
  • Research interest

Main question is "How evolution sexual traits can affect community dynamics and change biodiversity?"

Keywords: eco-evolutionary dynamics, mathematical models, sexual selection, multi-species coexistence

My tool is mathematical modeling in eco-evolutionary dynamics related to sexual reproduction, in order to find out the following themes below.

  1. Main interests

  • Rapid evolution and species coexistence

  • Reproductive interference

  • Evolutionarily stable community

  1. Other interests

  • Trait evolution driven by sexual selection & sexual conflict

  • Speciation (e.g., reinforcement)

  • Interaction between reproductinve interference & sexual conflict and so on

  • Evolution of sexual reproduction

  • Interface between ecology & other fields

  1. "Ecology - Evolution"

... Eco-evolutionary feedbacks can affect species coexistence

  1. "Empirical - Theoretical" studies in ecology

... Is there a general framework of coexistence & biodiversity applied to many taxa?

  1. "Ecology - Complexity science, system biology"

  ... Community network

... Is there a general rule which is consistent with a sigle cell - Unicellular organisms -Multicellular organisms?

... Transportation of technique & mathematical modeling of complexity science, system biology

  • Fellowships and Grants

  1. RIKEN, Junior Research Associate Program, 2022

  • Awards

  1. Outstanding master's thesis award in Graduate student in Graduate schoolof arts and sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba