I just won a seemingly impossible fight this way. I calmly nuked the enemy with a fireball, then gently closed the doors. Brute coming through? I said "EEASYyy there big fellow... just relax" and closed the door. His friends rushed over, opening the door. I just gently closed it again in their faces.

According to insurance and automotive groups, more than 11,000 accidents occur each year in which a vehicle ends up in the water. An estimated 300 people drown each year in their car or truck, many of them needlessly.Emergency personnel often conduct drills on water rescue techniques, but most experts say that if a driver wants to survive a crash into water, it is up to him or her to have a plan.The most important thing is stay calm, according to Jason Morss, a firefighter/paramedic with the Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue Department in southern Florida. \"Staying calm absolutely is the number one priority,\" Morss says. \"Once you lose that control you pretty much lose everything else.\" In most water crashes, a vehicle will float for a period of time before the weight of the engine pulls the vehicle under. This should allow the driver enough time to calmly follow the procedures that can get him out alive. \"When things go wrong under water, there's not time for any second chances,\" says Morss. \"You have one brief opportunity to get the seatbelt off and get either the window down or the door open and get out of the vehicle.\"Following is the procedure Morss and other safety experts recommend following if your car should crash into water: Unbuckle your seatbelt. The first thing to do after impact is unbuckle your seatbelt. Try to open a window. As the vehicle begins to fill with water, the first exit to try is through a window. Don't worry if the window is electric: experts say power windows usually keep working under water for some time. If the windshield shatters, use that as an exit. If you can't open a window, wait to open the door. When a vehicle enters the water, it can be hard to open the door because of the water pressure pushing on it from outside. If you can't open a window, calmly wait for the water level inside the car to rise so the pressure equalizes and you can open the door. Get a child out first. If you are with a child, get them out of their car seat and push them through the window or door. Then get out yourself and follow them to the surface.

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Does your pup go crazy every time someone comes to the door? In many households, the sound of the doorbell or knock often triggers loud barking and an overly excited dog. However, with training and patience, you can teach your dog to remain calm when guests arrive. Control the chaos by changing what the dog associates with a ding-dong or a knock on the door and rewarding good behavior.

Normally, family just walks in but guests ring the doorbell. This leads to extra excitement because the sound of the doorbell means that a new and exciting person has come to visit. To help your pup be better behaved when the doorbell rings, family members should ring the doorbell when they come home and calmly enter once the pup is quiet. If you are already home when another family member comes home, then you can go to the door and practice the sit and stay before letting the family member in.

One of the things the dogs got excited for was being let out into the backyard. I set up my camera to film another video on how to teach a dog to stay calm and in a sit as someone opens the door. You can learn how to train a dog to wait at the door by watching the free positive dog training video below.

Once the dogs are able to stay calm and in a sit as the door is completely opened, then the guardians can start bringing the best two dogs together and practicing communally. When two dogs can do this successfully, they can add in a third dog and build up to all four dogs sitting at the door waiting for their release cue.

Our kitchen prepares nearly 100,000 meals each year. In 2022, we distributed 439,780 pounds of food to those in need and collected 278,886 pounds of clothing. Our programs provided 20,353 nights of shelter to those in need. Our Samaritan House Crisis Center kept its doors open 24 hours a day from November to March to keep people safe from frigid temperatures. 

There are many ways that you can continue to help us! You or your group can host a food drive, lend a hand in our kitchen, lead a prayer service for our guests or help us serve meals. We could also use your service in our clothing room. To volunteer, please email our team at volunteer@opendoormission.com. 

Elevator entrapments can be very stressful, as many people might panic due to claustrophobia or become anxious or irate due to the delay. In order to avoid potential injury, do not try to climb out of the elevator or force open the doors, remain calm and wait for help to arrive. Here are some guidelines for safety if you ever become stuck in an elevator.

Most garage door openers have an automatic trolley. If your door has one, the process of reconnecting the garage door with the opener is simple. All you have to do is reset your garage door after the power outage is over.

