Knowledge Extraction from Games Workshop

Thanks to all participants of Knowledge Extraction from Games 2018. We have the talks archived on YouTube:

You can find all of the papers from KEG-2018 here: 2018 Accepted Papers

You can find the 2018 Call for Papers here

Welcome to the first Knowledge Extraction from Games (KEG) workshop at the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18).

KEG is a new workshop exploring the mechanical extraction of knowledge from games meant for humans---including but not limited to game rules, character graphics or audio, environment maps, high-level goals or heuristic strategies, transferrable skills, aesthetic standards and conventions, or abstracted models of games.

Important Dates:

  • October 22: Submissions due to organizers (via EasyChair)
  • November 9: Notifications to authors
  • November 16: Return camera-ready papers to organizers
  • February 2: Workshop

Please see the full call for papers for more details.

Questions? Please feel free to reach out to the conference organizers: Joe, Adam, and Matthew.