1st International Workshop on

Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Factories

In conjunction with CAiSE 2019

4th June 2019, Rome, Italy

A digital factory is defined as a multi-layered integration of the information related to various activities along the factory and product lifecycle manufacturing related resources. A central aspect of a digital factory is that of enabling the product lifecycle stakeholders to collaborate by software solutions. The digital factory thus expands outside the actual company boundaries and offers the opportunity for the business and its suppliers to collaborate on business processes that affect the supply chain.

This translates into strong technological evolution but also into an unprecedented extension of companies’ information systems. Exploitation of data and services derived from disparate and distributed sources, development of scalable and efficient real-time systems, management of expert knowledge, advanced data analytics and optimized decision making are some of the key challenges which advanced information systems can address in an effort to reach the vision of Industry 4.0.

The goal of this workshop is to attract high quality research papers focusing on technologies for Industry 4.0, with specific reference to digital factories and smart manufacturing.

*** NEWS ***

Thank you all for making the workshop such a huge success!

You may check out some photos from the workshop at the Photos tab of the site.

We will keep you updated on a Special Issue of the journal Computers in Industry with some of the topics of the workshop!

See you next year in Grenoble at CAiSE 2020!