Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) System

Software(s): Eclipse CDT, MATLAB, Simulink, State Flow

Skill(s): C++, Embedded Systems, MATLAB, NXP S32K144 Microprocessor, RTOS, Systems Engineering

Project Purpose(s): Embedded Controls Systems Course (Prof. James Freudenberg)

Co-Creators (if any): Gurpreet Kalsi (University of Michigan, B.S.E.), Alexander Bosch (University of Michigan, B.S.E.)

Description: We created a Simulink model that models a simple vehicle and implements an ACC system. A haptic wheel served as the steering wheel to our simulated vehicle. The position of the wheel determined the angle of the front wheels of our car and the steering forces reflected back to the wheel. The ACC system was activated/deactivated by toggling one of the Digital Input bits with the dip switch. If traffic ahead of the vehicle comes within some critical distance, the ACC system switches to a position control mode that maintains the gap to the vehicle in front. If the lead vehicle(the vehicle immediately ahead) increases its speed beyond the ACC speed set point, the ACC system resumes speed control. The road traffic consisted of up to six vehicles simulated by the other lab stations. Each lab station broadcasted its vehicle’s position and speed on the CAN bus so that each vehicle is aware of all the other vehicles.

Link to Project Report and Summary Video:

Elementary Michelson Interferometer Construction

Software(s): N/A

Skill(s): Classical Optics

Project Purpose(s): Principles of Optics (Prof. Parag Deotare)

Co-Creators (if any): N/A

Description: I built a homemade Michelson Interferometer using a red diode laser, a biconvex lens, a beam splitter, and two mirrors. The entire design and implementation was conducted individually, with the exception of borrowing a 50-50 beam splitter from the Optics Department. This experiment is historically significant due to it's ability to verify the non-existence of the ether, the theory of special relativity, and the theory of general relativity. More recently, a much more convoluted but identical setup was used in LIGO to verify the existence of gravitational waves.

Link to Project Report and Supporting Media:

Emulating Modern Physics Experiments

Software(s): MATLAB, Microsoft Excel

Skill(s): Experimentation, Applied Physics, Data Analysis

Project Purpose(s): Modern Physics Course (Prof. Joshua Spitz)

Co-Creators (if any): Yin Min Goh (University of Michigan, B.S.)

Description: I replicated, performed data analysis, and wrote conclusive reports on some of the most prominent physics experiments of the 19th and 20th century over a period of 10 weeks,. These experiments included exploring the following topics; Blackbody Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Diffraction, Electron Diffraction, Hydrogen Spectroscopy, Square Well Simulation, Solar Spectroscopy, Hall Effect, Superconductivity, and Radioactivity.

Link to Lab Reports:

High-Performance Low-Dropout Regulator (LDO) Design

Software(s): Cadence, MATLAB

Skill(s): Analog Design, 130 nm IBM PDK Process

Project Purpose(s): Analog and Mixed Signal Design Course (Prof. Ehsan Afshari) / Secondary Undergraduate Thesis

Co-Creators (if any): N/A

Description: In this project, we were tasked with designing a LDO (low dropout voltage regulator). A LDO is a type of regulator used in many analog circuits that provides constant voltage with process and temperature variations. In essence, the regulator provides a noiseless constant power supply. We were provided with a rudimentary topology that we had to use, however, we had complete design freedom with respect to each of the subsystems. This project was to be divided into two portions: a hand design phase, and a circuit simulation phase using Cadence. Furthermore, our circuit design had to satisfy rigorous design specifications for load ranges between 0.1 mA - 10 mA.

Link to Design Report and Simulation Files:

Inner City Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Link

Software(s): N/A

Skill(s): Financial Analysis, Optics, Quantum Technologies

Project Purpose(s): Quantum Technologies I Course (Prof. Stefanie Barz)

Co-Creators (if any): Tim Engling (Universität Stuttgart, M. Sc), Wolfgang Fischer(Universität Stuttgart, M. Sc), Yan Tung Kong (Universität Stuttgart, M. Sc)

Description: Conducted a feasibility study on a state-of-the-art BBM92 QKD Link between Stuttgart's Central Station and Stuttgart's TV Tower.

Link to Project Presentation and Funding Proposal:

Machine Learning (ML) - Piazza Post Classifier

Software(s): Visual Studio 2019

Skill(s): C++, Binary Search Trees, Machine Learning, Recursion

Project Purpose(s): Programming and Data Structures Course (Prof. Nicole Hamilton)

Co-Creators (if any): N/A

Description: In this project, I wrote a program that uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to automatically identify the subject of posts from the class's Piazza. I gained experience with recursion, binary trees, templates, comparators, and the map data structure. At a high level, the classifier I implemented worked by assuming a probabilistic model of how Piazza posts are composed, and then finding which label (e.g. our categories of “euchre”, “exam”, etc.) is the most probable source of a particular post. The classifier used was a simplified version of a “Multi-Variate Bernoulli Naïve Bayes Classifier.” The developed classifier has an accuracy ranging between 77% - 87% for large datasets and a near 100% accuracy for smaller datasets.

