Cannot Resist

Commandant was right; if I act like I’m not a soldier, the foolish Westerners wouldn’t bat an eye at me. If I act like I’m one of the worthless worms of my country, looking to the Westerners for their worthless help, they would be none the wiser. It was also foolish of them to leave their weapons and firearm near me with their backs turned to this cot they set me on. I can only imagine how many lured kids were here before me, lying waiting for the O so gracious help the Westerners provide. Disappointments to the East, all of them.

It was difficult to make myself break my ribs with my rifle to slip in through the Westerners under the guise of a helpless worm, but it was worth the effort. They never looked twice over me when the others were out smiling about at the “grace” of the Western soldiers. Why would they consider someone as young as me as one of the militia? Such prejudices would soil the face of the West, and that wouldn’t be good for them, would it? Perfect opportunity to wipe them out from the inside out. Sure, the mission was to kill as many as possible, but I have a better idea; taking out their Commandant.

After taking off the sidearm from an idly standing soldier outside the tent with the Worms, it wasn’t hard to follow the voices of the highest-ranking officer in the area. I remembered his tone of voice and mannerisms from when he came around to continue seducing the glory of the West onto the stains, old and kind. It’s the kind of facadé many before him had used before to compel forces to convert to the enemy’s side, Commandant had told us. The fact Commandant reveals the secrets of this compelling method makes him trustworthy.

I wasn’t ready to be madder than I already was with the West when I pushed aside the canvas of their tent. Why is the younger talking with his Commandant like they were friends?! Why isn’t his Commandant stomping his guts out for blatant disregard for the chain of command?! This is EXACTLY why the West is a stain on the world; such inconsideration for the misery they put my people through! The Commandant has some years on him, he should know better! Why isn’t he committing himself to the life of war he brought himself into?!

One check on the magazine of the pistol, and the fools had it fully loaded with small calibres. It was much easier to raise it and aim it since the ones at home were much heavier. It was also easier to pull the trigger back and send the young one to hell. Why is his Commandant not shooting at me, despite the fact his subordinate is lying dead on the ground? He might as well have given me a clear shot to send him to hell with his subordinate. The second shot was easier than the first, after having compensated for the kickback of these Western pistols. Crap, the others are coming. I need hide, or maybe even shelter. Crap, someone’s- His gun packs more punch than mine. I coul- No, wait, he’s actually pulling the-