Kiara (Ziqi) Tang

HGSE'24, Insightful Multi-Media Inhabitant, All-round designer, 

open to job/research programs in U.S. 


I am a creative expert in e-learning, game design and storytelling, 

driven to blend technology and creativity to advance education and entertainment. 

Passionate about pioneering in Edtech, I create engaging content for diverse audiences. 

Open to exploring opportunities from professional roles to research and PhD programs. 

I have a variety of self-styled names: 47% are related to "light", 21% to "night", 15% to "wind", and 10% to "silver". 


Adult Learning Theory Course

Create engaging, effective online educational experiences tailored to adult learners, emphasizing self-directed learning and practical application.

AI assistant: Resource Navigator

Implemented ChatGPT model and fine-tuned it for educational context, designed the bot's prompts to encourage deep reflection and strategic thinking as AI Prompt Engineer

TwT: GPT-Morphed self-reflection RPG

Narrative Game Designer x AI Prompt Engineer x Gamification in Education x Mindfulness Meditation: Transforming Self

Storytelling x Worldbuilding

Three internships at major Chinese game studios gave me insights into the team production processes of successful commercial games. I've also explored various indie creative expressions - from writing and storytelling to worldbuilding, CG drawing, and interaction.