Keith Violette's Projects

My family and our friends the Schertle's have started Air Rocket Works LLC to provide the highest quality educational toys for hands on learning. We're even a certified supplier for NASA & ULA! We've worked with The Tech Museum of Innovation, Boston Science Museum, Explo, SEE Science Center, etc.

Wow, have we been to a lot of these!

NYC World Maker Faire 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016

Bay Area Maker Faire 2017

NH Maker Faire 2013-2017

Washington DC Maker Faire 2015

York Maine Mini-Maker Faire 2018

It has been my privilege to work on the LUKE arm team since 2009, and at DEKA since Sept. 2007. As most projects at DEKA are highly guarded, I can only speak about projects that are now public knowledge.

(a.k.a. "The Basement")

The quote I usually use to explain this to people is: "I'm a tool-aholic and my wife is an enabler"

Our collection of machinery and tools has grown to suit the size of the space we have available, and somewhat beyond that.


This is the boat that is named after our vacuum cleaner for a very good reason...

And several other fun projects my family and I have worked on.

We tend to take family adventures at least once a year. They often combine work and play, such as our trip to NASA in Florida, our trip to San Francisco for the Bay Area Maker Faire, or our frequent trips to my parent's lake house in Maine

Sometimes I work on projects that most interest me, these are some of those projects.

Mentoring Team #426, Zombie Attack Counter Task Force - a traditional FRC Team made up an of international collaboration

I sometimes get asked for advice about making, and often jump right in and help family & friends with their projects. Here are a few I have worked on recently.