Sukkari Dates 

Sukkari Dates 3kg Price
What are sukkari dates? Sukkary (sometimes spelled sukkari) dates are a premium cultivar of the date fruit family highly sought for their natural honey-like sweetness and consistent quality. The word “Sukkary” sounds like “sugar. In Arabic, it means “the sweet one.” This variety is popular, and is often referred to as 'royal dates.
Sukkari is one of the famous Dates in the Middle East. They are a very common variety of dates at the table and for snacking. These are pleasantly sweet and melt-in-the-mouth dates. They are popular for their rich taste, flavour, power-packed nutrition and superior quality.
Sukkari Dates 3kg Price in India

Title: Sukkari Dates: A Sweet and Nutritious Delight with Growing Popularity


Sukkari dates, often referred to as the "Queen of Dates," have gained widespread recognition and popularity in recent years. Renowned for their distinct flavour, soft texture, and rich nutritional profile, Sukkari dates have become a sought-after delicacy in the global market. In this professional article, we will explore the exceptional qualities and increasing demand for Sukkari dates, highlighting their unique characteristics, nutritional benefits, cultivation practices, and commercial opportunities.

1. Exquisite Taste and Texture

Sukkari dates are renowned for their exceptional taste and melt-in-your-mouth texture. These golden-brown, medium-sized dates have a sweet, caramel-like flavour with hints of honey and butterscotch. Their soft and chewy texture makes them a delightful treat, perfect for snacking or incorporating into various culinary creations.

2. Rich Nutritional Profile

Beyond their delectable taste, Sukkari dates offer a wealth of nutritional benefits. They are naturally high in fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. These dates are also rich in essential minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and iron, providing a natural energy boost. Additionally, Sukkari dates contain antioxidants and vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin B-complex, supporting overall health and well-being.

3. Cultivation and Harvesting

Sukkari dates are predominantly cultivated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly in the Al-Qassim region. The cultivation process involves careful attention to soil quality, irrigation, and pest management to ensure optimal growth and fruit quality. Harvesting usually takes place between August and September when the dates reach their peak ripeness. Skilled farmers employ traditional methods, handpicking the dates to ensure their quality and preserve their natural flavors and textures.

4. Increasing Global Demand

Sukkari dates have experienced a surge in demand globally, driven by their unique taste, nutritional value, and cultural significance. These dates are increasingly sought after by health-conscious consumers looking for natural alternatives to processed sweets. The global market for Sukkari dates is expanding, with growing demand in various regions, including North America, Europe, and Asia. This presents significant commercial opportunities for suppliers, wholesalers, and retailers to cater to the increasing consumer demand.

5. Culinary Applications and Consumer Trends

Sukkari dates are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. They can be eaten fresh as a snack, used in baking recipes, incorporated into smoothies, or paired with cheeses and nuts for a flavorful appetizer. Their natural sweetness makes them an excellent alternative to refined sugars in desserts and a delightful addition to both sweet and savory dishes. As more consumers embrace healthy eating habits and seek natural, wholesome ingredients, the culinary applications of Sukkari dates continue to expand.


Sukkari dates have rightfully earned their place as a treasured delicacy in the global market. With their exquisite taste, rich nutritional profile, and versatile culinary applications, these dates offer a unique and rewarding investment opportunity. As the demand for natural, healthy, and indulgent food choices continues to grow, Sukkari dates present a promising avenue for suppliers and entrepreneurs in the agricultural industry. By recognizing the distinct qualities and market potential of Sukkari dates, stakeholders can position themselves at the forefront of this thriving market, offering consumers an authentic and delightful experience with each bite.

Sukkari Dates 

 Sukkari dates are one of the most sought-after varieties of dates in India, known for their unique taste and texture. Among the many places where sukkari dates are available, the APMC market in Mumbai is one of the best places to find high-quality dates at reasonable prices.

APMC Market, also known as the Agricultural Produce Market Committee Market, is located in Vashi, Mumbai, and is one of the biggest wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables in the city. This market is known for offering a wide range of fresh produce, including dates, that are sourced directly from farmers and traders across the country.

The Sukkari dates available at the APMC market in Mumbai are of excellent quality, and they are considered to be some of the best dates available in the market. These dates are sourced from different parts of India, including Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra, among others. The market is known for its strict quality control measures, which ensure that only the best dates make it to the shelves.

One of the main advantages of buying sukkari dates at the APMC market in Mumbai is that you can purchase them in bulk at reasonable prices. The market is known for its competitive pricing, and you can get a better deal on sukkari dates here than at many other retail outlets in the city.

Another advantage of buying dates at the APMC market in Mumbai is the wide range of varieties available. The market offers different grades and types of sukkari dates, including the premium quality, which is the most sought-after variety. The market also offers different packaging options, from small packets to large boxes, to suit the needs of individual buyers.

