Represent Yourself

April 14, 2024

I will have a lot to say about representing yourself throughout this website. The bottom line is that until I learned how to represent myself I was losing. It's not that you have to represent yourself, but even if you have a good attorney, you still must have a basic understanding of the legal process relative to your case. You must know where you are going and how to get there even if someone else is driving. This one thing turned everything around for me and maybe saved my life. 

I'll share a lot more about this later. For now, I want to share a resource that greatly helped me. I still study it over and over today, two years after my case was closed. Legal knowledge is simply a must in today's world even if the issue is other than your domestic matter. Note: I do receive a referral fee for sharing this. I don't even know what it is. What I do know is that what I learned here gave me the knowledge and confidence to stay in the battle until I got my son back. More later.