Kimberly Glover, MEd
5th grade Math/Science
TLIIST is a collaboration between Rice University, Houston ISD (HISD), Houston
TLIIST is a collaboration between Rice University, Houston ISD (HISD), Houston
Community College (HCC), the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT)
Community College (HCC), the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT)
and the University of Houston. TLIIST provides five years of professional
and the University of Houston. TLIIST provides five years of professional
development in science pedagogical knowledge, leadership training, and
development in science pedagogical knowledge, leadership training, and
mentoring opportunities with the goal of creating inquiry-based learning
mentoring opportunities with the goal of creating inquiry-based learning
experiences and environments that will improve the quality of science teaching
experiences and environments that will improve the quality of science teaching
and learning in high-needs schools in the Greater Houston area.
and learning in high-needs schools in the Greater Houston area.