Apart from the quality and pricing, another significant advantage of buying sukkari dates at the APMC market in Mumbai is the convenience factor. The market is easily accessible, and it is open throughout the week, making it convenient for buyers to purchase dates as per their schedule.

In conclusion, if you are looking for high-quality sukkari dates at reasonable prices, the APMC market in Mumbai is one of the best places to visit. With its excellent quality control measures, competitive pricing, and wide range of varieties, the market is the perfect place to purchase dates in bulk or in small quantities. So, head to the APMC market in Mumbai and stock up on your favorite sukkari dates today!

Title: Sukkari Rotab: Exploring the Sweet Delicacy of Sukkari Dates


Sukkari Rotab, also known as Sukkari dates or Sukkari Rutab, are a prized variety of dates known for their exquisite taste and texture. Hailing from the Arabian Peninsula, these delectable fruits are highly regarded for their rich sweetness and soft, moist flesh. In this article, we delve into the world of Sukkari Rotab, exploring its unique characteristics, culinary uses, and health benefits.

1. Exquisite Taste and Texture:

Sukkari Rotab dates are celebrated for their luscious and honey-like flavor. They offer a perfect balance of sweetness and mild caramel notes, making them a favorite among date connoisseurs. The texture of Sukkari Rotab is exceptionally soft and moist, almost resembling a fudgy consistency. This makes them a delightful treat to enjoy as a snack or incorporate into various culinary creations.

2. Culinary Versatility:

Sukkari Rotab dates are incredibly versatile in the kitchen, lending their natural sweetness to a wide range of dishes. They can be enjoyed on their own as a healthy and indulgent snack or used as a natural sweetener in smoothies, desserts, and baked goods. Their soft texture allows for easy incorporation into recipes, whether blended into date pastes, chopped for salads and cereal toppings, or stuffed with nuts and enjoyed as a stuffed delicacy.

3. Nutritional Benefits:

Sukkari Rotab dates not only satisfy the taste buds but also offer a host of nutritional benefits. They are a rich source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy gut. They are also packed with essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron, which contribute to overall well-being. Additionally, Sukkari Rotab dates are naturally low in fat and cholesterol-free, making them a guilt-free addition to a balanced diet.

4. Energy-Boosting Snack:

Due to their natural sugar content and fiber content, Sukkari Rotab dates serve as an excellent energy-boosting snack. They provide a quick and sustained release of energy, making them an ideal choice for athletes, those with an active lifestyle, or anyone in need of a natural pick-me-up during the day. The combination of carbohydrates, fiber, and essential minerals in Sukkari Rotab dates helps replenish energy stores and maintain optimal physical performance.

5. Antioxidant-Rich Superfood:

Sukkari Rotab dates are considered a superfood due to their abundant antioxidants. These powerful compounds help combat oxidative stress and protect the body against free radicals, which can contribute to various chronic diseases and aging. Regular consumption of Sukkari Rotab dates can support a healthy immune system, enhance cellular health, and contribute to overall well-being.


Sukkari Rotab dates are a treasured delicacy that tantalize the taste buds with their exquisite flavor and velvety texture. Beyond their indulgent taste, they offer numerous culinary possibilities, nutritional benefits, and energy-boosting properties. Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack, incorporated into recipes, or used as a natural sweetener, Sukkari Rotab dates continue to captivate both date enthusiasts and food lovers alike. Embrace the sweetness of Sukkari Rotab and savor the natural goodness they bring to your palate and well-being.

Product Description

Purchase Sukkari Dates Online at the Best Price with Free Home Delivery in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore: Sukkari Dates Wholesale Prices, Mandi Rates, and Convenient Online Buying Options

Are you in search of premium Sukkari dates in Mumbai? Look no further! We offer Sukkari dates in a convenient 3kg pack, available for purchase online. With our wholesale prices and competitive mandi rates, you can enjoy the delicious sweetness of Sukkari dates without breaking the bank. 

Buying Sukkari dates online has never been easier. Simply visit our website, browse our selection, and place your order. We guarantee the best rates in the market and ensure hassle-free delivery right to your doorstep. Whether you reside in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, or Bangalore, our efficient delivery services cover major cities across India. 

Why settle for anything less when it comes to quality and convenience? Trust our reputable online platform to provide you with the finest Sukkari dates available. Don't miss out on the opportunity to savor the rich flavors and health benefits of Sukkari dates. Order your 3kg pack today and experience the goodness of these exquisite dates delivered right to your home – completely free of charge!

Note: The availability and pricing of Sukkari dates may vary, so please visit our website for the most up-to-date information and to place your order.

Wholesale Price range from Rs 400/kg to Rs 500/kg. 

