\times\chi_q,1/2) in the large q-aspect. This approach was later adapted by Xiaoqing Li to give the first subconvexity bounds for GL(3)xGL(2) self-dual L-functions in the large GL(2) spectral aspect. In this talk, we revisit Li's work and update her bounds to the limit of this method. Some Motohashi-type formulae surrounding these problems will also be discussed. This is joint work with Ramon Nunes and Zhi Qi.

Mar 2

Sarah Peluse (Princeton/IAS)

Bounds for subsets of $\mathbb{F}_p^n \times \mathbb{F}_p^n$ without L-shaped configurations

Abstract: I will discuss the difficult problem of proving reasonable bounds in the multidimensional generalization of Szemeredi’s theorem and describe a proof of such bounds for sets lacking nontrivial configurations of the form (x,y), (x,y+z), (x,y+2z), (x+z,y) in the finite field model setting.

Mar 9

Longer gaps between values of binary quadratic forms

Mar 23

Modular forms of half-integral weight on G_2

Abstract: Classical holomorphic modular forms are number-theoretic objects that have been intensely studied.  The split exceptional group G_2 does not support a theory of holomorphic modular forms, but it does possess so-called quaternionic modular forms.  These are a special class of automorphic forms that appear to behave similarly to holomorphic modular forms.  In the talk, I will describe a theory of modular forms of half-integral weight on G_2 and other exceptional groups.  In particular, we prove the existence of a modular form of weight 1/2 on G_2 whose Fourier coefficients are related to the 2-torsion in the narrow class groups of totally real cubic fields.  This is joint work with Spencer Leslie.

Apr 13

Amita Malik (Max Planck)

Partitions into primes with a Chebotarev condition

Abstract: In this talk, we discuss the asymptotic behavior of the number of partitions into primes concerning a Chebotarev condition. In special cases, this reduces to the study of partitions into primes in arithmetic progressions. While the study for ordinary partitions goes back to Hardy and Ramanujan, partitions into primes were recently re-visited by Vaughan. Our error term is sharp and improves on previous known estimates in the special case of primes as parts of the partition. As an application, monotonicity of this partition function is established explicitly via an asymptotic formula in connection to a result of Bateman and Erd\H{o}s.

Apr 20

Rizwanur Khan (Ole Miss)

L^4 norm bounds for automorphic forms

Abstract: Conjectures in the field of Quantum Chaos predict that waves of high energy on negatively curved manifolds must be spread out evenly and randomly. Number theorists are interested in the modular surface and their waves, which are SL(2,Z) invariant. Some headway can be made in this situation by connecting some of these problems to the theory of L-functions. This is what I will describe in my talk, which is based on ongoing joint work with Peter Humphries. 

Apr 2

(at 3:10pm)

Misty Ostergaard (U of Southern Indiana)

Solutions to Diagonal Congruences

Abstract: I will discuss solutions to general diagonal congruences and some questions we have been exploring concerning them. I will also give a brief history of this topic. This talk is based on joint work with Todd Cochrane and Craig Spencer.

May 4

Louis Gaudet (Rutgers)

Fall 2021

*The grey highlight marks talks in the main NT Seminar and the white highlight denotes talks in the Student NT Seminar.

Oct 5 (CW 130)

Fai Chandee (KSU)

The sixth moment of Dirichlet L-functions without the average over critical lines

Abstract: Sixth and higher moments of L-functions are important and challenging problems in analytic number theory. There are several models to produce good conjectures for these moments, but none of them gives a good understanding how to approach them. I will discuss my recent joint work with Xiannan Li, Kaisa Matomaki and Maksym Radziwill on an asymptotic formula of the sixth moment of Dirichlet L-functions averaged over primitive characters mod q over all moduli q \leq Q. Unlike the previous work of Conrey, Iwaniec and Soundararajan, we do not need to include an average on the critical line, thus requiring analysis on the "unbalanced" sums. At least half of the talk will be an overview of the problem, and it should be accessible to graduate students.

