Publication & Presentation


  • Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Morita K, Yamamichi M (submitted) How does the magnitude of genetic variation affect eco-evolutionary dynamics in character displacement? bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.26.432976

  • Peer-reviewed articles (in Japanese)

Coming soon ...

  • Non-reviewed articles

Coming soon ...

  • Non-reviewed articles (in Japanese)

Coming soon ...

  • Database

  1. Ishii, Y., Morita, K., Matsuzaki S. S., Hayashi, S., Cs-137 activity concentration of freshwater fish and concentration factor in Fukushima during the period from 2013 to 2019. DOI: 10.34355/Fukushima.NIES.00023.


  • Poster

2022.3.14 - 3.19: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi, Poster session at the meeting of The Ecological Society of Japanese 2022

2021.11.6 - 11.7: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi, Poster session at the meeting of the Society of Population Ecology 2021

2021.3.17 - 3.21: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi, Poster session at the meeting of The Ecological Society of Japanese 2021

2020.11.14 - 11.16: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi, Poster session at the meeting of the eDNA Society and the Society of Population Ecology 2020

2020.9.20 - 9.22: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi, Poster session at the meeting of Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology 2020

2020.3.4 - 3.8: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi, Poster session at the meeting of The Ecological Society of Japanese 2020

  • Talk


2022.7.20-21: ISM workshop 2022数学を用いる生物学:理念・概念と実践・方法論

2022.3.12: 口頭発表 @ 進化学若手の会修論発表会

2021.2.21: ○Keiichi Morita, Short talk at the meeting of the presentation of master thesis in Kanto district in the Ecological Society of Japanese


2022.8.14 - 8.19: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi "Character displacement or priority effects: Immigration timing can affect community assembly with rapid evolution" 2022 The Ecological Society of America & The Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Joint meeting, ID:1230007, Montréal

2021.8.4 - 8.8: ○Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi "How does the magnitude of genetic variation affect eco-evolutionary dynamics in character displacement?" 2021 The Ecological Society of America Annual meeting, ID:92307, online