Postsecondary Advising Toolkit

Welcome to Kentucky Advising Academy's Advising Toolkit!

This toolkit is designed to be a resource hub for all advisors in Kentucky. This toolkit includes a comprehensive collection of tools and resources that will help advisors gain a better understanding of foundational elements of effectively advising high school students. In particular, advisors can use the toolkit to gain more insight into topics such as career and academic advising, student development, student belonging, and more. By utilizing the resources in this toolkit, advisors will be able to provide better guidance to their students, helping them to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors.

Learn more about the KAA, including how you can get involved, here.

Access our NEW Start Here Guides: 

Help students identify potential career paths, find job opportunities, and gain skills for success.

Explore options after high school, including military, college, and career opportunities. Find additional resources about early postsecondary opportunities, CTE pathways, and college match and fit.

Explore options after high school, including military, college, and career opportunities. Find additional resources about CTE pathways, and college match and fit.

Support students in their journey to becoming financially literate. Explore various financial aid opportunities to help make college affordable such as grants, scholarships, and other forms of financial assistance. 

Build students' networks and sense of belonging through identity formation activities and find opportunities to strengthen professional and social support networks to help students succeed and achieve their goals.

Learn more about leveraging data in advising and explore the various data resources to support advising efforts.