Oct 13

Keshav Aggarwal (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)

t-aspect subconvexity for GL(3) L-functions

 Abstract: Let $\pi$ be a Hecke cusp form for $\rm SL_3(\BZ)$. We will start a brief overview of the best known t-aspect subconvexity estimate for $L(1/2+it,\pi)$ due to us. This will be followed by an improvement where we bound the second moment average of $L(1/2+it,\pi)$ over a short interval. This is a work in progress, joint with Wing Hong Leung and Ritabrata Munshi.

Oct 15

The Linear Sieve, Bombieri's Theorem, and a Cheap Chen's Theorem

Abstract: In this talk, I will show how one can use the linear sieve in conjunction with the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem to prove a weak form of Chen's theorem. Namely, I will show how one can prove that there are infinitely many primes p such that p+2 is the product of at most 4 primes. Time permitting, I will discuss some of the ideas that go into proving the full version of Chen's theorem.

Oct 22*

*note: This session will take place on a Fri in CW 122.

Jesse Thorner (UIUC)

An approximate form of Artin's holomorphy conjecture and nonvanishing of Artin $L$-functions

Abstract:  (Joint with Robert Lemke Oliver and Asif Zaman)  Let $p$ be a prime, and let $\mathscr{F}_p(Q)$ be the set of number fields $F$ with $[F:\mathbb{Q}]=p$ with absolute discriminant $D_F\leq Q$.  Let $\zeta(s)$ be the Riemann zeta function, and for $F\in\mathscr{F}_p(Q)$, let $\zeta_F(s)$ be the Dedekind zeta function of $F$.  The Artin $L$-function $\zeta_F(s)/\zeta(s)$ is expected to be automorphic and satisfy GRH, but in general, it is not known to exhibit an analytic continuation to a half-plane of the form $\mathrm{Re}(s) \geq 1-\delta$, where $\delta>0$ is fixed.  I will describe new work that unconditionally shows that for all $\epsilon>0$ and all except $O_{p,\epsilon}(Q^{\epsilon})$ of the $F\in\mathscr{F}_p(Q)$, $\zeta_F(s)/\zeta(s)$ analytically continues to a region in the critical strip containing the box $[1-\epsilon/(20(p!)),1]\times [-D_F,D_F]$ and is nonvanishing in this region.  This result is a special case of something more general.  I will describe some applications to class groups (extremal size, $\ell$-torsion) and the distribution of periodic torus orbits (in the spirit of Einsiedler, Lindenstrauss, Michel, and Venkatesh).

Oct 27

Hung Bui (U of Manchester)

Weighted central limit theorem for central values of L-functions.

Abstract: A classical result of Selberg says that \log|\zeta(1/2 + it)| has a Gaussian limit distribution. We expect the same thing holds for \log|L(1/2, \chi)| for \chi being over the primitive Dirichlet characters modulo q, as q tends to infinity. Proving such a result remains completely out of reach, as it would imply 100% of these central L-values are non-zero, which is a well-known open conjecture. In this talk, I will describe how one can establish a weighted central limit theorem for the central values of Dirichlet $L$-functions. Under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, one can also obtain a weighted central limit theorem for the joint distribution of the central L-values corresponding to twists of two distinct primitive Hecke eigenforms. This is joint work with Natalie Evans, Stephen Lester and Kyle Pratt.

Nov 3

Kirsti Biggs (Chalmers)

Ellipsephic efficient congruencing for the Vinogradov system

Abstract: Ellipsephic sets are subsets of the natural numbers defined by digital restrictions in a given base---such sets have a fractal-like structure which can be seen as a p-adic analogue of generalised real Cantor sets. The recent work of Maynard on primes with missing digits can be seen as an ellipsephic problem, although in this talk we focus on smaller sets of permitted digits, one motivating example being the set of natural numbers whose digits are squares. I will present an upper bound for the number of ellipsephic solutions to the Vinogradov system of diagonal equations, and highlight the key features of the proof, which uses Wooley's efficient congruencing method.

Nov 10

Kalani Thalagoda (UNC Greensboro)

 Computational aspects of Bianchi modular forms

Abstract: In the classical case, modular forms are defined over rationals. We can generalize this to other fields. In particular, we can define Modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields which give us Bianchi Modular Forms. We can define a Bianchi Modular form as an analytic function on the hyperbolic 3-space. But for the purposes of computing, we will focus more on how to view them as classes of homology of certain congruence subgroups. 

In this talk, I will go over some of these techniques. With great fields comes great subtleties. We will discuss some of these and how we can "fix" them. 

Nov 17

Sean Prendiville (Lancaster University)

Nonlinear problems in arithmetic Ramsey theory

Abstract: Richard Rado characterised those systems of linear Diophantine equations which are ‘unbreakable' with respect to finite partitions, so that any partition of the positive integers yields a set containing a solution. Similarly, a celebrated theorem of Endre Szemerédi gives rise to a characterisation of linear systems possessing solutions in any ‘dense' set of integers. We discuss variants of these results for certain nonlinear equations/configurations.

Nov 19

Kathryn Wilson (KSU)

An Asymptotic Formula for Representations of $N$

Abstract: We want to obtain an asymptotic formula for $r(N)$, the number of representations of $N$ in the form $N=x_1^k+\cdots+ x_s^k$ where $x_i\geq 1$. We begin with the construction $r(N)=\int_0^1(T(\alpha))^se(-N\alpha)d\alpha$, and split the interval $[0,1]$ into major and minor arcs. In this talk I will cover Weyl's Inequality, the asymptotic formula for $r(N)$ and the convergence of the singular series that results from the asymptotic formula for $r(N)$. Time permitting I will discuss further results related to the topic.

Dec 1

Asif Zaman (U of Toronto)

An approximate form of Artin's holomorphy conjecture and nonvanishing of Artin L-functions

Abstract: Let $k$ be a number field and $G$ be a finite group, and let $\mathfrak{F}_{k}^{G}$ be a family of number fields $K$ such that $K/k$ is normal with Galois group isomorphic to $G$.  Together with  Robert Lemke Oliver and Jesse Thorner, we prove for many families that for almost all $K \in \mathfrak{F}_k^G$, all of the $L$-functions associated to Artin representations whose kernel does not contain a fixed normal subgroup are holomorphic and non-vanishing in a wide region. 

These results have several arithmetic applications. For example, we prove a strong effective prime ideal theorem that holds for almost all fields in several natural large degree families, including the family of degree $n$ $S_n$-extensions for any $n \geq 2$ and the family of prime degree $p$ extensions (with any Galois structure) for any prime $p \geq 2$. I will discuss this result, describe the main ideas of the proof, and share some applications to bounds on $\ell$-torsion subgroups of class groups, to the extremal order of class numbers, and to the subconvexity problem for Dedekind zeta functions.

Spring 2021

*The grey highlight marks talks in the main NT Seminar and the white highlight denotes talks in the Student NT Seminar.

Feb 1

Leo Goldmakher (Williams)

Khovanskii's theorem and effective results on sumset structure

Abstract: A remarkable theorem due to Khovanskii asserts that for any finite subset A of an abelian semigroup, the cardinality of the h-fold sumset hA grows like a polynomial for all sufficiently large h. However, neither the polynomial nor what sufficiently large means are understood in general. In joint work with Michael Curran (Oxford), we obtain an effective version of Khovanskii's theorem for any subset of $\mathbb{Z}^d$ whose convex hull is a simplex; previously such results were only available for d=1. Our approach also gives information about the structure of hA, answering a recent question posed by Granville and Shakan.

Feb 3

Kim Klinger-Logan

Some fun with the Riemann Zeta function

Abstract: I will give a brief introduction to the Riemann zeta function. What is it? What are some open questions around it?  What does the Riemann Hypothesis really say? Why do we care about it? You may leave with more (but different!) questions than you came in with!

Feb 8

Ayla Gafni (U of Mississippi)

Asymptotics of Restricted Partition


Abstract: Given a set $\mathcal A \subset\mathbb N$, the restricted partition function $p_{\mathcal{A}} (n)$ counts the number of  integer partitions of $n$ with all parts in $\mathcal A$.   In this talk, we will explore the features of the restricted partitions function $p_{\mathbb P_k}(n)$ where$\mathcal P_k$ is the set of $k$-th powers of primes.  Powers of primes are both sparse and irregular, which makes $p_{\mathbb P_k}(n)$ quite an elusive function to understand.  We will discuss some of the challenges involved in studying restricted partition

functions and what is known in the case of primes, $k$-th powers, and $k$-th powers of primes.

