
2020.4–2024.3 Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

                             Major: Psychological Statistics (Supervisor: Kensuke Okada)

2019.4–2020.3 MSc, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

                           Major: Cognitive Science (Supervisor: Yuko Yotsumoto)

2014.4–2018.3 BSc, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

                           Major: Psychology and Neuroscience (Supervisor: Yuko Yotsumoto)

Education In Other Institutions

2019.8–2020.1 Courses in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden  

Job History

2024.4–Present Assistant Professor, Toyo University

2023.4–2024.3 Part-time Lecturer, Senshu University

2023.4–2024.3 Specially Appointed Researcher, The University of Tokyo

2020.4–2023.3 Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

2018.10–2021.3 Internship, Sensory Resonance Research Group, Human Information Science Laboratory, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation [link]

Teaching Experience

2024.4–Present 東洋大学社会学部助教(担当科目:「メディアコミュニケーション学基礎演習」「社会学基礎演習」「メディアコミュニケーション学演習」「メディア研究のためのデータ分析」)

2023.4–2024.3 専修大学人間科学部兼任講師「(担当科目:心理学実験演習/心理学研究法」「卒業論文」)

2023.9–2024.1 専修大学人間科学部兼任講師(担当科目:「心理学データ解析基礎2」)

2023.4–2023.7 専修大学人間科学部兼任講師(担当科目:「心理学データ解析基礎1(心理学統計法)」)

2018.4–8 東京大学教養学部ティーチングアシスタント(担当科目:「初年次ゼミナール文科」「適応行動論」)





Society for Mathematical Psychology


2023.11 Best Presenter Award (second place; received as a collaborator), Presentation Contest for Undergraduates and High School Students held by JPA Early Career Psychologists Network at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association [link]

2020.3 Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Life Sciences, Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo

2017.12 9th Illusion Contest Award, Japanese Psychonomic Society [link]

Reviewer Assignments

JMIR mHealth and uHealth


Kumano, S., & Nomura, K. RESPONSE STYLE COMPONENT REMOVAL DEVICE, RESPONSE STYLE COMPONENT REMOVAL METHOD, AND PROGRAM. US Patent Pub. No.: US 2022/0335455 A1 (Pub. Date: October 20th, 2022) [link]


2020.4–2023.3 日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業特別研究員奨励費 総額310万円(研究課題名:判断行動における個人差・集団差の理解のための認知モデルの構築)

2020.4–2023.3 公益財団法人中部奨学会支給奨学金(年額72万円を3年間にわたり支給)

2019.8–12 日本学生支援機構(JASSO)2019年度海外留学支援制度奨学金

2018.5 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻「博士・修士課程学生のための国際研究集会渡航助成」20万円

2017.10 新学術領域「こころの時間学」若手研究者支援 20万円