CPT : Why did you decide to create the World Logic Day the day of Gödel’s death ?

JYB:  Kurt Gödel died on January 14, 1978. By coincidence Alfred Tarski was born January 14, 1901. When I noticed that, about 15 years ago, I thought:  this a good reason to create a World Logic Day -  the date is obvious!  Gödel and Tarski are the most important logicians of recent years, as well as two major figures of the whole history of logic,  and, for both of them, January 14 is pivotal. 

I was invited to give a lecture at the World Philosophy Day at UNESCO in 2004. It was a nice celebration with a great variety of people, a wonderful music show by Herbie Hancock and then a cocktail party on the roof of UNESCO building in Paris. So, I had an idea about what a UNESCO international day was.