

5. (Y. Cho) Global dynamics for the Maxwell-Dirac system, Preprint,

4. (With M. Choi and Y. Lee)Scattering for the dispersion managed nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, Preprint,

3. Scattering results for the (1+4) dimensional massive Maxwell-Dirac system under Lorenz gauge condition, Preprint,

2. (With H. Huh) Cauchy problem for Dirac equations with Chern-Simons-Proca gauge field, Preprint,

1.  (With Y. Cho and S. Hong) Conditional large-data global well-posedness of Dirac equation with Hartree-type nonlinearity, Preprint, 


11.  (With S. Kwon and C. Yang) The modified scattering of 2 dimensional semi-relativistic Hartree equations, To appear in Journal of Evolution Equations,

10.  (With C. Kwak) Energy solutions for the fifth-order modified Korteweg de-Vries equations, To appear in Discrete and Contunuous Dynamics System,

9. (With Y. Cho, S. Kwon, and C. Yang) The modified scattering for Dirac equations of scattering-critical nonlinearity, Advances in Differential Equations, 29(3/4) (2024), 179-222.

8. (With Y. Cho and S. Hong) Scattering and non-scattering of the Hartree type nonlinear Dirac system at critical regularity, SIAM Journal of Math Anal, 55 (4) (2023), 3395-3419.

7. (With Y. Cho and T. Ozawa) Small data scattering of 2d Hartree type Dirac equations, Journal of Math. Anal. Appl. 506 (1) (2022), 125549.

6. Local well-posedness of Dirac equations with nonlinearity derived from honeycomb structure in 2 dimensions, Bull. Kor. Math. Soc. 58 (2021), 1445-1461.

5. Low regularity well-posedness of Hartree type Dirac equations in 2,3-dimensions, Comm. Pure. Appl. Anal. 20 (11) (2021), 3667-3686. 

4. (With Y. Cho) Small data scattering of Dirac equations with Yukawa type potentials in $L_x^2(\mathbb R^2)$, Diffential and Integral Equations 34 (7/8) (2021), 425-436.

3. (With Y. Cho) On the focusing energy-critical inhomogeneous NLS: weighted space approach, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory Methods Appl. 205 (2021), 112261.

2. (With Y. Cho and S. Hong) On the global well-posedness of focusing energy-critical inhomogeneous NLS, Journal of Evolution Equations 20 (2020), 1349-1380. 

1.(With Y. Cho) Small data scattering of the inhomogeneous cubic-quintic NLS in 2 dimensions, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory Methods Appl. 188 (2019), 142-157.