This is a picture my sister took of me on the Galata Bridge - a bridge that spans across the Golden Horn - in İstanbul, Türkiye. The city has a rich and beautiful history and it's people are truly amazing. To learn more about İstanbul I highly recommend reading "Istanbul - City of Majesty at the Crossroads of the World" by Thomas F. Madden,

hello, नमस्ते, hujambo, halo, สวัสดี, hallo

My name is Keshav Garg and I graduated on December 20th, 2020 from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where I majored in Electrical Engineering and minored in Physics. I'm now pursuing a Masters in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Smart Systems at the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart.

I was born in India but grew up in Kenya, Indonesia, and Thailand. I believe my unique background gives me an edge when it comes to interactions with people of various cultures and values. In addition, growing up in developing countries has made me a resourceful and inventive individual - traits that simply cannot be taught in a classroom or workplace environment.

Through rigorous coursework in both theoretical and experimental courses, I am able to solve a variety of problems by simultaneously using a first-principles approach (from physics) and model approximation approach (from engineering).

Coupled with my extensive coursework, I have professional work experience as an electronics intern at a high-tech gamma-ray spectroscopy company in the United States. Furthermore, I have also worked as a graduate student research assistant at one of Germany's most prestigious and advanced robotics research institutions.

This website contains detailed information about my academic background, projects, and work experience. In addition, there is also a section that contains relevant documents (i.e. Resume, CV, Unofficial Transcript, Official Transcript), and a section containing various photos (to humanize this virtual reflection of myself).