Postsecondary Opportunities

Postsecondary opportunities, such as career and technical programs, apprenticeship programs, vocational and trade schools, colleges, universities, and community colleges, can help students gain the credentials they need to launch their careers. 

Where can I learn more?

You can explore more topics related to postsecondary opportunities below. 

Explore educational programs, general admissions requirements, and pathway resources.

Find tools and resources to support students with college applications.

Discover other opportunities after high school. 

Discover other opportunities after high school. 

Get students involved in early postsecondary opportunities and help them gain access to college credits and real-world experiences. 

Help guide students to find what postsecondary opportunity and institution best fits their needs and interests.

Postsecondary Opportunities Quick Guides

Check out these quick guides developed by the KAA team for students, families, and practitioners. 

Researching Colleges.png
Benefits of PS Credentials (1 of 2).png
Benefits of PS Credentials (2 of 2).png
Match and Fit.png
Enrolling in College (1 of 4).png
Enrolling in College What is Next (2 of 4).png
Enrolling in College What to Expect (3 of 4).png
Enrolling in College Resources (4 of 4).png
Types of Colleges (1 of 2).png
Types of Workforce Training (2 of 2).png
Glossary of Terms.docx
Dual Credit and AP Comparison.pdf
Early Postsecondary Opportunities Program Chart.png
SAT and ACT Comparison.pdf
Military Options.png

GEAR UP Kentucky 

Check out Kentucky's GEAR UP 4 SUCCESS F.A.C.E.S courses for grades 9-12 to help students prepare for college, career, and beyond!