Fresh Dates Zahedi Dates Pind Khajoor

Zahedi Dates / Pind Khajur 



Zahedi dates, also known as Pind Khajur or Zahidi dates, are a variety of Iranian dates that offer a host of benefits, including a sweet and caramel-like flavour. These golden, medium-sized dates are cherished for their versatility in culinary applications, long shelf life, and nutrient-rich composition. This article explores the unique qualities and benefits of Zahedi dates, making them a perfect addition to various dishes, as well as an ideal snack for those seeking a natural energy boost.

Versatility in Culinary Delights:

Zahedi dates, with their delightful sweet and caramel-like flavour, add a touch of natural sweetness to both savoury and sweet dishes. They are particularly well-suited for baking and cooking, as their medium-sized form and firm texture hold up well during preparation. Incorporate them into cakes, bread, and energy bars, or use them as a natural sweetener in sauces or dressings, lending a unique taste to your culinary creations.

A Nutrient-Rich Snack:

Zahedi dates are not only delicious but also offer a wealth of essential nutrients. They are packed with fibre, which promotes healthy digestion and aids in maintaining regular bowel movements. The high fibre content also contributes to a feeling of fullness, making Zahedi dates a satisfying snack choice. Moreover, these dates are rich in minerals and vitamins, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6, offering a nutrient boost to support overall well-being.

Long Shelf Life:

One of the significant advantages of Zahedi dates is their extended shelf life. They have a remarkable ability to retain their quality and taste for an extended period, making them an excellent choice for long-term storage. This feature ensures that you can enjoy the goodness of Zahedi dates for an extended duration, even without immediate consumption.

Ideal for Special Occasions:

Zahedi dates hold great significance during religious occasions, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. Their natural sweetness and energy-boosting properties make them a preferred choice for breaking the fast. Zahedi dates also find a special place in various cultural and traditional festivities, adding a touch of sweetness and symbolism to celebrations.

Health Benefits and Dietary Considerations:

Zahedi dates offer several health benefits. They are cholesterol-free and suitable for vegan diets, making them an inclusive snack option. Zahedi dates are a natural source of sugars, providing a quick energy boost without any added artificial sweeteners. The high fibre content aids in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and supports cardiovascular health.


Zahedi dates, also known as Pind Khajur or Zahidi dates, are prized for their sweet and caramel-like flavour, medium-sized form, and versatility in culinary applications. They offer a nutrient-rich profile, high fibre content, and long shelf life. Whether used as a delightful ingredient in baking and cooking or enjoyed as a wholesome snack, Zahedi dates provide a natural energy boost and contribute to overall well-being. Embrace the golden delights of Zahedi dates and savour their unique flavour, making them a part of your everyday meals or special occasions.

Zahidi Dates 1kg price in Mumbai
Zahedi Dates, Pind Khajur per kg price. Rates per kg

Get Your Zahedi Dates at Unbeatable Prices!

Have you tried Zahedi dates yet? These exceptional dates are renowned worldwide for their distinct flavor and resilience in challenging climates. As a result, they have become a sought-after choice among our customers. However, the demand for Zahedi dates is high, and their availability is limited. So, if you want to stock up on Zahedi dates at their current affordable prices, seize the opportunity now!

A Brief History of Zahedi Dates

Zahedi dates, also known as Iraqi dates, have been cultivated in southern Iraq for thousands of years. Their long-standing history is a testament to their quality and popularity.

Tips for Affordable Zahedi Date Purchases

For those looking for cheap Zahedi dates, the APMC Dates market is a great option. This market offers a wide range of date varieties at competitive prices. However, it's important to be discerning when making your purchase. To ensure you're getting good quality Zahedi dates at low prices, visit a reputable date shop or consult our website for guidance on selecting high-quality Zahedi dates.

Optimize Your Savings on Zahedi Dates

When it comes to buying Zahedi dates in bulk, the Mumbai wholesale market is your best bet. Purchasing in large quantities allows for long-term storage and offers more affordable prices compared to retail stores in India. Before making a bulk purchase, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Research Reputable Bulk Sellers: Seek out trustworthy bulk date sellers, as they often offer discounts of up to 30%. Obtain written price quotes and inquire about any additional charges such as shipping fees.

2. Assess Quality: Be cautious of counterfeit sellers who pass off low-quality "pind khajur" as authentic Zahedi dates. Prioritize quality by ensuring you are getting genuine Zahedi dates with their distinct taste and characteristics.

Wholesale Market for Zahedi Dates

The APMC Dates market serves as a wholesale marketplace for the auction and bulk sale of imported dates. If you're looking to buy or sell dates in India, this market is a must-visit destination.

Zahedi Dates: Perfect for Various Culinary Delights

Zahedi dates from Saudi Arabia are among the top-selling varieties. Their soft, sweet flesh and intensely fruity taste make them an ideal snack on their own or a delightful addition to a variety of recipes, including cakes, pastries, ice cream, and smoothies.

Zahedi Dates Pricing

The current price range for Zahedi dates, also known as "pind khajur," is approximately Rs 40/kg to Rs 60/kg. Stay informed about the latest pricing by checking local market updates or reliable sources.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy Zahedi dates at unbeatable prices. Whether you're seeking their unique flavor or the health benefits they offer, make the most of this chance to indulge in affordable and delicious Zahedi dates.

Exclusive Insider Tips for Buying Zahedi Dates in Bulk from Top Importers in India at the Lowest Rates

If you're looking to purchase Zahedi dates in bulk quantities from top importers in India, we've got you covered with these top-secret tips that will help you secure the best deals at the lowest rates:

1. Research Reputable Importers: Start by researching and identifying the top importers of Zahedi dates in India. Look for importers with a strong track record of reliability, quality, and competitive pricing. Check their reputation, customer reviews, and years of experience in the industry.

2. Establish Direct Contact: Once you have a list of potential importers, establish direct contact with them. Reach out through their official website, email, or phone to inquire about their Zahedi date offerings, pricing, and bulk purchase options. Establishing a direct line of communication allows for personalized negotiation and a better understanding of their offerings.

3. Inquire About Quantity Discounts: When buying Zahedi dates in bulk, inquire about quantity discounts. Importers often offer special pricing for large orders. Discuss your desired quantity with the importers and explore if they can provide any additional benefits or reduced rates based on the volume of your purchase.

4. Consider Seasonal Offers: Stay updated on seasonal offers and promotions provided by the importers. Certain times of the year may see fluctuations in pricing due to factors such as harvest seasons or market demand. Take advantage of these opportunities to secure Zahedi dates at even lower rates.

5. Request Samples for Quality Assurance: To ensure the quality and taste of Zahedi dates, request samples from the importers. Sampling the dates allows you to assess their freshness, texture, and flavour firsthand. This step is crucial, especially when making bulk purchases, as it helps avoid any potential disappointment in the quality of the dates.

6. Compare Multiple Importers: Don't settle for the first importer you come across. Instead, compare the offerings, pricing, and terms from multiple importers. This comparison allows you to evaluate the best overall value and negotiate more effectively. Keep in mind that the lowest rate shouldn't be the sole determining factor; prioritize quality and reliability as well.

7. Negotiate and Build Relationships: Negotiation plays a vital role in securing the lowest rates for your bulk purchase. Engage in open discussions with the importers, expressing your requirements and budget. Building a strong relationship with the importers can also lead to long-term benefits and access to exclusive deals in the future.

8. Stay Informed About Market Prices: Stay updated on market prices for Zahedi dates in India. Regularly check market reports, news, and industry publications to understand price trends and fluctuations. This knowledge equips you with better bargaining power during negotiations.

Remember, the price range for Zahedi dates in India typically starts from Rs 40 to Rs 60 per kg, depending on the quality and size of the dates. By following these top-secret tips, you'll have an edge in procuring Zahedi dates in bulk quantities from top importers in India at the lowest possible rates. Enjoy the sweet taste and nutritional benefits of Zahedi dates while maximizing your savings.

Unveiling the Secret Zahedi Dates Market in Mumbai for the Best Deals and Lowest Rates

If you're on the lookout for the best possible deals and lowest rates for Zahedi dates (pind khajur) in Mumbai, we're about to reveal a secret market where you can find exactly what you're seeking. Prepare to discover the hidden gem for Zahedi dates:

1. Crawford Market (Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Market): Located in South Mumbai, Crawford Market is a bustling wholesale market that offers a wide range of fresh produce, including dates. While it's not exclusively known for Zahedi dates, it's a market where you can find a variety of date options, including Zahedi dates, at competitive rates. Explore the market and inquire with different vendors to discover the best deals.

2. Masjid Bunder Market: Situated in the heart of Mumbai, Masjid Bunder Market is a vibrant wholesale market renowned for its diverse range of food products. This market is known for its competitive prices and attracts numerous wholesale buyers. Visit the market and explore the stalls to find vendors who specialize in dates, including Zahedi dates. Engage in negotiations to secure the best possible deals and lowest rates.

3. Navi Mumbai APMC Market: The Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) market in Navi Mumbai is a prominent wholesale market where a wide variety of agricultural products, including dates, are traded. Zahedi dates are likely available in this market, and you can connect with the vendors to inquire about the availability, pricing, and bulk purchase options. Explore the market to find the best deals and negotiate for the lowest rates.

4. Kurla Market: Kurla Market, located in the eastern suburbs of Mumbai, is another hidden gem for finding wholesale food products. While it may require some exploration and inquiries with different vendors, you may come across Zahedi dates at competitive prices. Engage in negotiations to ensure the lowest rates for your bulk purchase.

Remember to approach these markets with an open mind and be prepared to engage in negotiations to secure the best possible deals. It's advisable to compare prices from multiple vendors within the market to ensure you're getting the lowest rates for Zahedi dates. Additionally, keep in mind that the availability of Zahedi dates may vary depending on the season and market conditions.

Now that the secret is out, head to the Zahedi dates market in Mumbai and unlock the treasure trove of great deals and the lowest rates. Enjoy the deliciousness of Zahedi dates while maximizing your savings!



Zahedi dates, renowned for their unique taste and nutritional benefits, have become a sought-after commodity in the market. As we step into 2023, it's essential to keep a finger on the pulse of market trends, particularly the price dynamics of these delectable delights. In this article, we delve into the anticipated Zahedi Dates prices for the year 2023, focusing on factors influencing these prices and their significance for consumers and wholesalers alike.

Zahedi Dates Price Projections for 2023:

In the world of dry fruits, Zahedi dates hold a distinct place due to their golden hue and nutrient-rich profile. As we anticipate the trends for 2023, market experts forecast that the wholesale price of Zahedi dates is expected to settle around Rs 65 per kilogram, inclusive of GST, in the Indian Khajoor Mandi. This projection serves as a guideline for wholesalers, retailers, and consumers, aiding in making informed decisions regarding purchases and investments.

Factors Influencing Zahedi Dates Prices:

Several interconnected factors contribute to the determination of Zahedi dates prices in 2023:

1. Crop Yield and Quality: The annual yield of Zahedi date palms significantly affects the market supply. Fluctuations in crop quality due to climatic conditions and agricultural practices can influence prices.

2. Global Demand: The international demand for Zahedi dates can cause price fluctuations, especially if there's an increased interest in its consumption for dietary or culinary reasons.

3. Economic Conditions: Economic stability plays a pivotal role. Exchange rates, inflation, and overall financial conditions can directly impact the cost of production and, subsequently, the market price.

4. Transport and Logistics: Efficient transportation and storage mechanisms are essential to maintain the quality of Zahedi dates. Any disruptions in this supply chain can lead to price variations.

5. Government Policies and Regulations: Government interventions, such as export-import regulations and taxation policies, can influence the flow of Zahedi dates in and out of the market, thereby impacting prices.

Significance for Stakeholders:

Understanding the projected prices of Zahedi dates in 2023 is crucial for various stakeholders:

1. Wholesalers and Retailers: Accurate price projections empower wholesalers and retailers to make strategic decisions regarding purchasing quantities and pricing strategies.

2. Consumers: For consumers, knowledge of the anticipated prices allows for better budgeting and informed purchasing choices, ensuring that they get the best value for their money.

3. Exporters and Importers: Businesses engaged in international trade can use price projections to negotiate contracts and make informed decisions about exporting or importing Zahedi dates.


In the realm of dried fruits, Zahedi dates have carved a niche for themselves. As we step into 2023, a projected wholesale price of around Rs 65 per kilogram, including GST, indicates the direction in which the market is heading. By considering the multifaceted factors influencing prices, stakeholders can navigate the market effectively, ensuring the availability of these golden, nutrient-rich delights for every occasion. Stay attuned to these price trends to make the most out of your Zahedi date-related ventures in the coming year.