"I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference." R Frost

Research Papers


(17) Regular inclusions of simple unital  C*-algebras; joint with  Ved Prakash Gupta, arxiv version , 2024.

(16) Von Neumann entropy of the angle operator between a pair of intermediate subalgebras; joint with Satyajit Guin and Biplab Pal, arXiv version , 2024, communicated.

(15) Inner conjugate pair of Hadamard subfactors and vertex model; joint with Satyajit Guin and Guruprasad, arXiv version, 2024, communicated.

(14) On Pimsner-Popa orthonormal basis and Popa's relative dimension of projections; joint with Satyajit Guin, arXiv version 2023, communicated.  

(13) A few remarks on intermediate subalgebras of an inclusion of C*-algebras; joint with Satyajit Guin and Debabrata Jana, arXiv version, 2023, communicated.

(12) Relative position between a pair of spin model subfactors; joint with Satyajit Guin, preprint, arXiv version, 2022, 124 pages, communicated.

Published/Accepted papers:

(11) Fourier theoretic inequalities for inclusions of simple C*-algebras; joint with Satyajit Guin and Sruthymurali , New York Journal of Mathematics, accepted on 13 Feb, 2023,  arXiv version.

(10) A short note on relative entropy for a pair of intermediate subfactors, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, published on 20 May, 2022, arXiv version. 

(9)  Intermediate planar algebra revisited, II; joint with Sruthymurali , International Journal of Mathematics, accepted on 7th Feb 2022, arXiv version.

(8) A few remarks on Pimsner-Popa bases and regular subfactors of depth 2, joint with Ved Prakash Gupta , Glasgow Mathematical  Journal, to appear, 2021, arXiv version .

(7) Lattice of intermediate subalgebras, joint with Ved Prakash Gupta , Journal of the London Mathematical Society,  (2), 104, 2021, 2082-2127, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1112/jlms.12492,  arXiv version .

(6) Commuting squares and planar subalgebras, joint with Vijay Kodiyalam , Journal of Operator Theory 86 (2021), Issue. 1, pp 145-161, arXiv version .

(5) On orthogonal systems, two-sided bases and regular subfactors, joint with Ved Prakash Gupta , New York Journal of Mathematics , 26 (2020), 817-835, arXiv version

(4) A note on irreducible quadrilaterals of II_1 factors, joint with Ved Prakash Gupta , International Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2019), no. 12, 1950061, 22pp, arXiv version

(3) An angle between intermediate subfactors and its rigidity, joint with Sayan Das , Zhengwei Liu  and Yunxiang Ren , Transactions  of  the  American Mathematical Society, 371(8), 2019, 5973-5991, arXiv version .

(2) Intermediate planar algebra revisited, International Journal of Mathematics, 29(12), 2018, 42 pp, arXiv version .

(1) On Pimsner-Popa bases, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci, 127(1): 117–132, 2017, arXiv version .


Doctoral Thesis:  On intermediate subfactors

Supervisor:  Professor V. S. Sunder 
