Ke-hsien Huang


      Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, 2023.8-
      Deputy Director, the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS), National Science and Technology Council, 2024.1-

      Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, 2018.8-2023.7

      Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, 2014.8-2018.7

      Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of the Study of Religious Diversity, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany, 2013.8-2014.7


      Sociology, Ph. D. , Northwestern University (2013)

Research Area

        Sociology of Religion, Urban Underclass, Qualitative methods, Microsociology

Research Interest 

       Urban Poverty and Deviance, Religious development in China and Taiwan, State-church relationship



         Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan

         Tel: +886-2-3366-1224



Book (peer-reviewed)

Awarded with (1) Academia Sinica Scholarly Monograph Award, (2) Golden Tripod Award, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, (3) Best Chinese Books of 2022 by OpenBook (4) International Convention of Asian Scholars [ICAS] Book Prize-Chinese edition


 Journal Article (peer-reviewed)

*Huang, Ke-hsien,  Szu-hua Chen, and Yi-ching Huang (2023) Caring for the homeless, caring for oneself: The practices and reflexivity of new-type workers for the homeless. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 124: 1-49 (in Chinese).

*Huang, Ke-hsien (2021) Transnational Religion and Limited Party-Statehood: Reexamining the State-Church Relationship of the Presbyterian Church through Surveillance Document. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 70: 1-76. (in Chinese)

*Huang, Ke-hsien (2021) The Operation and Consequences of the Social Welfare System for the Homeless in Taiwan: The Approach of Street-level Bureaucrat Governance. Taiwanese Sociology 41: 51-94. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2020) Defending Dignity with/as God: Homeless Religious Practices When Interacting with Religious Groups. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 68: 1-59. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2019) Crooks, Laborers, and the Miserable: The Homeless in Taiwan as Subject Acting within Field. Taiwanese Sociology 38: 63-114. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2018) “Restoring Religion through Collective Memory: How Chinese Pentecostals Engage in Mnemonic Practices after the Cultural Revolution,” Social Compass 65(1): 79–96

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2017) Two-Layered Reflexivity of Believers in a Secular Age: Religious Discourse and Religious Experiences among Christian College Students in China. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 61: 1-50. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien. 2017. “Culture Wars in a Globalized East: How Taiwanese Conservative Christianity Turned Public in Same-Sex-Marriage Controversy and Secularist Backlashes,” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4(1): 108-136

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2016) Sect-to-Church Movement in Globalization: Transforming Pentecostalism and Coastal Intermediaries in Contemporary China. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55(2): 407-416. doi: 10.1111/jssr.12257 

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2015) Segmented yet Entangled, Interdependent Faith Revivals: Rural Migrants’ Lived Religion in Urban Chinese Churches. Taiwanese Sociology) 30: 55-98. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2014) Book Review on Overseas Chinese Christian Entrepreneurs in Modern China: A Case Study of the Influence of Christian Ethics on Business Life by Joy Kooi-Chin Tong (London and New York: Anthem Press, 2013), Journal of Chinese Religions, 42(2): 252-254.

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2014) Dyadic Nexus Fighting Two-Front Battles: A Study of the Micro-level Process of Religion-State Relations in China, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53(4):706–721

 * Huang, Ke-hsien (2013) Religious Unpaid Labor in an American Ethnic-Chinese Church as Moral Community: A Durkheimian Reply to Religious Economy. Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies 12(2): 61-82. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2012) Helping Professions and Multidimensional Emotional Labor: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Spouse Services between Social Workers and Lay Helpers in Taiwan. Taiwanese Sociology 24: 99-154. (in Chinese)


Book and Book Chapters ( peer- reviewed)

*Huang, Ke-hsien (2024) Political Struggle, Churches' Authority and Believers' Subjectivity in Hong Kong, in Ho, Ming-sho (ed.) Incomplete Revolution: Hong Kongers' Democrative Movements and Everyday Resistance,. New Taipei: Rive Gauche Publishing House, pp. 217-254. 

