Chulkwang Kwak

About me...

I am an assistant professor at the department of mathematics in Ewha Womans University

I received the Ph.D degree at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) under the direction of advisor Soonsik Kwon in August 2016. My thesis title is Study on the low regularity Cauchy problem for fifth-order dispersive equations. I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Facultad de Matemáticas in Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) under the direction of Claudio Muñoz, very recently I have worked as a research fellow at the school of mathematics in Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)

My research interests are included in Partial differential equations and harmonic analysis. More precisely, I am interested in the well-posedness theory based on Harmonic analysis methods, and the stability theory for nonlinear dispersive PDEs and asymptotic models for water waves.

I am one of  organizers of the online "PDE and harmonic analysis" seminar, starting from September 2020, enter the website via the following link:

I also organize a joint seminar (YESSAP) with Sogang and Yonsei universities: 

Here is my CV

Contact information

Department of Mathematics

Ewha Womans University

Science Building A No. 319, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea, 03760

E-Mail :,

Phone : +82 2 3277 4439

Mobile : +82 10 2000 5314 (KOREA) 

Homepage :

Last update: 2023. 01