CPT : Can you tell us about the next World Logic Day ?

JYB:   January 14, 2024, will be the 6th edition of the World Logic Day with many celebrations around the world. The first two series of celebrations in 2019 and 2020 were 100% in-person. The 2021, 2022, 2023 editions were mainly on-line, due to the pandemic.  We are now working at coming back to in-person celebrations.

We are organizing a big one in Peru within SALOME 1 –the 1st South American LOgic Meeting that will take place in Cusco, near the Machu Picchu, January 12-15, 2024. Cusco was the capital of the Inca civilization, the most important in South America and one of the most impressive in the history of humanity.

Moreover, after succeeding with UNESCO Calendar in 2019, I am now working at entering the World Logic Day in the United Nations Calendar. These are two different calendars and it is good to be in both, especially if we consider that the WLD is not just another day in these international calendars, but the celebration of humanity, remembering that human beings are logical (rational) animals.