As featured in...

HOW FAR THE LIGHT REACHES: A LIFE IN TEN SEA CREATURES (Sabrina Imbler, December 2022), a fascinating tour of creatures from the surface to the deepest ocean floor, inviting us to envision wilder, grander, and more abundant possibilities for the way we live.

I contributed a microessay to the chapter Us Everlasting.

YOUR TURN: HOW TO BE AN ADULT (Julie Lythcott-Haims, April 2021), a groundbreakingly frank guide to growing up.

My story is featured in Chapter 4.

SAVING US: A CLIMATE SCIENTIST’S CASE FOR HOPE AND HEALING IN A DIVIDED WORLD (Katharine Hayhoe, September 2021), centered on how to have meaningful and productive conversations about climate change with our families, friends, and colleagues.

A snapshot of my teaching practice appears in Chapter 5.

HOW TO CHANGE EVERYTHING: THE YOUNG HUMAN'S GUIDE TO PROTECTING THE PLANET AND EACH OTHER (Naomi Klein with Rebecca Stefoff, February 2021), offers young readers a comprehensive look at the state of the climate today and how we got here, while also providing the tools they need to join this fight to protect and reshape the planet they will inherit.

I co-wrote the publisher's official teaching guide for this book, full of suggestions from my teaching.