Claire Frechette

About me

I'm a second year NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Boston College, working with Sol Friedberg. I did my PhD at the University of Minnesota, Class of 2022, working with Ben Brubaker; my thesis is titled The Flexibility of the Six-Vertex Lattice Model in the Study of Special Functions. My undergrad was at Brown University, Class of 2016. 

My research interests are primarily in number theory and statistical mechanics, specifically in metaplectic forms, solvable lattice models, and quantum groups. I also love learning and talking about math pedagogy.

I love running undergraduate research projects: if you're an undergrad at Boston College interested in doing research, please email me!

At Minnesota, I served as the President of the AMS Student Chapter at UMN (2020-21), and as co-organizer for the Student Number Theory Seminar (SNTS) for 2020-2021.

Outside of mathematics, I enjoy dancing, reading, playing tabletop games, crafting, and hanging out with my two cats.

Contact me

Email: or

Office:  Maloney 521