Welcome to Homepage of Keiichi MORITA!!

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  • Latest News!!

2022.7.21 : I gave a presentation at ESA 2022!

Hello, I am Keiichi Morita.

I study the mechanism of multispecies coexistence under character displacement with mathematical modeling now.

Nice to meet you!!

  • Profile

[Education] *main supervisor

2019 - 2020: B.S. in Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University

Affiliation: Funahashi Lab., Supervisors: Akira Funahashi*, Takahiro G Yamada

2020 - 2022: Graduate student in Graduate schoolof arts and sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba

Affiliation: Yoshida Lab.

Supervisors: Masato Yamamichi, Takehito Yoshida*, Yutaka Okuzaki, Shigeto Dobata

2022 - 202?: SOKENDAI, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies

Affiliation: Sasaki & Ohtsuki Lab.

Supervisors: Akira Sasaki*, Hisashi Ohtsuki, Masato Yamamichi, Ryosuke Iritani, Shigeto Dobata


  • Listen to Classical music (particularly, Tchaikovsky and Brahms!)

  • Study the theory of music and Composition

  • Play the bassoon (i.e. fagotto)

  • Japanese anime