Feb 10

Josh Stucky

Equidistribution of Digit Sums in Residue Classes

Abstract: In this talk, I will prove a nice result of Gelfond on the behavior of digit sums in residue classes. The result is fairly easy to prove and also provides a good example of some phenomenon that happen quite often in analytic number theory. As such, in addition to proving Gelfond's result, I hope to indicate and explain some of the general themes and methods that arise in analytic number theory.

Feb 11

at 2:30 pm (cent) 

Lillian Pierce (Duke)

We are very proud to host Dr Pierce for this special Isidore & Hilda Dressler Lecture. Follow this link to stream live.

Counting problems: open questions in number theory, from the perspective of moments

Abstract: Many questions in number theory can be phrased as counting problems. How many number fields are there? How many elliptic curves are there? How many integral solutions to this system of Diophantine equations are there? If the answer is “infinitely many,” we want to understand the order of growth for the number of objects we are counting in the “family." But in many settings we are also interested in finer-grained questions, like: how many number fields are there, with fixed degree and fixed discriminant? We know the answer is “finitely many,” but it would have important consequences if we could show the answer is always “very few indeed.” In this accessible talk, we will describe a way that these finer-grained questions can be related to the bigger infinite-family questions. Then we will use this perspective to survey interconnections between several big open conjectures in number theory, related in particular to class groups and number fields.

Feb 17 

Josh Stucky

Equidistribution of Digit Sums in Residue Classes (cont'd)

Feb 23 

Yu-Ru Liu (U of Waterloo)

Follow this link to stream live.

Diophantine Problems in Function Fields

Abstract: Let $\mathbb{Z}$ be the ring of integers, and let $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$ be the ring of polynomials in one variable defined over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of $q$ elements.  Since the characteristic of $\mathbb{Z}$ is $0$, while that of $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$ is the positive prime number $p$, it is an interesting phenomenon in arithmetic that these two rings resemble one another so faithfully. The study of the similarity and difference between $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$ lies in the field that relates number fields to function fields. In this talk, we will investigate some Diophantine problems in the settings of  $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$, including Waring's problem about representations of elements with fixed powers.

Feb 24

Humberto Bautista Sarrano

Some results and conjectures for primes other than the rational primes

Abstract: In this talk we will see how the concept of the rational primes can be extrapolated to other normed division algebras over the reals. In particular, we will illustrate how the study of primes on other normed division algebras can shed light on some well-known results about the rational primes, like Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem. We will also discuss how some well-known conjectures for the rational primes, like Goldbach's conjecture,  can be extrapolated to these novel contexts.

Mar 3

Humberto Bautista Sarrano

Some results and conjectures for primes other than the rational primes (cont'd)

Mar 8

Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Carleton College)

Gaps between zeros of the Riemann zeta-function

Abstract: Let $0 < \gamma_1 \le \gamma_2 \le \cdots $ denote the ordinates of the complex zeros of the Riemann zeta-function function in the upper half-plane. The average distance between $\gamma_n$ and $\gamma_{n+1)$ is $2\pi / \log \gamma_n$ as $n\to \infty$. An important goal is to prove unconditionally that these distances between consecutive zeros can much, much smaller than the average for a positive proportion of zeros. We will discuss the motivation behind this endeavor, progress made assuming the Riemann Hypothesis, and recent work with A. Simonič and T. Trudgian to obtain an unconditional result that holds for a positive proportion of zeros. 

Mar 10

Kathryn Wilson

Boundedness and Convergence of Ramanujan-Fourier Series
Abstract: In this talk, I will be looking at a paper by John Washburn involving Ramanujan-Fourier series. The paper builds to a result on the Abel summability of $\displaystyle\lim_{N\to \infty} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N f(n)\bar{g(n\pm m)}$, where $f(n)$ and $g(n)$ are Ramanujan-Fourier series. This will cover some basic properties of Ramanujan sums, and discuss the boundedness and convergence of these types of series. Time permitting, we will look at the applicability of the result to work by Gadiyar and Padma, as well as other examples of the use of Ramanujan sums.

