Keishi Nomura


My name is Keishi Nomura (野村圭史). I am an assistant professor at Toyo University.

I have conducted research in the fields of informatics, communication studies, and quantitative psychology (psychological statistics).

When loosely clustered in terms of the objects they deal with, my past and ongoing research can be summarized as follows:

Theoretically, I base my research on the systematicity, historicity, uniqueness, and singularity of knowledge and knowledge media (→ library science), while also practically standing on formalization that maintains the generality and pseudo-manipulability of k nowledge and knowledge media (→ informatics). Specifically focusing on representations such as images for academic use (theme 1), mathematical models (theme 2), and social media posts (theme 3), the key principle is to address communication-related issues with a technical rather than speculative approach (theme 4). The ultimate goal is to consider possible interventions in the actual knowledge production process, though progress in this regard is currently limited.


Department of Media and Communication  [link]
Faculty of Sociology [link]
Toyo Univesity [link]


Psychological Statistics Laboratory, Department of Integrated Educational Sciences, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo [link]

Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University [link]

Affective Computing Laboratory, NTT Communication Science Laboratories (virtually at the University of Tsukuba) [link]

Yotsumoto Laboratory, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo [link]


2024.6 日本行動計量学会第52回大会特別セッション「比較型心理測定の統計モデルと尺度構成技術」を共同でオーガナイズします(Sep 10–13@大阪経済大学).

2024.4 I have assumed the position of assistant professor in the Department of Media and Communication at the Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University. I will strive even harder in my research and teaching endeavors.

2024.2 I gave an oral presentation at AMPC (Feb 79@Perth, Australia).

2023.11 My collaborator, Mizuki Kobayashi, received Best Presenter Award from JPA Early Career Psychologists Network. [link]

2023.7 Our paper entitled "Longitudinal analysis of social isolation effects on finger tapping in the Blursday database" has been accepted to Scientific Reports. [link]

2023.3 複雑な構造をもつデータに対する多変量解析法に関する研究会にて口頭発表しました (Mar 10@統計数理研究所).

2022.7 I gave an oral presentation at MathPsych (July 23–27@Toronto, Canada).

2022.7 I gave an oral presentation at IMPS (July 11–15@Bologna, Italy)

2022.2 I gave an oral presentation at IASC-ARS (Feb 21–24@Kyoto, Japan)

2021.11 共著論文が『心理学研究』に掲載されました. [link]

2021.8 日本行動計量学会第49回大会特別セッション「心理学におけるモデリングアプローチの展開Ⅲ」にて口頭発表を行いました (Aug 31–Sep 2@Zoom).

2021.7 東京大学バーチャルリアリティ教育研究センター主催の先端VRドクトラルシンポジウムにて招待講演を行いました (July 16@Zoom). [link]

2021.6 Our paper entitled "Interpersonal physiological synchrony is associated with first person and third person subjective assessments of excitement during cooperative joint tasks" has been accepted to Scientific Reports. [link]

2021.3 I completed the Science Interpreter Training Program at the University of Tokyo.

2020.9 日本計算機統計学会若手セミナーの研究発表セッションにて口頭発表しました (Sep 6–7@Zoom).

2020.7 I will receive support (2,160,000JPY in total) for my PhD study from the Nakabe Scholarship Foundation. [link]

2020.4 I have started my PhD study under the supervision of Dr. Kensuke Okada, with support from Research Fellowships of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists (DC1), which covers stipend 2,400,000JPY and research grant 1,000,000JPY per year. [link]

2020.3 I was awarded a master's degree in arts and sciences from Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo

2020.3 I received Outstanding Graduate Student Award from Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences for my master thesis.

2019.8 Our paper entitled "Multitask item response models for response bias removal from affective ratings" has been accepted to ACII 2019 (Sep 3–6@Cambridge, United Kingdom)

2019.8–2020.1 I studied psychology at Stockholm University as an exchange student, with support from Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO) Outbound Scholarship.

2019.7 I gave a poster presentation at CogSci (July 24–27@Montreal, Canada)

2019.7 I gave a poster presentation at MathPsych (July 19–22@Montreal, Canada).

2018.11 東京大学フューチャーファカルティプログラムにおける優秀模擬授業者の一人として,「Yanny or Laurel? 〜音の錯覚から迫る知覚の個人差」という題でミニレクチャーを行いました. [link]

2018.9 I gave a poster presentation at Japanese Human Brain Imaging Meeting (Sep 7–8@玉川大学).

2018.7 I completed UTokyo Future Faculty Program.

2018.5 I gave a poster presentation at VSS, with support from Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences for travel expenses 200,000JPY  (May 18–23@Florida, USA).

2018.2 I gave a poster presentation at the 4th CiNet Conference (Feb 26–28@Osaka).

2018.2 Our paper entitled "Failure to Replicate the Increased Temporal Resolution Induced by Images That Give Impression of Danger" has been accepted to Japanese Psychological Research. [link]

2018.1 日本視覚学会冬季大会でポスター発表しました (Jan 17–19@工学院大学).

2017.12 I received the 7th prize in the 9th Illusion Contest (Dec 2Ritsumeikan University). [link]

2017.10 I gave a poster presentation at 1st Annual Conference of the Timing Research Forum, with support from the Science of Mental Time for travel expenses 200,000JPY (Oct 23–25@Strasbourg, France).

2017.10 I gave a poster presentation at UTIDAHM Symposium (Oct 14@UTokyo).

2017.9 I gave a poster presentation at International Symposium on the Science of Mental Time (Sep 12–13@Nara, Japan).