

Blomqvist, Christopher, Kerstin Enflo, Andreas Jakobsson and Kalle Åström (2023) Reading the Ransom: Methodological advancements in extracting the Swedish Wealth Tax of 1571, Explorations in Economic History, Methods Article, volume 87, 101470.

Henning, Martin, Hans Westlund, and Kerstin Enflo (2022) Urban‐rural population changes and spatial inequalities in Sweden. Regional Science Policy & Practice. Vol 15 pp. 878–892.

Blomqvist, Christopher, Kerstin Enflo, Andreas Jakobsson and Kalle Åström (2022) Joint Handwritten Text Recognition and Word Classification for Tabular Information Extraction26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),  pp. 1564-1570. doi: 10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956282.

Cermeño, Alexandra, Kerstin Enflo and Johannes Lindvall (2022)  Railroads and Reform: How Trains Strengthened the Nation State, British Journal of Political Science, 52(2), 715-735. 

Molinder, Jakob, Tobias Karlsson and Kerstin Enflo (2022). Social Democracy and the Decline of Strikes. Explorations in Economic History, Volume 83, 101420. VoxEU Column

Molinder, Jakob, Tobias Karlsson and Kerstin Enflo (2021) More Power to the People: Electricity Adoption, Technological Change, and Labor Conflict, Journal of Economic History, Volume 81:2, 2, pp. 481 - 512. VoxEU Column A Correction Podcast

Prado, Svante, Christer Lundh, Kristoffer Collin and Kerstin Enflo (2020) Labour and the ‘law of one price’: regional wage convergence of farm workers in Sweden, 1757–1980, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Volume 69, Issue 1, pages 41-62.

Enflo, Kerstin and Anna Missiaia (2019) Between Malthus and the industrial take-off: regional inequality in Sweden, 1571-1850, Economic History Review, Volume 73, Issue 2, pages 431-454. Blog post in EHS the Long-run.

Cermeño, Alexandra and Kerstin Enflo (2019) Can Kings create towns that thrive? The long-run implications of new town foundations,  Journal of Urban Economics 112, pages 50-69. VoxEU Column

Enflo, Kerstin and Tobias Karlsson (2019) From Conflict to Compromise, the importance of mediation in Swedish work stoppages 1907-1927European Review of Economic History, Volume 23, Issue 3, pages 268–298 

Enflo, Kerstin, Eduard Alvarez and Jordi Marti-Henneberg (2018) Transportation and regional inequality: The impact of railways in the Nordic countries, 1860—1960, Journal of Historical Geography 62, pages 51-70

Enflo, Kerstin and Anna Missiaia (2018) Regional GDP estimates for Sweden, 1571–1850,  Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 51:2, pages 115-137

Berger, Thor and Kerstin Enflo (2017) Locomotives of local growth: The short- and long-term impact of railroads in Sweden, Journal of Urban Economics, 98, pages 124-138

Enflo, Kerstin and Joan R Rosés (2015) Coping with regional inequality in Sweden: structural change, migrations and policy, 1860-2000, Economic History Review, 68, pages 191–217

Enflo, Kerstin, Christer Lundh and Svante Prado (2014) The Role of Migration in Regional Wage Convergence: Evidence from Sweden 1860-1940, Explorations in Economic History 52, pages 93–110

Enflo, Kerstin, Martin Henning and Lennart Schön (2014) Swedish regional GDP 1855-2000: estimations and general trends in the Swedish regional system, Research in Economic History 30, pages 47-89

Stern, David and Kerstin Enflo (2013), Causality between energy and output in the long run, Energy Economics 39, pages 135–146

Berger, Thor, Kerstin Enflo and Martin Henning (2012) Geographical Location and Urbanization of the Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1900-1960: Evidence from a New Database, Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. 60 (3), pages 290-308 

Di Vaio, Gianfranco and Kerstin Enflo (2011) Did globalization lead to convergence? European Economic Review 55(6), pages 832-844

Henning, Martin, Kerstin Enflo and Fredrik Andersson (2011) Trends and cycles in regional economic growth: How spatial differences shaped the Swedish growth experience from 1860-2009, Explorations in Economic History, 48(4), pages 538-555

Enflo, Kerstin (2011) Examining the Institutional Roots of the Post-War Regional Economic Performances - Comparing Europe and USA, European Review of Economic History 15(2), pages 329-355

Enflo, Kerstin (2010) Productivity and employment – is there a trade-off? Comparing Western European regions and American states 1950-2000Annals of Regional Science 45, pages 401-421 

Enflo, Kerstin, Astrid Kander and Lennart Schön (2009) Electricity and Energy productivity, Ecological Economics 68 (11),  pages 2808-2817

Enflo, Kerstin and Per Hjertstrand (2009) Relative sources of European regional productivity convergence: A bootstrap frontier approach, Regional Studies 43(5), pages 1-17 

Enflo, Kerstin, Astrid Kander and Lennart Schön (2008) Identifying development blocks: A new methodology implemented on Swedish industry 1900-1974, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 18, pages 57-76

Working papers

Jonathan Jayes Jakob Molinder Kerstin Enflo (2024) Power for progress: The impact of electricity on individual labor market outcomes, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18973. VoxEU Column

Ejermo, O, K Enflo, B Eriksson and E Prawitz (2022), Home, Sweet Home: Returns to Returning in the Age of Mass Migration,  CEPR Discussion Paper No. 17668.


