What is the SGA?

The SGA meets every Wednesday in the Media Center after school. Hope to see you there!

The SGA stands for the Student Government Association. We organize many events. Some events include the school's Valentine's Day Candy Grams, Toiletry Drive, Winter Spirit Week, and more. The SGA is open to all Kingsview students in any grade level! The SGA is a safe space where you can voice your opinion about any school matter!

Some things you might want to know about the SGA:

  • You don't have to be in the SGA to present an idea. If you want to share the idea with us, just come to one of our meetings!.

  • If you are interested in doing flag duty or morning announcements guess who does those the SGA. So if you want to do those maybe come join us.

  • If you are interested in coming to our meeting make sure to go to the cafeteria first then sign in on the paper in front of the stage and wait till the SGA is called to go. If you don't hear them get called then go to the media center the SGA will most likely be in there.