Advantages of Sukkari Dates:

1. Exquisite Taste: Sukkari dates are renowned for their exceptional flavor profile, characterized by a sweet, caramel-like taste with hints of honey and butterscotch. They offer a delightful and indulgent snacking experience.

2. Nutritional Value: Sukkari dates are packed with nutrients, including fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, and various vitamins. They provide natural energy, promote digestion, and offer antioxidant benefits, contributing to overall health and well-being.

3. Versatility in Culinary Applications: Sukkari dates can be used in a variety of culinary creations. They can be enjoyed as a standalone snack, incorporated into baked goods, added to smoothies, or paired with other ingredients like cheeses and nuts. Their natural sweetness makes them a healthier alternative to processed sugars.

4. Cultural Significance: Sukkari dates hold cultural significance in many regions, including the Middle East and North Africa. They are often part of traditional celebrations, festivals, and religious observances.

Disadvantages of Sukkari Dates:

1. Caloric Content: While Sukkari dates offer nutritional benefits, they are relatively high in calories due to their natural sugar content. Individuals who are watching their caloric intake or managing conditions such as diabetes should consume them in moderation.

2. Limited Shelf Life: Like all fresh fruits, Sukkari dates have a limited shelf life. They should be consumed within a certain timeframe to ensure optimal taste and quality. Proper storage and handling are necessary to prevent spoilage.

3. Price and Availability: Sukkari dates are considered a premium variety, and their availability may be limited in some regions. This can result in higher prices compared to other types of dates. Additionally, seasonal variations and import/export factors can influence availability and pricing.

4. Sticky Texture: The soft and chewy texture of Sukkari dates can be a disadvantage for some individuals who prefer firmer or less sticky fruits. It is a matter of personal preference and may impact the overall experience of consuming Sukkari dates.

It's important to note that the advantages and disadvantages mentioned above are general considerations. Personal preferences, dietary requirements, and individual circumstances may influence how these factors impact an individual's experience with Sukkari dates.

Title: The Art of Buying Sukkari Dates: A Guide to Choosing the Finest Quality


Sukkari dates, renowned for their exceptional sweetness and tender texture, are a sought-after variety of dates enjoyed by people worldwide. When it comes to buying Sukkari dates, it is essential to select the finest quality to fully experience their delectable flavour. In this article, we present a comprehensive guide to help you make informed decisions when purchasing Sukkari dates, ensuring you bring home the best quality available.

1. Choose a Reliable Source:

To ensure the authenticity and quality of Sukkari dates, it is crucial to buy them from a reputable and trusted source. Look for well-established vendors, specialty stores, or online retailers known for their commitment to providing high-quality dates. They are likely to source their Sukkari dates from reputable suppliers who prioritize quality and offer genuine products.

2. Consider the Origin:

Sukkari dates primarily originate from the Arabian Peninsula, particularly Saudi Arabia and Egypt. These regions are known for producing some of the finest Sukkari dates in the world. When buying Sukkari dates, consider their origin and opt for dates sourced directly from these regions. Such dates are likely to have superior flavour, texture, and overall quality.

3. Appearance and Texture:

When examining Sukkari dates, pay attention to their appearance and texture. Look for dates that have a rich, golden-brown colour and a glossy exterior. The skin should be smooth and unblemished. Gently squeeze the dates to check for softness and a slightly sticky texture, indicating freshness and moisture. Avoid dates that are overly dry or have a wrinkled appearance.

4. Aroma:

The aroma of Sukkari dates can provide valuable insights into their quality. Take a moment to inhale the fragrance emitted by the dates. Fresh Sukkari dates should have a pleasant, sweet aroma that is indicative of their natural ripeness. Avoid dates with an off-putting or stale odor, as it may suggest poor quality or improper storage conditions.

5. Taste Test:

Sampling the taste of Sukkari dates is the ultimate test of their quality. Take a small bite and savor the flavor. Authentic Sukkari dates should exhibit an exceptionally sweet taste with hints of caramel and honey-like richness. The flesh should be soft, moist, and tender. Superior quality Sukkari dates will have a lingering, satisfying sweetness that leaves a delightful aftertaste.

6. Packaging and Storage:

Examine the packaging of Sukkari dates before making a purchase. Quality dates are typically packaged in airtight containers or resealable bags that protect them from moisture and preserve their freshness. Ensure that the packaging is intact and properly sealed. Additionally, check the expiration date to ensure that you are buying fresh dates with a reasonable shelf life.


Buying Sukkari dates is an art that involves careful consideration of various factors, including the source, origin, appearance, texture, aroma, and taste. By following these guidelines, you can confidently select the finest quality Sukkari dates available. Remember to choose a reliable source, prioritize dates from the Arabian Peninsula, and rely on your senses to assess the dates' freshness and flavor. By investing in high-quality Sukkari dates, you can indulge in their unparalleled sweetness and enjoy the delightful experience they offer.