
Currently I have four opportunities for you to work with me 1-1:

60 Minute Health Call 

60 Minute Health Call | $75

** This option is for the woman who is already very knowledgeable in holistic healing practices and desires to gain clarity in her self-created plan.

1 Month Gut Healing Protocol 

1 Month | $299

**This option is for the woman who desires support in creating an individualized, supportive plan for healing.

3 Month Gut Healing Protocol 

3 Months | $777

**This option is for the woman who desires more guidance and accountability in her healing journey.

6 Month Gut Healing Protocol 

6 Months | $1,499

**This option is for the woman who has been dealing with gut health issues for a long time and desired to get to the root of the "dis-ease" with testing.**


Listening to Your Gut: Mindset 101

4 Weeks | $99 

**This course is for the woman who is tired of feeling like she has no way out of the rinse and repeat lifestyle and wants to make long lasting change(s) with her nutrition, fitness, relationships, or career.**

Click HERE to join the course!