Biochemistry Major/Minor at Howard

Biochemistry major courses

All students are required to complete a core of basic chemistry courses: General Chemistry and Laboratory I (CHEM03/CHEM05); General Chemistry and Laboratory II (CHEM04/CHEM06); Organic Chemistry (CHEM141 and 142); Organic Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM145); Biochemistry I Lecture (CHEM151; Biochemistry II (CHEM152); Biochemistry Survey Laboratory (CHEM 157); and Physical Biochemistry Lecture (CHEM 175). Unless approved as transfer courses at the time of matriculation, all core chemistry courses must be completed at Howard University. All prerequisite courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C before taking chemistry electives. After completing the core courses, students will take a minimum of 6 credit hours of Chemistry electives. Every student is required to take at least two chemistry elective courses offered by the department. A student must earn a minimum of 35 credit hours in Chemistry (Biochemistry major) to fulfill the requirements for the major and all Chemistry courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C in order to count toward the 35 credit hours required for the Biochemistry major. Courses in biology, physics, and mathematics must also be taken as supporting courses for the biochemistry major. The supporting non-Chemistry courses include: Biology (BIOL101 and BIOL102), Genetics (BIOL200), Cell Biology (BIOL310), Molecular Biology (BIOL320); one year of General Physics (PHYS 001 and PHYS 002); and one year of mathematics (Calculus I (MATH 156) and Calculus II (MATH 157)).

• CHEM 003. General Chemistry I and Recitation. 4 crs. Deals with the fundamental principles of chemistry, the chemical and physical properties of the elements and their most common compounds, and methods of qualitative inorganic analysis. Prerequisite: Students required to take CAR math have to satisfy that requirement before they will be able to enroll in this course.

• CHEM 005. General Chemistry I Laboratory. 1 cr. Designed to teach some of the techniques of chemical experimentation, illustrate some of the principles of chemical theory, and develop some skill in the preparation and analysis of chemical substances.

• CHEM 004. General Chemistry II and Recitation. 4 crs. Lecture course that is a continuation of CHEM 003. Prerequisite: CHEM 003 or consent of instructor.

• CHEM 006. General Chemistry II Laboratory. 1 cr. Continuation of CHEM 005.

• CHEM141. Organic Chemistry. 3 crs. Lecture course analyzing the chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Prerequisite: CHEM 004.

• CHEM142. Organic Chemistry. 3 crs. Continuation of CHEM 141. Prerequisite: CHEM 141. • CHEM145. Organic Chemistry Laboratory and Laboratory Lecture. 3 crs. Experimental studies in the isolation, purification, and synthesis of organic compounds. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 141 or CHEM 142.

• CHEM151. Biochemistry I Lecture. 3 crs. Analysis of the chemistry, metabolism, and enzymology of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and other cellular constituents. May be taken jointly with CHEM 171. Prerequisite: CHEM 142.

• CHEM152. Biochemistry II. 3 crs. Continuation of CHEM 151. Prerequisite: CHEM 151. • CHEM 157. Biochemistry Survey Laboratory. 2 crs. Experimental studies in the isolation and chemical reactivity of substances of biological interest. • CHEM 175. Physical Biochemistry Lecture. 3 crs. Introduction to concepts in biophysics, including concepts in kinetics, thermodynamics, structure, and molecular spectroscopy for application in biological studies will be covered.

• CHEM 175. Physical Biochemistry Lecture. 3 crs. Introduction to concepts in biophysics, including concepts in kinetics, thermodynamics, structure, and molecular spectroscopy for application in biological studies will be covered.