*Due to academic integrity restrictions, code for this project cannot be made public. However, I'd be more than happy to give you a virtual demo of this project!*

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Gradient Coil Driver Circuit

Software(s): Altium, LTspice

Skill(s): Analog Design, Simulation

Project Purpose(s): Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory (Prof. Jens Anders)

Co-Creators (if any): N/A

Description: Built an accurate, high-current tracking driver circuit for a separate MRI gradient coil circuit. I was able to perform this task successfully by dividing the engineering process into key steps: LTspice design, LTspice simulation, Altium design, and Physical testing. In each of these steps I performed a thorough analysis to ensure the circuit would function in a variety of cases. Ultimately, I found that at an input rectangular pulse of 2.5 V, I had an output current signal of 2.5 A which had a superimposed heavy noise signal. The output current was able to generate a magnetic field gradient in the coil circuit for a maximum duration of upto 60 seconds due to the OPA 549’s internal temperature regulating functionality.

Link to Design Report and Presentation:

Multistage Amplifier Design

Software(s): Cadence, EAGLE, LTSpice, MATLAB

Skill(s): Analog Design, Microelectronics, ECAD

Project Purpose(s): Analog Circuits/Microelectronics Course (Prof. Al-Thaddeus Avestruz)

Co-Creators (if any): N/A

Description: Devised a 3-stage amplifier using 2N3904 BJT amplifiers which had a gain of 1800 V/V, bandwidth of 48 kHz, and power dissipation of 6 mW.

Link to Design Report:

Near-Space Electronic Payload (a.k.a Poké Ball Satellite)

Software(s): Altium, Arduino, C++, MATLAB, SolidWorks

Skill(s): Altium, Arduino, C++, CAD, ECAD, MATLAB, Space Physics, Systems Engineering

Project Purpose(s): Electronics for Space Measurements (Prof. Aaron Ridley)

Co-Creators (if any): Peter Hammel (University of Michigan, B.S.E.), William George (University of Michigan, B.S.E.), Xingyang Li (University of Michigan, B.S.E.)

Description: In my introduction to engineering class, I along with three teammates designed, built, tested, and deployed atmospheric and remote sensing instruments on a high-latitude weather balloon. The payload reached an altitude of around 100,000 feet and collected data on temperature, pressure, humidity, global positioning, sound, and three-axis acceleration. I designed the team's PCB using Altium and also designed and built the payload structure using SolidWorks.

Link to Project Report and Supporting Media:

Project Tome: Second-Hand Test Preparation Books Online Marketplace

Software(s): PHP, MySQL, HTML5

Skill(s): Web Development, Social Entrepreneurship

Project Purpose(s): Personal Project for Classmates in High School.

Co-Creators (if any): Mantej Singh (Rice University, B.S.)

Description: Project Tome allows the flow of used test preparation books for primary and secondary school students. Using basic e commerce technology and databases, we created a web application for buyers and sellers. Sellers could simply upload basic information of their product, and prospective buyers could contact these sellers individually. This ecosystem allowed for an environmentally and economically advanced method for spreading knowledge.

Link to Project Demo and Supporting Media:

R&D of a Multipurpose Transversely Excited Atmospheric (TEA) Nitrogen Laser

Software(s): MATLAB

Skill(s): Analog Circuits, Electromagnetics, Optical Engineering, Quantum Physics

Project Purpose(s): Advanced Lasers and Optics Laboratory Course (Prof. Parag Deotare) / Primary Undergraduate Thesis

Co-Creators (if any): Sean Higgins (University of Michigan, M.S.E.), Austin Kaczmarek (Cornell University, Ph.D.)

Description: For this project, our objective was to create a transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) Nitrogen laser for scientific and industrial applications. The specific application of interest for this project was pattern etching. To achieve our objective, we designed and constructed the laser setup, assured the power supply functioned as expected, and tried to optimize our entire system in order to produce a laser beam of ultraviolet light. Initially we wanted to have output that was powerful enough to both engrave a UV sensitive film, and observe spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) using a nonlinear crystal. However, based on the difficulties we had in creating lasing output, we decided that we simply wanted a beam-like output that would allow us to see a fluorescent source glow with a distinct spot.

Link to Project Report and Supporting Media:

Robust Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) System

Software(s): MATLAB, Simulink

Skill(s): Classical Control Theory, Electromagnetics

Project Purpose(s): Control Systems Analysis and Design Course (Prof. Semyon Meerkov)

Co-Creators (if any): Derek Fermin (University of Michigan, B.S.E.), Faizan Hassan (University of Michigan, B.S.E.)

Description: Designed a real-time PID magnetic levitation system which met the following design specifications: asymptotically stabilize a system, reduce settling time to less than or equal to 3 seconds, eliminate steady state error with respect to step input, and reduce the percent overshoot to less than 10% with the given plant. We successfully accomplished all design requirements and were able to develop a robust system that tracked unit step functions, ramp functions, and square wave functions.

Link to Project Report and Supporting Media:

VirtuScape: Virtual-Reality (VR) House Tour Startup

Software(s): Objective-C, Xcode

Skill(s): Entrepreneurship, iOS Software Development, Virtual Reality Engineering

Project Purpose(s): Launch Summer Entrepreneurship Camp at MIT (Founded by Laurie Stach)

Co-Creators (if any): Cameron Behar (University of Michigan, B.S.E.), Keshav Sivakumar (University of Cambridge, B.A.), Sahil Menon

Description: VirtuScape was a virtual reality real-estate company that aimed to alleviate the process of purchasing a house. Using a mobile application (developed on the iOS platform) and a set of Google Cardboard's, users can navigate through numerous houses instantly and locally. I developed the iOS platform and also managed databases for maintaining the media necessary for the application.

Link to Product Pitch and Supporting Media: