*Become A Instructor!!!

KY Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons License Instructors Course 

(16Hrs. /2 Day- Course Cost is $150.00)

(Register Now)

        We offer this training to qualified individuals wishing to become a certificated CCDW instructor in Kentucky.  



Length of class:



The candidates must have a valid Kentucky CCDW permit.


A 2 day class (16 hours classroom time, 2 hours Range time)

A fully operational, quality handgun, Ammunition: 50 rounds, Handgun, Hearing & eye protection, Comfortable & appropriate clothing, Firearm must be cased and unloaded, an open mind and a great attitude.

This course teaches the CCDW class from the instructor's perspective. The main topics covered in the class are:

 Anyone who becomes a Carrying Concealed Instructor for KY through Kentucky Concealed Defense Academy,LLC will automatically become an Affiliate Instructor of KYCDA.   KYCDA highly recommends any and all Statewide CCDW Trainers and Instructors join our National Organization NACCI founded in Kentucky !!!  Please visit the website.  www.accdwky.com to understand our mission and purpose. Membership Only $25.00/year!