Our Mission

   At Kelly B Holistic Wellness our mission is to serve women by focusing on the whole being.  We focus on the mind, body & soul in order to help you create long-lasting health & wellness so you can live your life to the fullest.  Getting to know you is most important in ensuring your needs are being met, and this starts the day we meet.  Together we will pinpoint the root cause of your discomfort and create a plan for healing that is effective and sustainable.


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Your Health Matters

Our Core Values

Whole Body Approach – the mind, body & soul are assessed and play an equal role in the healing process

Knowledge – the learning from rigorous coursework and research is present in all that I do

Optimal Health – living life free of discomfort and with the ability to accomplish any task desired

Compassion – Listening intently and with a dual lens (client and practitioner view) to deeply understand the client while also determining   supportive methods to help her heal