Comp H | Emerging Technologies

Demonstrate proficiency in identifying, using, and evaluating current and

emerging information and communication technologies

Section A | Definition of Competency

Competency H has been the central point of my online Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) study, consistently identifying, using, and evaluating current and emerging information and communication technologies (ICT). ICT are the standard in information professional work and spaces with a significant impact and expectation. The information professional and environment “value and relevance [are] dependent on [their] ability to identify and effectively adapt to new technologies and the influence it has on how society engages and communicates with both technology and information” (Hirsh, 2015). Digital media hubs and enhancing digital literacy are opportunities for many organizations and professionals to meet community needs for information access and bridge digital divide concerns.

ICT offered an educational opportunity for this Canadian in Treaty 13 Toronto to complete an MLIS with fellow students and faculty located around the world and virtually centralized at a San José State University, California. The impact is global.

Section B | Background to the Competency

Majority of my courses selected and completed in this information and library science study have included Competency H and emphasises the importance of the emerging technologies and the impact on the information environment and profession.

Courses that include competency H syllabi:

o INFO 203 Online Learning - Canvas, WordPress, widgets, RSS Feed, web conferencing and instant messaging, Google Suite

o INFO 298 Peer Mentoring - INFO 203 ICT and Zoom, Animoto, Screencast

o INFO 240 Information Technology Tools and Applications - HTML5, CSS3, XML, JavaScript, PHP, Web 2.0 tech

o INFO 287 Problem Solving with Data - Unix, R, Python, Notepad++

o INFO 246 MySQL - MySQL database

o INFO 246 Information Visualization - Tableau, Google My Maps, Fusion Tables, word cloud

o INFO 287 Digital Libraries - Google Sheets, Airtime

o INFO 284 Oral History - Zoom, Otter, SoundCloud, YouTube

In addition to these courses, and persistently learning new technologies through work and volunteer efforts, evidence of knowledge of current and emerging ICT and their impact on information professionals and environments is demonstrated in INFO 203 blog and INFO 298 reflection assignment.

Section C | Discussion of Evidence

INFO 203 | Info Prose

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As the Info Prose WordPress blog theme explains “this workspace and knowledge exchange is designed to understand and demonstrate social media networking for INFO 203” (Buchanan, 2021). However, this blog has been used persistently for URL linked evidence in this ePortfolio. Info Prose is a workspace exploring beyond blogposts and includes browsing terms, video widgets, and current social media links as well as monitored for new managing features and resolve broken links. For example, replacing a screencast software that is no longer available with the original transcript of the recording.

Through my studies of using and designing with current and emerging ICT, I have learnt the advantages and limitations of all these languages and software including with WordPress. Realizing each theme has specific design features and capacities, I have altered the site three times since inception with occasional formatting adjustments based on appearance and function. Info Prose serves as evidence for competency H of understanding blog functions over 5 years and the persistent changes to technology with replacement of emerging trends requiring monitoring systems as well as routine engagement.

INFO 298 | Reflection Assignment

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This reflection on my Peer Mentor experience includes verifications of competency H through a “Zoom group presentation on library student and professional groups, designing the teacher interface in Canvas for INFO 203 - Steiner 2 class, and managing the RSS feed for student blog posts to appear on the interface as well” (Buchanan, 2019). The experience of preparing an online learning management system such as Canvas and web presentations is a growing demand for information professionals designing programs to reach clients and create a more accessible platform. ICT includes automated and editable transcription software and other features for learners and educators with disabilities to participate in an accessible design. ICT bridges gaps to a preferable level of access.

Section D | Conclusion

For competency H current and emerging ICT were listed, discussed, and demonstrated through evidence of identifying, using, and evaluating through design. Understanding there are continued issues of accessibility as well as assuring privacy through AI and the growing trend of online storytelling on various platforms. ICT creates an impact of intentional adaptation within our environment and our minds.

Section E | References

Buchanan, K. (2019). Reflection Assignment: learning to peer mentor [Unpublished assignment]. San José State University.

Buchanan, K. (2021). Info Prose. Retrieved from

Hirsh, S. (2015). The Transformative Information Landscape. In S. Hirsh (Ed.), Information services today: An introduction (pp. 3-9). Lanham, MD:

Rowman & Littlefield