Although many elevators doors are provided with protective edges designed to reopen when touched, they should be treated like any moving equipment. Contact should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. It is also important to enter and exit quickly. Press or ask another passenger to press the door open button (reversing the doors) to allow a slow mover the time to enter or exit. Stand clear, let the doors close and keep both yours and your children's hands and clothing away from the doors.

If you do encounter a flying bat in your house, try to stay calm. Reassure yourself that the bat is also afraid of humans. Resist the urge to chase it or catch it. Never hit a flying bat with an object. Instead, open a window and close the door. (Be sure to remove any pets.). The bat will likely fly outside.

I live in an apartment and want to try this. But I think my dog would know that I was out in the hall and not stop barking. But if I go down two flights of stairs and out the door and she calms down I might not make it back up in time to reward her.

If you're having trouble slowly transitioning your cat to a happy life indoors, it may be better to go "cold turkey." Letting your cat outdoors occasionally may only reinforce their pestering behaviors, so keep them indoors all the time.

The Anti-Cruelty Society is a private, independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit that relies on the generosity of our donors and supporters. We are committed to an open door philosophy that provides care and compassion for any animal in need.

If you opt not to use or are unable to install space management tools like gates, make sure your dog is on a leash under your control, crated, in their puppy zone, or in a different room with the door closed whenever you open the door.

Watch this quick video to see Mary Berry the Mini Goldendoodle puppy practice Sit-Stay at the sliding door. Here I'm using a clicker to tell her that holding the Sit is what's getting her the treat, but you do not need a clicker to practice this behavior if you haven't been using one (just follow the steps above). I click for the sit, holding the sit while the door opens and closes, and then I tell her it's okay to go through the door with her release cue "okay!":

As you and your dog practice this behavior, you'll notice that your dog will start to sit at every closed door they encounter. They'll think they have the magic power of making doors open simply by putting their rear on the floor!

Teaching your dog to go to their bed on cue (or "go to place," or "go to mat") is useful for a variety of situations beyond just door dashing. It's great for keeping your dog from jumping on guests, preventing them from being underfoot in the kitchen while cooking, and settling in their designated spot gives them something to do other than beg at the table while you're eating dinner.

Set yourself up for success! You'll want to teach your dog the "Go to Bed" cue without the distraction of an open door first. Watch this video by Kikopup to see how easy it is to teach the Go to Bed cue:

After you are done with the big reunion, silently open the door again. If your dog darts out again, let him. Close the door behind him (watching for that tail!) and leave him outside for one minute. When you open the door again, repeat the big fuss.

After the big party, give your dog a few minutes to calm down and then repeat the exercise with the same door. Most dogs refuse to go through the door without permission but a few (often dogs who have a door darting habit) zip out again. Start the clock again at 30 seconds.

After your dog shows he remembers Step Two, have your helper open the door and walk through it. Be ready! About half of all dogs follow the helper right out the door. If your dog follows the helper, just step on the line as you shut the door.

There is nothing scarier than to see your deaf dogs running ahead of you toward a door that was accidentally left or blown open. With just a little bit of work every day you can condition your dog to understand that an open door is *not* an invitation to go through it.

If you do sit-stays and down-stays in obedience, practice them at home in doorways. Put the dog on a long lead drag line (and be ready to grab it or step on it if he bolts!). Put him in a stay a few feet away from the door and open it. Walk in and out. Walk away from the door behind the dog (close to the line so you can step on it), so the dog is between you and the door. Praise him profusely if he maintains the stay.

New beekeepers usually have a tough time keeping their bees calm during inspections. My students often wonder why their colony, which was so defensive when they inspected it two weeks ago, is now positively angelic work my way through it. The simple answer is that I have had much more practice, but there are other factors involved in honey bee temperament. Read on for insights into what may be agitating your hive and how to avoid it. ff782bc1db

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