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2022) Religious Group Dancing with the Society: Christianity and Social Change in Taiwan, in Chi, Wei-hsien (ed.) Laicization, Cultivation and Translcoality: Sociological Interpretation of Religions in Contemporary Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp. 159-181. (in Chinese)

* Lin, Weiping and Ke-hsien Huang (2022) Introduction, in Lin, Weiping and Ke-hsien Huang (eds.) Ambience Contaminated: Sensory Experiences and the Frontier of Religion. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp.1-35. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2022) Ambient Religion in State-driven Secularism: The Case of Chinese Christian College Students. in Lin, Weiping and Ke-hsien Huang (eds.) Ambience Contaminated: Sensory Experiences and the Frontier of Religion. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp. 39-70. (in Chinese)

*Huang, Ke-hsien (2021). “Chapter 13: Governing Undesirable Religion: Shifting Christian Church-State Interaction.” In Hsu, Szu-chien, Kellee S. Tsai and Chun-chih Chang (ed.) Evolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism. Harvard University Press, pp.  362-386 .

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2021) “Becoming “Patriotic” for God: How Churches Join the State-sanctioned Protestant Organizations.” In Fenggang Yang, Jonathan Pettit and Christopher White (eds.) Religious Groups in the Changing Religious Markets of China: 15 Shades of Gray. Netherlands: Brill, pp. 17-34

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2021)  Evolving Christianity and Social Change in Taiwan: The Typology of Taiwanese Churhces, in Yi, Chin-chun and Kuo-hsien Su (eds.) Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp.65-88. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2021)  Social Engagement, Community Service, and Transnational Evangelism of Taiwanese Churches: The Preliminary Investigation, in Yi, Chin-chun and Kuo-hsien Su (eds.) Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp.247-270. (in Chinese) 

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2018) Emergence and Development of Indigenous Christianity in China: A Class-Culture Approach. In Kuo, Cheng-tien (ed). Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity. Taipei: Chengchi University Press, pp. 153-193

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2018) Culture Wars in a Globalized East: How Taiwanese Conservative Christianity Turned Public in Same-Sex-Marriage Controversy, in Chen, Mei-hua, Hsiu-jun Wang and Yu-ling Huang (eds.) 《欲望性公民:同性親密公民權讀本》, Kaosiung: Chuliu Publishing, pp.229-250. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2017) Shifting cross-strait religious interaction? From Taiwanese factor in developing Chinese Christianity to Chinese factor in developing Taiwanese Christianity, in Wu, Jieh-ming, H. Tsai and C. Cheng (eds.)《吊燈裡的巨蟒:中國因素的作用力與反作用力》, Taipei: Rive Gauche, pp.367-394. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2017) Taming the Spirit by Appropriating Indigenous Culture: An Ethnographic Study of the True Jesus Church as Confucian-Style Pentecostalism. Fenggang Yang, Joy K.C. Tong & Allan H. Anderson (eds.), Global Chinese Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity.  Netherland, Brill, 118-136

Other Works: 

* Huang, Ke-hsien (2021) Religion, in Chen, Chih-jou and Kuo-ming Lin (eds.) Sociology: Taiwanese Persepective. Kaohsiung: Chuliu Publishing, pp. 211-232. (in Chinese)

* Huang, Ke-hsien. 2007. Homeland, Host Country, and Heaven: a large-scale religious conversion to Christianity among the Chinese political refugees in the 1950s. Taipei: Rice Publication. (in Chinese) (adapted from award-winning master thesis of National Taiwan University)

*  Huang, Ke-hsien. 2011, Diaspora, War Memories, and Chinese religiosity: The elective affinity between mainlander Chinese and Christianity, in Li, Kuang-chun ed., Sufferings of Waishengren under the War Regime. Taipei: Socio Publishing, pp.137-171 (in Chinese)