AGM Minutes 2024

Kettering Allotments Society

Annual General Meeting 19th March 2024

Present: Peter New, John Roberts, Bec Profit, Glenda Profit, Martin Profit, Pat Mullins,Sarah Dexter, Robert McIntyre, Chris Hulston, Clive Thorley, Terri Attwood, Adrian Bew, Sarah Taylor, Harry Pope, Monica Ozdemir, Sheren Everson,  Maysie Martindale, Bernie Hagyard, Gretchen Ivey, Pat Draper, Dai Johnson, David King, Farai Chinyama, Simon Sherbourne, Fran Sherbourne, Greta Lilley, Maria Thurland, Grey Lindley, Tracey Westley, Katie Behan, Ray Clatworthy, Gloria Elmore, Mandy Thompson, Brett Thompson, Maria Chagos, Eduardo Olivera, Marcin Worzala Monica Worzala, Jane-Charlotte Winton, Iain Hiton, Mike Thurland, Stephen Payne, Russell Attwood

Apologies: Andrew Payne

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and contributing and closed the meeting. Below are the additional notes provided by the Treasurer about the annual accounts. 

End of meeting

Notes to Accounts for the Year ended 31st December 2023


Rent and Subscriptions

Rent received was less than 2022, but is affected by the turnover of plotholders during any year. However subscriptions were up as the committee made a conscious effort to ensure that all persons tending an allotment plot paid the £3 NSALG subscription, which is designed to provide liability cover protection to member plot-holders and leisure gardeners accused of accidently causing injury or damaging property. As a member plot-holder you are protected both at your allotment plot but also if you attend shows/events which are allotment related.

Other Income


During the year, the committee agreed to move all plot deposits to the HSBC BBM account to ring fence them from day to day activities. Interest received in the year was £21 v. £0 in 2022, as this account is an interest earning account, whereas the standard current account isn't.


The balance held continued at £5000 and the interest earned each month was automatically transferred to the main HSBC account, and amounted to £151 v. £101 in 2022 due to the NSI increasing its savings rates during the year.

KTC Lottery Grant

During the year Kettering Allotments Ltd submitted an application for a KTC lottery grant to remove asbestos from the Margaret Road site, and we were successful in receiving a grant of £1000. The actual cost was only £829.99 due to the use of asbestos bags versus a specialised skip (thanks to Pete New) and we were able to make a refund of £170 to KTC.


Rent - KTC charged the same amount as they have done for the past 14 years.

Water Rates - There was a significant decrease in costs due to online access to the Wave (Anglian Water) system where actual readings being taken by the Field Stewards were submitted, this is particularly important during the period of October through to April when the water is turned off, but where previously Wave would continue to charge for water through estimated bills. We are now only being charged for actual consumption.

Bank Charges

This has increased due to the number of cheques being received for the annual rent. A charge of 40p per cheque, and an additional 40p per banking is made by HSBC. A monthly cost of £5 is charged by HSBC for servicing the account. These are standard charges across most banks.

Field Maintenance

A significant amount has again been spent on field maintenance this year, with the majority of spend being at Margaret Road where planings have been laid on several of the ridings to ensure safe access to plotholders, the hedge at Scott Road had it’s annual flail to keep it tidy, a chipper was hired for Northfield Avenue, and the renewal of a small section of internal fence at Windmill Avenue. Skips were also hired for general rubbish removal. All spend is precosted and approved by the Committee, and minuted at Committee meetings. Further spend is budgeted in 2024 for planings on riding 2 at Margaret Road, and to create a soakaway at the second gate at Scott Road to reduce waterlogging. 

The Windmill Avenue fence was replaced in 2023 with a 2m high security fence which was fully paid  for by KTC, and was featured in both the Evening Telegraph and in the NSALG magazine. 

We have recently met with KTC with regard to the fencing at Northfield Avenue from the main gate to the hospital, and also the access gate at the B&Q end, but at 139m this is a much longer fence than Windmill Avenue, and the clerk to KTC has now visited twice.


As commented above, this increase is due to the Committee ensuring that all persons tending an allotment plot are paying the NSALG subscription.

Insurance, Accountancy 

Increases are due to inflation and the general increase in the cost of insurance.

Loss for Year - this is mainly due to the continued high investment in keeping all our fields properly maintained and to be a safe environment for all our plot holders, although there were also general increases in many costs due to high inflation. 

Despite this loss, which may be seen as a negative position by some, Kettering Allotments Limited is highly solvent, with more than sufficient funds in the bank to meet its expenditure, both day to day and for future planned expenditure.The bank position and any impact from spend, which is all fully pre-costed and approved, and fully discussed at each Committee meeting.