
Sergio Gusmeroli, Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano

"AI for Manufacturing, the 5th Industrial Revolution?"

Biographical note: Born in Sondrio (Italy) in 1961, he finalized his education at Politecnico di Milano in 1986. After several experiences in different branches of the ICT domain, in June 2000, he was appointed director and operating manager of the International Research & Innovation Unit of TXT e-solutions, an IT company leader in EU for Supply Chain management solutions. In TXT he coordinated diverse FP7 EC funded projects in the ICT for Manufacturing domain: COIN, MSEE, TELLME, FITMAN, OSMOSE. Since 2015, Sergio is a Research Coordinator for Politecnico di Milano and coordinating of the H2020 Factories of the Future PSYMBIOSYS project about Product-Service innovation ecosystems and of the BEinCPPS I4MS project about CPS/IOT and Industry 4.0. Currently, Sergio is involved in several projects related to Data Management for Manufacturing Industry, such as the BDV PPP BOOST 4.0 and DATABENCH projects and the FOF MIDIH and QU4LITY projects. He is author of more than 30 publications / papers in Italian and International magazines and conferences. His main areas of competence and experience include ICT for manufacturing, Internet of Things, Enterprise Interoperability, Future Internet technologies.

"AI for Manufacturing, the 5th Industrial Revolution?"

Keynote abstract: Since 2011, the term Industry 4.0 indicates the fourth industrial revolution (after steam, electricity and ICT) where Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are able to radically transform the way physical goods are manufactured. Along the last recent years, thanks for instance to the World Manufacturing Forum and several National / Regional initiatives, the Industry 4.0 concept has evolved towards a more comprehensive holistic way of renovating the way European Manufacturing Industry is doing business in a global landscape, including pre- and post-production activities and with a considerable role played by humans at all levels: workers, professionals, managers. Digital Technologies in Industry 4.0 are playing a fundamental role for the Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry assets (products, processes and people in particular) operating at the level of embedded, edge, enterprise and cloud in the Industry 4.0 Reference Architecture (RAMI 4.0). Beyond CPS, Industrial IoT and Industrial Analytics, more recently Artificial Intelligence technologies have been considered as key enabling technologies (KETs) for next generation autonomous systems in smart factories, smart products and smart supply chains. But, what is the real impact of AI to Manufacturing digital transformation? Secondly, which are the most disruptive AI applications and the barriers for their full adoption in Manufacturing? Thirdly, which the main challenges for next years’ research & innovation actions for a worldwide competitiveness of European Manufacturing Industry? And finally: is “AI for Manufacturing” just one of the Industry 4.0 KETs or could it be considered a new fifth industrial revolution?