Who am I?

I am Kevin de Wit, 22 years old and I am an amateur generalist artist. I started my journey to become a professional game designer and artist about 2 years ago. Since then I have gained new skills in art, tech and game design theories. I am currently studying Creative Media and Game Technologies, which has helped me learn and practice to become a better game designer. I believe that games are a good way to entertain and teach yourself. When making games I like to involve myself in the creative process, but I also get involved in the UX process, making sure that users get to enjoy the product that they deserve.

I am interested in:

My current favourite videogame: Final Fantasy XIV

For the most time you can find me play Final Fantasy XIV during my freetime. I am a big fan of the Final Fantasy franchise in general, and 14 combines all the fantastical aspects of the franchise in one big MMO. It is very easy to get lost in the game and spend hours on the extensive story mode that drives this game apart from other MMO's.

Currently I am reading:

A book that takes place in the universe of NieR Automata, another game franchise that is very dear to me and I am quite a big fan of Yoko Taro and the NieR franchise. I love reading every now and then and so this is a good excuse to keep gaming involved in my other hobbies.

Touching grass (every now and then):

I like to go on walks. Usually to clear my head a bit before big projects or whenever I need a break. I like to surround myself with nature and like taking pictures of different animal encounters. Photography has also always been a passion of mine and I am lucky to live close to nice bits of nature. 

Working in teams

When I grew up I never thought myself to be extraverted, because I grew up with a lot of people that did not share the same interests with me and it was a bit difficult for me to find something relatable with them. Despite that I was able to hangout with just about anyone and this is something that comes to help me in terms of teams.  I can connect well with people and I can motivate others to reach goals that are set within groups. I am always motivated and I love experimenting with new things, in order to learn more. I like a good atmosphere and I will always try to make a joke or make sure people have a good time. 

What I bring to a team:

Flexible and Experimental

When I started off last year, I was clueless on how to create things for myself. Motivated to learn more, I decided to pick up and experiment with new programs. I have experience now with:

-Adobe Photoshop

-Adobe Premiere

-3D Substance Painter



-Adobe Audition

-FL Studio



With these programs I have made 3D models, textures, texture maps, audio files, sketches, pixel-art and UI elements. Within my studies I have created cards for a boardgame to teach first years students about cultural differences in a social game. I have created UI elements and pixel-art assets for a isometric puzzle game, such as movable rocks and breakable pots. Whatever it is, I can make it!

For more information about me and my studies, check out my LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-de-wit/