

[10] The Willingness to Pay for a Cooler Day: Evidence from 50 years of Major League Baseball (with Melissa LoPalo and Sean O'Connor*), Forthcoming. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

[*Graduate Advisee]

[9] Monetizing the Externalities of Animal Agriculture: Insights from an Inclusive Welfare Function (with Jonathan McFadden), 2023. Social Choice and Welfare.

30-minute recorded seminar;  Media Coverage: Faunalytics.

[8] Are IMF Rescue Packages Effective? A Synthetic Control Analysis of Macroeconomic Crises, 2022. Journal of Monetary Economics.

[7] Intergenerational Transmission is Not Sufficient for Positive Long-Term Population Growth (with Sam Arenberg, Nathan Franz, Sangita Vyas, Nicholas Lawson, Melissa LoPalo, Mark Budolfson, Mike Geruso, and Dean Spears), 2022. Demography.

[6] Population Issues in Welfare Economics, Ethics, and Policy Evaluation (with Mark Budolfson and Dean Spears), 2022. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.

[5] Animal-based foods have high social and climate costs (with Frank Errickson and Jonathan McFadden), 2021. Nature Food.

[4] Climate action with revenue recycling has benefits for poverty, inequality and wellbeing (with Climate Futures Initiative Team), 2021. Nature Climate Change

Accompanying Policy Brief invited by Nature Climate Change; Press Release

[3] Utilitarian benchmarks for emissions and pledges promote equity, climate and development (with Mark Budolfson, David Anthoff, Francis Dennig, Frank Errickson, Dean Spears and Navroz Dubash), 2021. Nature Climate Change. [Press Release]

[2] What Should We Agree on about the Repugnant Conclusion? (consensus statement with 20+ coauthors), 2021. Utilitas.

Media Coverage: The Economist

[1] Quantifying India's Climate Vulnerability (with Melissa LoPalo, Dean Spears and Mark Budolfson), 2019. India Policy Forum Vol. 15.

Working Papers

The long-run relationship between per capita incomes and population sizes  (with Maya Eden) (also: CEPR Discussion Paper DP19353). Submitted

Is Less Really More? Comparing the Climate and Productivity Impacts of a Shrinking Population (with Sangita Vyas, Mark Budolfson, Dean Spears, and Mike Geruso). Submitted

Population Size, Ideas and the Speed of History [slides; 40-minute seminar recording]

In Progress:

How much should we pay to avert bad lives: Valuing reductions of intensive farming [slides; draft coming soon!]

Presented at the Paris School of Economics' Welfare Across Species workshop.

A Pareto Principle for Pigs and Puppies? (with Luis Mota; in progress)

Scheduled to be presented at Brown's Animal Welfare in Economics conference.

Policy Writings & Commentaries

Animal welfare in economic analyses of food production (with Jonathan McFadden), 2023. Nature Food.

Assessing IMF Involvement in Fragile States (with Charles Collyns and Shinji Takagi), 2021. Chapter in Macroeconomic Policy in Fragile States (eds. Ralph Chami, Raphael Espinoza, Peter Montiel), Oxford University Press.