Mar 15

Multiplicative orders mod p


Abstract: I will survey what is known about the distribution of the orders of integers mod p, as p varies. Particular attention will be paid to problems of the following sort: For fixed a and b, how do the order of a mod p and the order of b mod p compare, as p varies? The proofs will draw from the elementary, algebraic, and analytic strands of number theory. (So hopefully something for everyone!)

Mar 22

Irreducibility of random polynomials of large degree
Abstract: Let $\mathcal{N}$ be a finite set natural numbers of cardinality $\ge2$, and let us consider a random monic polynomial $f(x)=a_0+a_1x+\cdots+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+x^n$, where $a_j$ is chosen uniformly at random from $\mathcal{N}$ and independently of the other coefficients. It is believed that, as long as the constant coefficient $a_0$ is non-zero, then $f(x)$ is irreducible with probability $\sim1$ when $n\to\infty$. Breuillard and Varj\'u proved that this expectation is indeed true under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Earlier, Bary-Soroker and Kozma had proven the result when $\mathcal{N}$ are certain ``special sets''. In this talk, I will present recent joint work with Bary-Soroker and Kozma that extends their work and allows us to prove irreducibility with positive probability for more general sets $\mathcal{N}$. In particular, if $\mathcal{N}=\{0,1\}$, we show that the odds that $f(x)$ is irreducible are $\ge1/1000$ for all large enough $n$, and when $\CN=\{1,2,\dots,H\}$ with $H\ge35$, we show that the odds are $\sim1$ when $n\to\infty$. In addition, as long as $f(x)$ is irreducible, we also prove that it has a large Galois group with high probability. The proofs use a fun mixture of ideas from sieve methods, the arithmetic of polynomials over finite fields, primes with restricted digits, Galois theory and group theory.

Mar 24

Bishnu Paudel

Diophantine Approximation


Abstract: For any irrational number \alpha and real number \gamma we define the Diophantine  approximation constant  by M(\alpha,\gamma):=\liminf_{|n|->\infty} |n|||n\alpha-\gamma||. In this talk, we will see the size of M(\alpha,\gamma). This will cover basic properties of continued fraction expansion, and two famous theorems in Number Theory: Hurwitz and Minkowski (without proofs).  

Mar 29

Zeroes of Rankin-Selberg L-Functions and Nonsplit Quantum Ergodicity

Abstract: Rudnick and Sarnak have conjectured that the L^2-mass of Laplacian eigenfunctions of a negatively curved surface should equidistribute in the large Laplacian eigenvalue limit. This is known as the quantum unique ergodicity conjecture. When this surface is the modular surface, these eigenfunctions are a type of automorphic form called Maass forms, and this conjecture is implied by nontrivial bounds for special values of certain Rankin-Selberg L-functions associated to these automorphic forms. I will discuss a generalisation of this conjecture involving the restriction to the modular surface of automorphic forms associated to quadratic number fields, and how progress towards this conjecture is dependent on nontrivial bounds for certain Rankin-Selberg L-functions. This is joint work with Jesse Thorner.

Mar 31

Malea Roman

Malea On k-fold super totient numbers

Abstract: let $n$ be a positive integer and let $R(n)$ be the set of positive integers less than and relatively prime to $n$. If $R(n)$ can be partitioned into two subsets of equal sum then we say $n$ is super totient. This definition was introduced in 2017 by Mahmood and Ali and then completely classified in 2019 by Harrington and Wong. The generalization of this concept into $k$ subsets of equal sum we call $k$-fold super totient numbers. We give complete classifications for 3-fold, 5-fold and show that for any prime $k$, the classification of all $k$-fold super totient numbers can be found computationally. Further, a connection to a conjecture of Erdos and Selfridge is made.

Apr 12

Dicyclic Group Determinant


Abstract: For a finite group $G={g_1, g_2,…,g_n}$  we assign a variable $x_{g_i}$ for each group element $g_i$ and define the group determinant to be the determinant of $n x n$ matrix whose ij^th entry is $x_{g_i*g_j^{-1}}$. Let $\lambda(G)$ be the smallest non-trivial value taken by the group determinant when the $x_{g_i}$ are all integers.  In this talk, we will see the $\lambda(G)$ for every dicyclic group $G=Q_{4n}$ of order $4n$ when $n$ is odd. Time Permitting, I will prove some lemmas which help us to get $\lambda(G)$.

Apr 19

Lola Thompson (Utrecht)

Summing $\mu(n)$: an even faster elementary algorithm 

Abstract: We present a new elementary algorithm for computing $M(x) = \sum_{n \leq x} \mu(n),$ where $\mu(n)$ is the M\"{o}bius function. Our algorithm



\mathrm{time} \ \ O_\epsilon\left(x^{\frac{3}{5}} (\log x)^{\frac{3}{5}+\epsilon} \right)

\ \ \mathrm{and}\ \ \mathrm{space} \ \ O\left(x^{\frac{3}{10}} (\log x)^{\frac{13}{10}}


which improves on existing combinatorial algorithms. While there is an analytic algorithm due to Lagarias-Odlyzko with computations based on the integrals of $\zeta(s)$ that only takes time $O(x^{1/2 + \epsilon})$, our algorithm has the advantage of being easier to implement. The new approach roughly amounts to analyzing the difference between a model that we obtain via Diophantine approximation and reality, and showing that it has a simple description in terms of congruence classes and segments. This simple description allows us to compute the difference quickly by means of a table lookup. This talk is based on joint work with Harald Andr\'{e}s Helfgott.

Apr 21

Joshua Stucky

Concerning the Sum of Certain Series

Abstract: There has been some recent interest in sums of the form \sum_{n\leq x} f([x/n]), where [y] denotes the greatest integer \leq y. In this talk, I will discuss and prove some facts about these sums under mild restrictions on the function f, as well as discuss some improvements to the error terms in the asymptotic evaluation of the sum for a few particular functions f, including a new result of my own in the case when f(n)=d(n), the number of divisors of n.

Apr 26

Aled Walker (Mittag-Leffler)

Correlations of sieve weights and distributions of zeros 
Abstract: In this talk we will discuss Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, and give a (conditional) partial result concerning the Fourier transform of this pair correlation function. The key technical ingredient is a new correlation estimate for sieve weights, which in turn is based on the estimate of Bettin--Chandee on Kloosterman fractions. 

Apr 28

Albert Cochrane

Sumset Growth for Multiplicative Subgroups of a Finite Field

May 3

What does string theory teach us about number theory?


Abstract: Certain models of string theory predict correction terms to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, with coefficients that are automorphic functions.  Some of these are Eisenstein series with very delicate special properties.  I’ll give an overview of this topic and its recent application to Arthur’s conjectures from the 1980s about unitary representations.

May 5

Dileep Alla

Lower bounds for moments of the Riemann Zeta function
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss a recent paper of Heap and Soundararajan which proves a lower bound for the 2k-th moments of the Riemann Zeta function. The key idea in their paper is to approximate powers of the zeta function by a short Dirichlet polynomial. I will discuss this idea and the proof of their result.

Fall 2020


Oct 1

3:30 pm CST

Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Carleton College)

Oct 8

Maksym Radzwill

Oct 15

Ian Petrow

Oct 22

Simon Macourt

Nov 12

Gene Kopp

Nov 19

Shabnam Aktari

Oct 15

The Linear Sieve, Bombieri's Theorem, and a Cheap Chen's Theorem

Abstract: In this talk, I will show how one can use the linear sieve in conjunction with the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem to prove a weak form of Chen's theorem. Namely, I will show how one can prove that there are infinitely many primes p such that p+2 is the product of at most 4 primes. Time permitting, I will discuss some of the ideas that go into proving the full version of Chen's theorem.

Oct 5 (CW 130)

Fai Chandee (KSU)

The sixth moment of Dirichlet L-functions without the average over critical lines

Abstract: Sixth and higher moments of L-functions are important and challenging problems in analytic number theory. There are several models to produce good conjectures for these moments, but none of them gives a good understanding how to approach them. I will discuss my recent joint work with Xiannan Li, Kaisa Matomaki and Maksym Radziwill on an asymptotic formula of the sixth moment of Dirichlet L-functions averaged over primitive characters mod q over all moduli q \leq Q. Unlike the previous work of Conrey, Iwaniec and Soundararajan, we do not need to include an average on the critical line, thus requiring analysis on the "unbalanced" sums. At least half of the talk will be an overview of the problem, and it should be accessible to graduate students.