Mailing address:

Dept of Theoretical Physics

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

1 Homi Bhabha Road

Colaba, Mumbai 400005 INDIA

Phone: +91 22 22782213

email: kedar at theory dot tifr  dot res dot in

I am a member of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, a member of the Infosys-Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Center, and an Associate of the International Center for Theoretical Sciences

The interplay of strong inter-particle interactions, quantum entanglement, and quenched randomness can lead to many interesting low temperature phenomena in condensed matter systems, which form the focus of my work. Liquid-like highly entangled states of <<frustrated>>' quantum magnets with competing interactions is one example of current interest. Some of our work employs computational and analytical studies of relatively simple model systems to capture key aspects of this physics and develop some insight. Another strand of our work analyzes the phenomenology of particular materials to understand their underlying physics in relatively tractable terms. A third strand of work involves the development of efficient Monte Carlo algorithms for such systems. Other interests include the physics of quantum devices, statistical mechanics of random systems, and stochastic dynamics. 

All this work is enabled by generous funding and infrastructural support from the Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, and by my affiliation with the  Infosys-Chandrasekharan Random Geometry Center and association with the International Center for Theoretical Sciences. Additional support for condensed matter physics @ TIFR is also available from the Infosys Endowment for Condensed Matter Physics @ TIFR

Recent publications (2021-)

Selected publications (2005-20)

Book-length contribution to National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)

Ideas and Methods in Condensed Matter Theory, Kedar Damle (2013)

Full publication list