Andersson-Skog, Lena, Oskar Broberg, Rodney Edvinsson, Kerstin Enflo, Kristina Lilja (eds.) (2020) Vad är ekonomisk historia? Studentlitteratur. IBSN 9789144132945 .

Enflo, Kerstin (2008)  Regional and Industrial Growth Patterns in 20th Century Western Europe, Lund Studies in Economic History (46). Dissertation.

Book chapters: 

Kerstin Enflo, Jari Ojala, Jan-Peter Gustafsson (2023) United and divided: Early modern economic history in Finnish and Swedish academic literature. In Miia Kuha  and Petri Karonen  (eds.) Swedish and Finnish Historiographies of the Swedish Realm, c. 1520–1809. Shared Past, Different Interpretations?  London, Routledge 

Enflo, Kerstin and Martin Henning (2022) Ekonomiska skillnader mellan svenska regioner under efterkrigstiden. In Grundel, Ida (eds.) Regioner och regional utveckling i en föränderlig tid, Svenska sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi, Ymer årgång 142. 

Enflo, Kerstin and Anna Missiaia (2019) Regional GDP before GDP: a methodological survey on historical regional accounts. In: Molema, M. and S. Svensson. Regional Economic and Policy History. Routledge Regions & Cities Series, forthcoming. 

Enflo, Kerstin (2018) Finland’s regional GDPs 1880-2010: estimates, sources and interpretations, in The Economic Development of Europe's Regions A Quantitative History Since 1900 (eds. Nikolaus Wolf, Joan Ramon Roses). Routledge

Enflo, Kerstin, Martin Henning and Lennart Schön (2018) Swedish regional GDP 1855-2000: estimations and general trends in the Swedish regional system, in The Economic Development of Europe's Regions A Quantitative History Since 1900 (eds. Nikolaus Wolf , Joan Ramon Roses). Routledge

Enflo, Kerstin and Martin Henning (2016) The development of economic growth and inequality among the Swedish regions 1860–2010, chapter 7, in Structural Analysis and the Process of Economic Development, Routledge


Enflo, Kerstin (2021) Bas Leeuwen, Robert C. M. Philips, and Erik Buyst, eds., An economic history of regional industrializationEconomic History Review, 7 pages 863-864

Enflo, Kerstin (2019) Varför har ojämlikheten ökat och varför har väljarna accepterat det?, recension av  Göran Therborn, Kapitalet, överheten och alla vi andra – Klassamhället i Sverige – det rådande och det kommande, Tidskriften Respons 1/2019

Enflo, Kerstin (2017) Det trygga livet i väst kan raseras, recension av  Branko Milanovic , Global ojämlikhet – Nya perspektiv i globaliseringens tidevarv, Tidskriften Respons 5/2017

Enflo, Kerstin, Eric Schneider, Matthias Morys and Markus Lampe (2017) Review of periodical literature on continental Europe from 1700 published in 2013, Economic History Review, Volume 70, Issue3, Pages E1-E45


Enflo, Kerstin (2024) Historiska exempel på industripolitik i Sverige. I Industrisatsningarna i norra Sverige: Ett kunskapsunderlag för vägledning av djupare analys från Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien. IVA rapport 13 juni. 

Enflo, Kerstin, Tobias Karlsson, Jakob Molinder (2019) Från Sundsvall till Saltsjöbaden – ett regionalt perspektiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, Ekonomisk Debatt Vol 47(6)

Enflo, Kerstin Martin Henning, Mattias Wennergren Nousiainen (2016) Urbanisering och ekonomisk utveckling: En översikt över debatten och forskningsmiljöer i Sverige, CRA Working Paper 2016 (5)

Henning, Martin, Jonathan Borggren, Joakim Boström Elias, Kerstin Enflo, Fredrik Lavén (2016) Strukturomvandling och automatisering: Konsekvenser på regionala arbetsmarknader, CRA-Center för regional analys-GU

Enflo, Kerstin (2016) Regional ojämlikhet i Sverige. En historisk analys. SNS Analys nr 33.

Berger, Thor, Kerstin Enflo (2014) Infrastruktursatsningar och lokal ekonomisk tillväxt − vad kan vi lära av historien? Ekonomisk Debatt Vol 42(5)