PRINT ISSN NO: 0975-4067

Kiraṇāvalī  is a journal  for the promotion of  academic research on Sanskrit language, 

Contemporary Indology, Indian Philosophy and Culture. 

श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणानामालयं करुणालयम्।

नमामि भगवत्पादशङ्करं लोकशङ्करम्।।


Print ISSN 0975-4067


Chief Editor

Dr M Manimohanan

Professor, Department of Sanskrit Vyakarana, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Ernakulam, Kerala India, PIN 683574

Executive Editor

Dr C. S. Sasikumar 

Professor of Sanskrit Sahitya (Rtd), Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Regional Campus, Vanchiyoor PO Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala. INDIA PIN 695035

Managing Editor

Dr G Narayanan

Professor in Sanskrit Vedanta, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Regional Campus, Vanchiyoor PO Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala. INDIA PIN 695035

Associate Editor


Associate professor of English, Noorul Islam University, Kumarakoil

Editorial Board

Dr.P.K.Dharmarajan, Professor of  Sahitya (Rtd), S.S.U.S. Kalady

Dr.V.Sisupalapanikkar,Professor of Sanskrit(Rtd.) Uty. of  Kerala

Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Professor of Vyakarana(Rtd.), S.S.U.S.Kalady

Dr.K.Muthulakshmi, Professor of Vedanta, S.S.U.S. Kalady

Dr.K.K.Sundaresan, Associate Professor of Vedanta, S.S.U.S. Kalady

Dr..S.Sobhana, Professor of  Vedanta (Rtd), S.S.U.S.Kalady 

Dr.T.Devarajan, Professor of Sanskrit (Rtd), University of Kerala

Dr.P.Chithambaran, Professor of  Vedanta (Rtd),S.S.U.S. Kalady

Aim and Scope

The goal of the Sanskrit Research Foundation's publication, Kiraṇāvalī, is to continue Thiruvananthapuram's illustrious academic legacy in the field of Sanskrit studies. The journal discusses methodological issues as well as current developments in the study of Sanskrit and related areas. Modern Indology is superior to classical Indology in every way. The field of "new Indology" was greatly impacted by the latest developments in the social sciences and cultural studies. In light of the new ideologies, analysis and discussion were conducted on philosophy, literature, grammar, fine arts, etc. We are attempting to reevaluate and make our conventional knowledge systems more transparent in this environment. 


Scholars are invited to submit outstanding, original research articles. The journal follows a double-blind peer review, which is succeeded by an editorial review. Prominent scholars and specialists comprise our evaluation team. We anticipate everyone's cooperation. Use the submit option provided on this page to Submit your Paper.

Author Guidelines

We are only currently accepting soft copies of papers that have been formatted in a Microsoft Word-compliant format.  Use Unicode fonts to typeset your paper. The article title, a one-page summary (not more than 100 words), and keywords should appear on the first page of the document. The manuscript's pages ought to be numbered sequentially. You have the option of submitting your work in Sanskrit or English. Make sure there are no grammatical, factual, or plagiarism issues in your work. Your paper will be checked for plagiarism and if found plagiarised content it will be rejected without notice. You are advised to submit your paper along with a  'plagiarism-free certificate' generated by software or issued by a competent authority. 

We ask authors not to mention their identity or affiliation in their submitted articles because we use a double-blind review process. In the text, self-identifying citations and references must be avoided. Therefore, authors should ensure that no manuscript page mentions their names or affiliations. It is not possible to guarantee anonymous evaluation if authors do include their identities on submitted articles. Your name, address, and any other pertinent information must be included in the email.

Your papers should be sent to Two distinct files—one in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) format and the other in Portable Document Format (PDF)—are sought from you.

Space is too valuable. Therefore, we ask that the citation be included in the text itself and that the "works cited" list be gathered after the work. It is recommended that you use the M.L.A. style. If necessary, you may include notes as footnotes (but only notes, please—no references or bibliographic data allowed).


The Journal does not collect a processing fee for publishing papers. You will be given a soft copy of your paper with a permanent link to the document, free of charge. However, if you wish to get a hard copy of the journal, you have to purchase it from us. The cost of the book and associated packing and postage charges will be communicated by email to the address given at the time of submission. 

Kiranavali is a journal with open-access

This is an open-access journal. All content is freely available without charge to the user or his or her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. 

Copyright and Licensing

Kiraṇāvalī is published by Sanskrit Research Foundation under a Creative Commons-ShareAlike license. Contributors to Kiraṇāvalī must sign a declaration attesting to their agreement with the publisher's "open access" policy.

Submit papers for Vol. XVII, December 2025

Sanskrit Research foundation is a Fraternity of the Sanskrit Teachers of Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala