Online Help

During my five year long trauma, the internet became my best friend. I found so much help here. Everything from "how to's" to just encouragement to "keep breathing" for five more minutes. (I really did just live 5 minutes at a time for a very long time.) 

So, here I'll be sharing links to people and information that I have found to be very helpful. Even though some of these are links to a single video or post, I encourage you to search for more by the same originator and subscribe where you can.


Cordell & Cordell is a family law firm focused on divorce for men, child support, child custody, and all other family law practice areas. (A YouTube Channel) - Note: These people have been extremely helpful. Really great!

Dad'sDivorce - (a YouTube Channel)

Divorce and Your Money - (a YouTube Channel)

5 Clever Tips To Win Over Your Child Custody Judge! (Command the Courtroom) A very helpful attorney who makes easy to listen to video presentations.

The Proper Person (a YouTube channel) - an invaluable resource for me by someone who represented himself for 8 years and eventually not only got full custody of his child but got the other parent's parental rights terminated. 

Divorce Attorney's #1 Tip for Men Going Through Divorce: Keep Your Cool (AskTheLawyers™)

Divorce & Domestic Violence Be Prepared for What Comes Up in Court (Brad Michael Micklin) - a divorce attorney

How to Prove Parental Alienation in Court (Brian T. Mayer, Esq.)

When It's Time To Hire A Lawyer - How Do You Select One on Your Behalf. (Child Support Made Simple)

End Parental Alienation - (A YouTube Channel) Note: I learned a lot here!

Information you need to protect your rights in family court (Make sure you subscribe to the channel)

Jurisdictionary - How to Represent Yourself (See my link for the course on my page "Represent Yourself")

LawShelf (a YouTube Channel) Note: very educational

LegalYou (a YouTube Channel) Note: Educational

Rebecca Zung (a YouTube Channel) - mastering the art of high conflict communication

RyanThomasSpeaks (a YouTube Channel) - helpful with parental alienation

The Anti-Alienation Project (a YouTubeChannel) - very good!

Other Resources

Best Interest of the Child Checklist from Command the Courtroom