My Story

I'll keep it short.

On June 1, 2017, my wife of 31 years took our four youngest children (3 minors and 1 disabled adult), to visit her family on the other side of the world “for the summer.” She never returned.

I spent the next five years fighting for my children and went through six attorneys, six judges, two jurisdictions, tens of thousands of dollars, and a campaign of alienation by my wife which led to my (still) being alienated from ten of our eleven children.

Additionally, I was falsely but publicly accused of domestic violence by my wife and even sexual molestation of some of our children by two of those children.

However, as bad as that all sounds, nothing prepared me for the absolute neglect, if not abuse or even malpractice by most of the attorneys I was paying to help me get my children back.

In the end, which came in August 2022, (if there is an end to stuff like this) you might say I “won” (if there is a “win” in something like this).

It has been a story almost too terrible to tell, even after “winning.” Yet I have been urged to tell it by others who have suffered similarly and know something of my journey. And so I will, if only to give someone else hope.

I've chosen to name this site "Keep Breathing" as inspired by the Tom Hanks character in the movie "Cast Away:"

"I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"

For many, many days and nights after I lost my family, this is all I could do..."keep breathing," and tell my self "who knows what the tide could bring?"